Tuesday 19 September 2017

We need to stop the emotional blackmail and intimidation

I am growing very weary of being bombarded by various groups and individuals telling me how and why I should vote the same way they will in the SSM postal plebiscite. I'm also somewhat dismayed by articles I've read and comments people have made that if their position isn't adopted they will no longer be friends with those who hold an opposing view. Some have even declared they will not even associate with someone who doesn't support them. Seriously how melodramatic and childish is that?

We've always prided ourselves as a society who embraced different opinions and who respected the right of others who differed from us. That is a sign of an intelligent, caring, enlightened, colourful and mature society. But that has changed and not for the better.

I'm proud to acknowledge I have friends and associates within my various circles with whom I don’t share the same beliefs; culturally, politically, environmentally and also on the topic of religion. I've learnt a lot from those people. That has led to some unique and fascinating relationships over the years. Not to mention some highly entertaining and robust dinner party discussions. In some cases I've changed my position based on compelling arguments. But above all I respect them as individuals and I would never wipe them just because we hold different views. I value them for who they are and the richness they bring to my life, not what they believe.

I had two so-called friends completely wipe me because of all people Donald Trump. I was stunned by that. Whilst I am an avowed conservative I could not support someone like Trump. I gave my reasons but I was flicked anyway. If the same were to happen should anyone become aware of how I vote on SSM, I would now consider that a positive. Why? I don’t want to associate with people who would simply shut me out for no other reason than a different opinion. Or to associate with people who want to live in a one dimensional society. A society where to be respected and accepted we all have to think the same and believe in the same things they do.

How I vote is my decision, no one else’s. I will be making my decision based on several factors. I will take into consideration my personal views.  In addition I'll consider the potential changes (if any) in law and what that will mean in the shorter and longer term across a number of spectrums. I won't cave in to emotional blackmail or intimidation from either side; Yes or No. In fact I find that behaviour nauseating.

"You've got to do what's right, or what you think is right. And  you've got to make tough decisions. And you've got to be willing to take on your friends when they disagree with you." Antonio Villaraigosa

That's true, we do. But above all we have to be true to ourselves. If others choose to cast us out because of it, it's their loss.