Monday 12 June 2017

Openness and transparency protect us from the powerful and the corrupt

“Openness and transparency are among the few protections we have to guard ourselves from the powerful & the corrupt.” That includes protecting us from those who are elected to lead us. I believe few would disagree with that statement.

For many of us, we rely on the media to provide that openness and transparency when they are reporting on what those in power say and do. Whilst we may not always agree with the opinions given (via the media), most people with a level of intelligence should be able to apply a level of logic in determining the validity of what they are being told. We always have access to transcripts, videos, past behaviours etc., to assist. We have many reputable news outlets out there; particularly independent news sites. We also have tools to help us determine media bias, fake news, click bait sites etc. Even MSM sites are capable of and do publish facts. Not everything they say is corrupt totally lies.
When those in power restrict media access I question why. What are they trying to hide? Because they in taking that action are then restricting our ability to decide if what we are being told is the truth. It is a dangerous precedent. It is even more dangerous when politicians and the leaders of countries do this. This applies to the leader of the so called free world; Donald J Trump. You can’t claim to be the leader of the free world if you suppress and continually attack the press because you don’t like what they report about you. As a result you scream fake news at every opportunity or you ban them. That is not the free world. That is dictatorship.
Unfortunately, Trump’s strategy is working on a lot of people. Despite reports citing official documents, credible first hand named sources and being published by credible news outlets there are those who just scream fake regardless. I had an interesting exchange on this very subject a few days ago. More surprising it was with a person who has appeared very open in the past. They do say if you repeat something often enough it becomes truth to some.
This highlights just another event where Trump has banned the media. Why? Who would know?
Freedom of speech and hence freedom of the press is crucial. Thomas Jefferson recognised that when he penned these words to Edward Carrington (an American soldier and statesman from Virginia).
“The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers and be capable of reading them.”
While we might argue that our media (at times) does a poor job, the principle of freedom of the press cannot be restricted. Without it, we have no real protection. It’s down to us to decide if what we are being told makes sense and to make intelligent decisions on that basis. In other words free to decide for ourselves.
I read this recently. It was from a speech delivered back in 2006. How some people respond to this I suspect depends in some part on what side of the political divide they sit?
“It is precisely when the free press is telling us what we don’t want to hear, when it is challenging government officials, exposing government misconduct and refusing to be the unofficial mouthpiece of any government agency that the press stands most in need of constitutional protection.
A press that is the house organ for the government doesn’t need it. A press that only reports the good news, that ignores the scandals and the corruption, that is the cheerleader for every misadventure and stands silent when our liberties are threatened by the very government we created to protect them has no need of such protection.
It is only when the news media dares to speak truth to power and reveal the truth about those who wield power that it requires the umbrella of constitutional protection……….”
We have to demand open honest reporting from our media. But to blacken everyone because we don’t like what they say is nonsense. I fear anyone who tries to control what the media can and cannot access more so that the media itself. History tells us we should.