Tuesday 23 October 2018

Batten Down The Hatches - Prepare For The Tsunami

The fat lady is about to sing and for us Liberal Members we must face the uncertainty of a minority LNP Government in power. The only saving grace is we aren’t that far off a general election and the possibility of correcting the ‘error’. 

Last evening was one of the first post-ballot opportunities we’ve had to listen to the yet to be confirmed faux Independent Dr Kerryn Phelps. On what program did she appear? The people’s channel the supposedly unbiased ABC’s Q&A. Yes, I did choke over the ‘unbiased’ comment. 

It does appear the producers of Q&A still have extreme difficulty understanding the definition of balance. Again last night the panel included one Liberal in Mr Ruddock vs a slew from the left including the host. That is not balance in any language. And, if anyone was ever confused over Ms Phelps agenda, they shouldn’t be now. Refugees and renewable energy. Nothing of note about the economy, jobs, national security, health nor the interests of the broader community. 

I have no doubt Ms Phelps statement we must “Close off-shore detention” would have resulted in a loud cheer from ‘up there’. You can almost guarantee people smugglers are busily taking bookings for the upcoming summer cruise to Australia. Smuggler Barons will once again be counting the cash which means they don’t have to rely so heavily on the drug trade. These are not nice people embarking on rescuing people. They are hardened clever criminals and superb marketers and they will be manipulating any weakness in our resolve to stop their trade to their own advantage. Ms Phelps has given them a glimmer of hope. 

No one I know wants to see children in distress. But it does once again beg the question why people living in what they and activist describe as a hell-hole prison (that is arguable) continue to have them? How irresponsible and selfish. And, in all of her rhetoric not once has Ms Phelps criticised Labor, Greens or the Crossbenchers for blocking the legislation that would support the removal of children and their families from Nauru to NZ. In doing that also protect us from those same people entering Australia via the backdoor. But she can’t criticise Labor because she is beholden to them. Just as she is beholden to the Greens and GetUp. I should add when Labor and Greens blocked the legislation (months ago) it highlighted their gross hypocrisy over asylum seekers and Nauru. 

We should never forget that when John Howard left office, there were four people in detention; not one child or one woman. We know the story that followed. So perhaps we should brace ourselves for a repeat of the boat tsunami. Barring a miracle the cartel of Labor/Greens/Unions/GetUp/and faux Independents will be in charge of what will then become the Political Asylum AKA Canberra. That is unless Australians wake-up quick-smart from their hiatus.

When Ms Phelps presents her policy to rehouse said refugees in the many mansions that dot the landscape of Wentworth and tables a proposal for wind turbines off the shores of South Head I’ll know she is serious about her convictions. Until she does, she’s just another lightweight do-gooder lecturing everyone one on what should happen as long as it is in someone else’s neighbour. As a nation I fear we will pay a very high price for the folly of the voters of Wentworth.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Stop Using Words As Weapons

We should never allow someone to use simple words as tools to attack us. I’m not talking about abusive words here. I’m talking about simple descriptive words like “It’s OK to be white”.  Saying ‘It’s OK to be white’ does not make us white supremacists. It’s ludicrous to suggest it does. It’s using the English language to state a fact.  I am and that’s OK. 

Yes, I know white supremacists have picked the slogan but I say so what? They don’t have a Copy-write on its use. Even those white supremacists who use it highjacked from an anti-PC group who came up with idea as a prank.  It is OK for supremacists to be white. What isn’t OK is for them to be racists, bigots and thugs but that’s got nothing to do with their colour but it has everything to do with their behaviour? It’s not OK for anyone of any colour to act as a racist, a bigot or a thug. But that behaviour isn’t colour specific.  

It’s the same as #MeToo. Stating that doesn’t make people a ranting raving feminist. It’s OK to admit someone has abused you and to say it using a simple Hashtag. What isn’t OK is to lie to damage others when you haven’t been? Neither is turning the Hashtag against those who have been abused  and using the words as weapons to attack and vilify them. Once again the #MeToo Hashtag is using the English language to express an opinion or fact, nothing more. 

We’ve sat quietly for far too long and let words be used to vilify, attack, belittle and condemn. It’s time we stood up and said enough. The ‘It’s OK to be white’ furore following Pauline Hanson’s motion that is dominating so much media might just be the wake up call we needed. 

More so when you read what she said.

Senator HANSON: I hope that the Senate does the reasonable thing today by supporting this motion. Anyone who pays attention to the news or spends any time on social media has to acknowledge that there has been a rise in anti-white racism and a rise in attacks on the very ideals of Western civilisation. I would also hope the Senate does the right thing and acknowledges that it is indeed okay to be white. Such a simple sentence should go without saying, but I suspect many members in this place would struggle to say it. People have a right to be proud of their cultural background, whether they are black, white or brindle. If we can't agree on this, I think it's safe to say anti-white racism is well and truly rife in our society.

That last sentence is a key point. It’s rare indeed for me to support Pauline Hanson but on on this I’m unequivocally in her corner. 

Wednesday 10 October 2018

The Narrow Mindedness Of Tribal Behaviour

I sometimes wish I didn’t have such an enquiring mind and such a strong want to share information and to question. Doing so sets people like me up for attack these days. It’s such a shame. 

The timing of Nikki Haley’s resignation yesterday as the US UN Ambassador intrigued me. The announcement followed a complaint submitted by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. I have no idea if the two are connected. It just interested me. Plus, it’s not the first time Ms Haley has faced ethics questions. I shared my thoughts following a media column on her resignation. Highlighting that the timing was interesting. A reasonable comment I thought. 

Rod didn’t think so. He replied, “You lefties don’t waste anytime digging the dirt, do you?” 

I’m not bothering defending my political position anymore. There’s no point in continuing to declare I’m not a leftie. It’s a complete waste of time trying to defend ourselves from the Rod’s of this world. Why? Because the Rod’s and those who ‘liked’ his comment highlight one of our major challenges. That is the narrow-mindedness driven by tribal behaviour that is so prevalent today. It’s getting worse. 

I’ve replied to Rod asking him why he jumped to a conclusion and pointing out his narrow-mindedness. As per usual, I don’t expect to receive a reply. People like him NEVER do. They just label the moment anyone says something that one side or the other disagrees with or doesn’t want to hear. Even if I was a leftie facts are facts. I can’t change that and it’s not my blasted fault if people don’t want to hear it. 

So to all the Rod’s of this world please grow up! In doing so keep your stupid and uninformed opinions of me to yourself. May I also suggest you expand your reading material and then you might learn something and broaden your knowledge base instead of remaining a narrow minded ignorant bore! 

Eckhart Tolle summed it up when he said. “The quicker you are in attaching verbal or mental labels to things, people, or situations, the more shallow and lifeless your reality becomes, and the more deadened you become to reality.”

How profound and how true… 

It would be remiss of me not to share that today, October 10, marks the 15 Anniversary of the passing of my Dad. He was the one who taught me to question and to never lock myself into the narrow confines of ideology. I miss him greatly but more so today. 

Sunday 7 October 2018

The Plot Thickens: Why Doesn’t John Hewson Disclose His Vested Interest In Green Energy?

The headline in the Australian reads. “Wentworth by-election: Ex-Liberal leader John Hewson urges protest vote in crucial seat.” That is misleading in my book. 

For starters they should define John Hewson as a failed faux Ex-Liberal. And why is Dr Hewson advocating for a protest vote and in doing so throwing his weight behind so-called Independent (but in reality) Labor Trojan Horse Kerryn Phelps? Well, this might only be a guess (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) but I’m guessing self-interest is the motive behind Dr Hewson’s revolt. 

Dr Hewson is a Director of Solastor, North Queensland Bio-Energy and Non-Executive Director CDP Waste2Energy Holdings Pty Ltd. He has been a climate activist since the late 80s. He has developed climate related businesses addressing household garbage recycling, energy efficient light bulbs and data centres, bio-fuels, solar thermal and battery storage. He is a Patron of the Smart Energy Council. As Chairman of Solastor his mission was to deliver the cheapest solar energy in the world. He failed. 

I’m guessing the businesses I’ve associated him with have been the beneficiary of very large green energy funding gifts from Government. A tap which under the Coalition is being turned off in 2020.  A Labor/Union/Greens Government should the Australian public be foolish enough to hand them the keys in 2019 will turn that tap back on make no mistake. 

Dr Hewson is active in the media. Not once have I ever heard him divulge his large financial interest in green energy. That is deceptive behaviour. The media aren’t blameless either. Instead of presenting Dr Hewson as an ex-Liberal leader they should profile him as a climate activist and significant investor in green energy. And, instead of using bylines like this; Former Liberal leader suggests a loss for the party might alter government’s thinking on climate change. The media should be pressing Dr Hewson to state what does he have to lose if the Government sticks with their current policy?

In summary: 

If Dr Phelps wins the seat of Wentworth, she will support Labor in this current parliamentary and any future parliamentary term (assuming she returned in 2019). Dr Hewson is backing Dr Phelps and helping to undermine the Liberals for self-interest. So is the media in not being upfront about Dr Hewson’s obvious conflicts using his earlier Liberal ties to undermine the Liberals and to assist in puting Labor back into power? Perhaps we should asking what has Labor promised Dr Phelps, Dr Hewson and the Media Barons?