Saturday 29 August 2015


Hello boys and girls. Today, I’m going to tell you a story about a boy named Billy. 

Once upon on time, there was a little boy, named Billy. Billy was a lonely little boy. He had no friends and he used to sit by his bedroom window and look up at the stars and dream. He used to imagine what it would be like to be popular, and to have friends, and power and maybe one day he could be King. But alas, it was just a dream, until one day something happened to completely change Billy’s world. 

Unbeknownst to Billy the street gang had been watching him. They had been searching and searching for someone just like him, a lonely little boy who wasn’t very bright and who just wanted to be King. You see, the street gang wanted to take over the street, but they didn’t want anyone to know what they were up to. So the leader of the gang Cfmeu Union came up with a devious plan. He said to his brother,  Awu Union you ask Billie to join your gang and then you can use him to do your dirty work and get the other kids to join your gang. I’ll help you make Billy the King and then we can join forces to take over the whole city. Now Awu thought that was a great idea, and he asked Billie to join his gang. Billie was so excited and of course he said “Oh yes, I will, thank you for asking me.” 

So Billy joined the gang and he had friends for the first time in his life. And Awu taught Billy well. He learnt how to cheat and bully and for the first time in his life Billy felt powerful. 

As the years progressed, Billy coerced more and more kids to join Awu’s gang and they became more and more powerful and then the time came for Cfmeu to use Billy to help deliver on his plan. Cfmeu asked Awu to invite Billy to a meeting. Billy was so excited. 

Cfmeu said to Billy, “Billy how would you like to be King of the street.”

Billy was shocked. It had always been his dream to be King, “Oh yes please, I would love to be King.”

Cfmeu smiled to himself. He knew Billy was so easy to manipulate, “OK Billy, I’m going to give you a magic flute. This flute will help you become King of the street. But you must do everything I say, without question.” 

Billy didn’t think that was too hard and so he said, “OK, I will do whatever you tell me to do.”

And with that Billy embarked on his mission. He sold out the street kids, he took money and used it to help himself  become King of the street and to line the coffers of the street gangs run by Awu and Cfmeu Union. And no one suspected what he was up to, just as Cfmeu and Awu had planned. Then the Union brothers started on their plan to make Billy King of the city. 

Now the current King of the city was Tony. Tony was much, much smarter than Billy and he started to ‘smell a rat’. He suspected the street kids were being ripped off and he wasn’t happy. So Tony set up an investigation to find out exactly what Billy and the Union brothers were up to. 

Billy and the Union brothers were asked to appear before the Judge and his investigators. The street kids were shocked to find out what Billy and the Union brothers had been up to. And the Union brothers became alarmed. Some of their gang were arrested. Billy had confessed to taking money and their questionable practices were being exposed. Years of work to make Billy their front man as King of the city were unravelling rapidly, so they devised another devious plan. 

Cfmeu said to Awu, “Let’s smear the Judge and Tony, the King of the city. If we don’t, we will go to jail and all of our plans to run the city will be ruined.” 

Awu knew what Cfmeu said was true and he rang Billy, “Billy it’s Awu here, we are in trouble. Now remember when we gave you the magic flute and helped make you King of the street.? 

Billy said, “Yes, it is a lovely flute and I love being King.”

Awu said, “That’s good Billy but remember when Cfmeu and I told you that you had to do exactly what we told you.? 

Billy said, “Yes, I remember, what do you want me to do’”

With that Billy was given the list of what he had to do. He had to muster the street gang  members to try and discredit the Judge and the King of the city Tony. He had to stay silent with the Union brothers total lie, after lie, even though he knew they were lying. He had to round up all the graffiti artists to smear the good King. He had to block all of the agreements that will give the street kids, jobs, and he has to do exactly what he what told.  

And so it began. 

The ending to the story still hasn’t been written. So we don’t know yet, whether good will triumph over evil and whether the good King of the city will survive. That’s a story for another day. 

We do hope however that is the outcome because if it isn’t the whole of the city will be at the mercy of the street gangs. That would be an awful outcome for all of the good street kids. 

But remember this boys and girls, there is no such thing as a magic flute. If you accept the flute and trade away your integrity on the promise of being made King, someone else will always be telling you what tune to play. 


Thursday 27 August 2015


Politics is a dirty game, but why should it be? Why should we not demand more from those whom we elect and entrust to establish and uphold our laws? The people that we put in office to manage the country and to make decisions on our behalf, in the best interests of the greater good? 

In business, we expect leaders to lead by example. We expect them to behave in a way that inspires others to follow their lead. We expect them to deliver the required results forbthe business and we expect them to "do that the rught way." I read recently that a Western ethical philosophy can be divided roughly into three types:

Virtues such as justice, charity and generosity benefit the person and the person's society. This as pointed out is largely based on Aristotle's ideas.

Ethics are central to morality - a human duty - based on rational people's respect for other rational people. (Notably supported by Kant.)

The guiding principle is based on conduct which produces the greatest happiness or benefit to the greatest number of people. (Referred to as utilitarianism - this might be also be considered 'the greater good' concept.)

Great leaders live by a personal a moral code of honesty, integrity, fairness and ethics. Personal responsibility, compliance with the law, relationships; treating people with respect and dignity are core attributes. They understand the dangers of conflict of interest and therefore limit their acceptance of gifts. The most ethical simply decline rather than risk compromise. They are responsible when it comes to managing company money and assets. They set the standard that others aim for in building great organisations. In essence, they walk the talk.. 

When I am coaching and mentoring young leaders, I encourage them to seek out those people who demonstrate the core values that makes them great leaders and to target those people as their role models and mentors. 

So why do we not expect and demand the same from politicians? Why should politicians not be viewed as role models. The last time I looked they were about third from the bottom of the ethical career chart.  

I read this morning that young women admire Julia Gillard and view hercas a role model. Why? Because she is a female? Because she became Prime Minister? Do they ever consider how she got there? As we have learnt over recent months there was nothing honourable in her elevation. I certainly wouldn’t be encouraging any of the young females I coach to use Julia as an example. And before anyone jumps to conclusions, that has nothing to do with her political allegiance. It’s purely based on her leadership values. 

I've worked with some truly great leaders. It each case the following quote was key to how they wanted to be remembered. 

“It’s not what you achieve, it’s how you achieve it, that defines the quality of us as individuals” 

I am sure I am not alone in thinking that the personal standards of many of our politicians are simply not up to scratch. Their personal attacks on others are commonplace. Rorting the system has turned into a national sport. Undermining colleagues in leaking to the press is endemic. Threatening and abusive behaviour is worn as a badge of honour by others, and then we have the lying. Lying to undermine, lying to scare the population and the worst; lying in an attempt to destroy the reputation of others, for self gain. Shabby, grubby behaviour, and certainly not worthy of their honourable title. 

I’ve never been in favour of appraisal systems. My reasons why is another story, but, I would be in favour of an appraisal system for politicians based on their personal standards of behaviour. I expect if we had one, a reasonable percentage of the current crop would be fired. And a fair proportion would receive a must improve or else card. 

So why do we put up with it? Politics should be challenging. Any competitive environment is, but it shouldn’t be ‘dirty’. We should be demanding better. We deserve better. Until we do demand better, we will never attract enough people of real quality to the top jobs in the country. We will always be stuck with the D & E team players and the few A team will be left to struggle, I find that a very, very depressing. Not to mention fearful for the country and therefore our future. 


Wednesday 26 August 2015

What Crime Has Tony Abbott Committed?

If you believe the polls, Prime Minister Tony Abbott is a dead man walking. This viewpoint is promoted at every opportunity by our salacious left leaning media and the fickle among the middle to right journos. Given these unrelenting attacks. More and more Liberal supporters are starting to waver and to doubt Mr Abbott’s suitability to lead. In all truthfulness, I’ve had my doubts, but something always brings me back from the brink. That one thing is, Tony Abbott’s ability to withstand these unrelenting attacks and to stick to his guns. That takes guts and courage. 

Now, some will interpret that as stubbornness and unwillingness to listen. I dispute that. He has listened and backed away from a number of proposed initiatives; example GP tax. There have been others.  But on those things he promised to deliver, he has stuck to his guns. That says a lot about character. A very important element in a leader. 

No one can be stabbed in the back day in, day out and not wear some scars. After the new government came to power, in 2013 it didn't take long for the left brigade to start their attacks Tony Abbott. They were swiftly joined by the media. They attacked him over boats, removing carbon and mining taxes and trying to deliver economic reform. The very things that the majority of people voted for. He also stated SSM marriage wasn't on the agenda this term and there would be a review into unions. Of these things he has delivered or is delivering. So he is doing what he said he would do. Hence delivering what the electorate asked of him. 

Tony Abbott has ‘put his neck on the line’ over thorny issues in the past; the Republic debate and Climate Change being two of them. The media were extremely vocal in expressing their views that the public wanted a republic and the media supported the climate change myth (they still do). The media said YES, the public said NO. Tony Abbott was right. Interesting given the questions over his judgement of late. Now of course, if you believe the polls we believe climate change is a big issue and we want  more stringent targets than the government has suggested AND we want a tax on carbon. Really? Have we really come a full circle in less than two years? 

I have said before, It was NEVER going to be easy for Tony Abbott. The opposition and the media were never his friends. It was made much harder by a bunch of new, inexperienced MP's to parliament and as has been proven,  a bunch driven by self interest fuelled by massive egos. The moment the attacks on Tony Abbott, started they went to jelly. They jump into the dump with the knockers. That was the cue for the ego driven opportunistic's within the inner circle to start their divide and conquer. What astounds me is, our party and elected representatives have learnt nothing from Labor’s downfall.  After spending six years in opposition and a large portion of that attacking Labor’s instability, they have quickly degenerated to the same level. The one person who has maintained their resilience, determination and loyalty is Tony Abbott. 

Tony Abbott has attempted to clear the decks so he can focus on those things that will continue to make a difference.

1. Jobs growth
2. National security
3. And, the economy

The soft issues like SSM marriage will be  up to the people to decide. Polls indicate people want this and the only question is timing.  Climate will be dealt with and supported by a sensible plan that will cost between $3 to $4 billion per annum, not the unsustainable Labor plan. He is putting the economy ahead of the climate.  

The Prime Minister is standing firm with regards to the Royal Commission and given the Unions and Labor are fighting so hard to stop him, you know there are more dirty dealings to emerge. For what it is worth, I applaud this initiative. Protecting employees should be paramount. 

So, given Tony Abbott has delivered. What exactly are we 'hanging' him for. It can't be for not getting things done. So is it down to? 

Is it because he is a bit clumsy and awkward?  Hardly a hanging offence. 

Is it because he holds christian values and won't cave in to social reengineering bullies? Doesn’t make him a criminal. 

Is it because he put some things out there in trying to balance the books that weren't popular? You would have to be very foolish not to think this would be an outcome given our welfare dependant society. 

Is it because he can't sell a vision? Fair enough, but who else has stepped up to help? Great teams use their strengths for better outcomes and if the leader isn’t the strongest at selling the plan those who can step up. Unless of course there are hidden agendas driven by self-interest. 

Or, is it because as someone suggested to me, that he has become a laughing stock. Why? Because the media jumps  on every little word stumble? Big deal, we all do it. Is it because he is a volunteer firefighter and he does a lot for charity? Is it because he loves his wife and daughters? Is it because he goes to church?   

I'm struggling to find the hanging offence. Perhaps I’m missing something. I’d love to know what it is. 

“The ego is one of the biggest barriers to people working together effectively. When people get caught up in their egos, it erodes their effectiveness. That's because the combination of false pride and an overactive and over inflated ego gives people a distorted image of their own importance. When that happens, people see themselves as the centre of the universe and they begin to put their own agenda, safety, status, and gratification ahead of those affected by their thoughts and actions.”

Tuesday 25 August 2015


I have been pondering on this point for a while now: "Our changing society, the silencing of the moderate majority, and what it means for those of us who are caught in the middle." But something that happened yesterday prompted me to commit my thoughts to paper. 

Everywhere we turn, someone is foisting their extreme personal codes on us; be that religious, societal and even political. As a result, our views and our rights are being impinged upon and frankly, are being taken away from us. 

Yesterday, a friend of mine tagged some friends on an anniversary reminder that he had  received on Facebook. It was a photo of a group of previous work colleagues. It was a happy reminder of past times. One of the people in the photo objected and demanded the photo be removed. I won't go into the reasons, apart from saying their request was linked to religious conservatism. So the enjoyment of the majority, was denied by the demand of the minority. My friend did what was requested. He then blacked out the complainant and reposted the photo, but for me the moment was ruined and, I expect, I'm not the only one who felt that way. It does signal what we are seeing manifested in so many areas of society today. 

Now, the person who complained has a right to say how they are presented. But they don't own the photo. As there are a lot of group pics out there, does it mean every one of them has to be doctored before they can be posted? What if others complain about something and demand the same? People start to question, will I offend someone and so they stop engaging and stop sharing. 

We seem to be creating a society where on one hand we have the pious. The extreme conservatives, the extreme religious adherents. On the other the "tipping toward extreme libertarians." Caught in the middle are the moderates. Both the extreme conservatives and the extreme libertarians are endeavouring to foist their standards and their desires on those of us in the middle; the vast majority of our society. As a result the middle ground are being silenced. They are fearful of expressing their opinions or they simply can't be bothered, knowing they will be jumped on from both sides; the ultra conservatives and the tipping toward extreme libertarians.

The example I used was about religious ultra conservatism, but we see the same happening over social issues like SSM. I get the feeling there are thousands out there who don't support it, but they have just given up. It's going to happen because people have been pushed down that path, whether they support it or not. So, why fight it. The majority will just roll over rather than be shunned as a homophobe. Adam Bandt even accused the conservatives of "siding with fear over love." Seriously, that comment borders on lunacy. But again, the majority voice is coming from the minority tipping toward extreme libertarians no one else is allowed to have their say. You think I'm joking? A TV station was bombarded for even running an ad defending traditional marriage. Some stations actually acquiesced and refused to run the ads. One of those TV stations has no qualms about running those disgraceful misleading and frankly outright lying CFMEU ads, though, despite the protests from the middle ground. The middle ground loses and extreme libertarians win again. 

People rabbit on and on about the Australian culture and our rights to free speech. Don't kid yourselves that is actually exists. It doesn't. To be frank, I really struggle to define exactly what our culture has become. Spend a few hours reading responses to posts on social media sites and that soon highlights the sinister and threatening vibe that is out there. 

We are not a tolerant nation despite what people say. We tolerate others like us, but we don't tolerate those who stray too far outside the edge of our narrowly framed tolerance bandwidth. I see this also when people on the conservative side of politics voice their concerns about the performance of the government or the performance of the leader. The 'red and green' groups pounce, but so do the 'blues'; from the extreme conservative group. 

I supported someone last week who was sharing their concerns about the performance of the PM. The comments made were constructive, not like some I've read. They invited debate. The poster was pounced on and for my 'sins' so was I. I was accused of being disloyal, easily sucked in and almost aiding and abetting the opposition. Is that the culture of a tolerate nation, one who supports and encourages free speech, freedom of expression and debate? I think not, but perhaps you have a different view. 

I even received a comment last night asking me how can I not be embarrassed by my advocacy for the government. Who I think are doing a pretty good job of the things that really matter by the way. The commenter went on to say they had checked my blog and all the ideals I espouse are non conservative and therefore demand to know why I was a conservative. 

As my friend said to me today with reference to the demand to remove the FB pic. It is symptomatic of what we see within the political landscape. Things we need to debate we can't, because we are bullied and shut down.That is EXACTLY what is happening here. 

Well, I won't be silenced. I believe in tolerance, I value different ideas and I strongly believe the issues that are impacting on our nation, on us, on our culture and our society need to be out in the open and talked about. Don't let the extreme elements among us, ruin it for all of us.

Sunday 23 August 2015


I wrote on a meme today, that once upon a time, you actually had to COMMIT a crime to be found guilty. In the new world, however, you don't even have to be at the scene of the crime. Now, you are found guilty, sentenced and hung on the basis of a mere 'fallacious' fingerprint.

This comment was in response to recent events involving Union Royal Commissioner Dyson Heydon. He has been declared guilty by Media Trial for not attending a speaking event, organised by Liberal Party Lawyers. And yesterday, we had Andrew Hastie guilty of war crimes, that he was not involved in (apart from reporting the incident). Two men, found guilty when they were not even at the scene of the crime. If it wasn't so serious, you wouldn't be remiss for thinking this was the story line for a low budget political farce. But sadly, it isn't and the unblemished reputations of two good men are being tarnished.

It's a very worrying trend, when reputations can be ruined based on nothing more than mere spurious accusations or associations. Whilst many trials of late; such as in the case of Mr Dyson & Mr Hastie are most definitely politically motivated, the attack can be for any reason.

News media are the first to kick off politically focused trials (serving their political masters) but social media soon takes over. That's when we are regaled with the most vicious, slanderous attacks. A couple of twitter posts from yesterday highlight the extent.


It’s a worrying trend and don’t think you are immune to media trial. None of us are. More and more employers read through their employees and potential employees social media profiles and threads and that research can be (& at times is) used as the basis for assessments. Now we accept, that some people ‘out there’ believe everything that media and social media publishes about individuals. So what happens, if one of those people just happens to be your boss or possible future boss and they just happen to believe some spurious accusation levelled at you. Conspiracy? Definitely not.

Let’s face it, even genuine (loose term in the circumstances) media hacks promote fanciful conspiracy. Back to Mr Heydon. The media, in their pathetic attempts to blacken Mr Heydon and tie this to Prime Minister Abbott related to an event over 30-years ago where Mr Heydon sat on a committee of seven who awarded PM Abbott his Rhodes Scholarship, was a classic. The inference was: 

30+ years ago a man sat on a committee to award a scholarship to  a the recipient, so that 30+ years later the recipient would be elected PM so that he could appoint a specific selection committee to a Royal Commission to bring down Unions and the current leader of the opposition. AND, some people believed it. 

So I guess the gullible will fall for any line spun to them. The disreputable will promote lies an innuendo for political gain (or any other cause they are championing) and unless we take a stand and say ‘enough’ good people will continue convicted by Media Trial based on nothing more than a mere 'fallacious' fingerprint.

Friday 21 August 2015


I was engaged in an interesting discussion on twitter this morning. The starting point was, the foul, sexist and racist language some female journalist use in attacking other women. And, why are male journalist who use that type of language fired and females aren’t. A perfect example is Mike Carlton and Clementine Ford. Both are obnoxious,  but only one lost  their job. Does that seem fair? In my humble opinion no, it isn’t. Ford should be shown the door as well. You see, real feminists believe in equal rights, the emphasis on equal. 

But I digress.  

What I am really tired of, is people like Ford and the rest of the self-titled ‘fright-bat’ fraternity highjacking the title feminist. They do not, in my opinion hold the rights to that title, but sadly anyone now who puts their ‘head above the hedge’ and declares “I’m a feminist” is automatically dumped into same pool as that lot. 

Real feminists are the ones who fight day in day out for women's rights and do it with class and decorum. Like the young women from the Afghan Women's Writer Group, who use words to tell their stories of the repression and horror of being a young woman in Afghanistan. They put their lives on the line every day. Like the brave souls in Iran who are fighting for the rights to simply walk the streets with their hair flowing and not be forced to cover their hair with a veil. Like Sarah Khan and her colleagues from We Will Inspire standing up for the rights of Muslim Women in the UK and fighting extremism. Like the ones fighting to stamp out FGM, MGM, honour killing, and selling children off as child brides. Like the dozens I have met supporting battered women here. Like those in business who battled for equal rights and who support other young women to achieve their true potential. There are so many examples.These people are the true feminists of this world. 

Real feminists don’t believe they have to bare their breasts and bums on social media and say look at me, look at me, I’m a feminist. They are exhibitionist not feminists. Real feminists don’t believe they have to use language that would make a wharfie blush to prove their point or to attack and denigrate others. Those people are foul mouthed snipes, not feminist. Real feminists express their opinions in a constructive way and achieve a far superior result. The expression “an iron fist in a velvet glove” fits the feminist profile perfectly. 

If you declare you are a feminist, there is the real possibility the far right lobby will be on you in a shot, screaming leftie. Many in the left lobby will shun you because you don’t get down in the gutter with them. Well these people are simply bullies.

So I will declare, I’m feminist. I’m happily married and I’m a conservative. I’ve fought for women’s right most of my life and I will continue to do so. There is an army of us out there. We are from all backgrounds, religions, ethnicity and ages. We don’t feel the need to be exhibitionist, gutter snipes, or bullies. If you are in this group, I think it’s time we took the title back and shouted….

                                         "I’M A FEMINIST AND I'M PROUD OF IT" 

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Dear Prime Minister Abbott

Dear Mr Abbott

You have many fine qualities which I admire and I value in a leader; courage, loyalty, tenacity, decency, values and strength. Strengths I want to see in leaders, in all walks of life.

But in saying that, it is sometimes those very qualities, that if misused, can also lead to a leader's downfall. Sadly, the perception I have, is that some of those qualities are being misused by you and as a result, they are letting you and many of your conservative supporters down. I know from discussions I have with many longstanding conservatives,  I am not the only one who feels this is the case. 

I accepted, that is was never going to be easy, for a first term conservative government, coming to power after six years of the chaos of Labor. And, in particular following a Labor government, who left more land-mines than in the killing fields in Afghanistan. That said, as a conservative supporter, I’ve hung in there through thick and thin. But I’m finding it harder to keep supporting what I am now witnessing.

I had high hopes when the Liberal & Nationals were handed the keys to The Lodge. In opposition I watched a strong team, unified in their mission to rescue the country from years of waste, dysfunction, back stabbing and chaos. Sadly, now I am witnessing similar behaviours in your team.

I am a middle of the road conservative. I am concerned about the economy, our security, jobs and growth. I believe in an environment where people are encouraged to be self-sufficient and not be a drain on the ‘public purse’. I accept that in a world driven by social reformers, who believe the government ‘owes’ people a living, that driving to self-sufficiency is a huge change effort and some ‘eggs will be broken” along the way.

I believe, as Australians, we can compete with and lead the best in the world. I am disappointed that important drivers that enable that, like the economy, our security, jobs and growth are being highjacked by soft issues such as same sex marriage. As a result, Labor, the Greens, the left media and sadly some within our own party are driving the political debate. I was delighted when you announced your intention to consider a plebiscite. I was hopeful the debate would settle down and government could get on with the important issues. But alias, that was not to be. I will come back to this point.

I know many good things are still happening. The passing of the research fund. Good news on the economy and jobs. But apart from the odd program like Bolt or articles such as the one published by Peter Switzer, in his excellent piece of August 18 headed up “Be warned. A politician called Joe Hockey is telling us the truth” (link below), we see nothing in the news unless we search for it. And we hear little from you, talking this up. So the vast majority of people only see and hear the negative stories promoted by the ABC, SBS and Fairfax with the able assistance of Sky and the rest of the electronic media. No wonder the faithful are losing faith. Add to that, the disgraceful misleading TV ads by unions and we have a sense of despair creeping in.

Sadly, far too much of the negativity is being fuelled by some within our own party. I was therefore very pleased to hear today that you will be taking tough action against leakers. Great, but we need to see action, not just words. It’s fine to present a different point of view to the public. In fact it’s healthy. But when key discussions are leaked or when MP’s and Ministers air their very vocal opposition to decisions made, in a public forum,  the message the electorate hears is; one of disunity. That is not a good look Mr Abbott. “We load the gun and hand it to the opposition to shoot us in the head.”

Which leads me to my next point; loyalty. You have a well deserved reputation for loyalty. But loyalty can also blind us to the perceptions of others; perception is reality in the eyes of many. I feel (and I know I am not alone) that Malcolm Turnbull and Christopher Pyne have demonstrated their disloyalty on a number of occasions, and therefore they need to go. Bronwyn Bishop was sacrificed over the expenses scandal and Christopher Pyne supported her accuser, Tony Burke.  The man who bullied Mrs Bishop out of office and who has been proven to be a significant serial abuser of tax payer dollars.  That is appalling. Malcolm Turnbull on the other hand made a big show of catching a train from Melbourne to Geelong; an act of deliberate public mocking. Disgraceful.

I should add at this point, that it is to your credit, that you appointed a team to review politicians expenses and that shows you have courage. I am sure, many within your own party,  who seem to think that access to tax payer funds is a right regardless of questionable justification, were not happy about that. But, you responded to the overwhelming electorate outrage and I am grateful that you are dealing with this obvious abuse. Well done. But, following your announcement in confirming the report would be completed first half 2016 was a huge disappointment to me. I feel that is far too long.  The report needs to produced before the end of the year. If it isn’t, it simply looks like delaying tactics and an opportunity to restore faith with the community will be wasted. People have short memories.

So back to loyalty and solidarity. I would never support any group where every member of the team thinks the same. Different viewpoints are important and essential to the effective performance of any team. However, once debate has taken place, the arguments from all sides heard, and the decision of the collective group reached (based on the agreed decision criteria be that unanimous, 80/20 or the power of one) then that final decision must be supported in public. That is an important key in maintaining faith with the electorate. I haven’t always agreed with every decision your team has made. However, if I understand the logic, the overall benefits (not necessarily a personal benefit to me) then I support the decision. And, in my own small way I do that in public, to my own detriment at times. It was very disappointing therefore, to have Ministers breeching the party room decision on SSM. Christopher Pyne in particular was very vocal in condemning the process and the inclusion of the Nationals team. Malcolm Turnbull was another who could not wait to voice his concerns to anyone prepared to listen. Once again the perception of the electorate is that of a divided team with some members outwardly undermining the leader. That’s hard to defend.

It is blatantly obvious your PMO is not doing their job. With respect Mr Abbott, neither are you. The Labor Party and the Greens supported by an ever increasingly left learning media are winning the battle. They lie, they bully and you and your PMO appear to do nothing.
You have a good story to tell. Many of the pressing issues we asked to be addressed in changing government, have been delivered and are being maintained. Carbon and mining taxes repealed. Boats stopped, borders secured and the backlog of people in asylum centres and in the community being assessed and necessary action taken. Hundreds of children released. The economy is being dealt with; challenges acknowledged. Since the second budget was released, hardly a word of dissent has been heard; well done. Social Services, under the very capable guidance of Scott Morrison is addressing issues such as welfare abuse. Great news. Trade deals with major trading partners signed. But all of this great work is constantly overshadowed by soft issues like SSM, which frankly benefits a very small minority within the community.

People like me who want to see an LNP government returned next election are growing weary. I’m tired of the undermining within the party that results in members cancelling their membership, after 20 years of loyal support as some have. I’m tired of the one sided media push and the open bias of the ABC (in particular). I tired of spending hours of my time on social media platforms, on blogs etc, defending our government who appears incapable of using those same resources to defend themselves and to support us.

So what do I want from you?

I would like you to have the courage to deal with those in the cabinet who are playing into the opposition's hands. Strip them of portfolios, demote them, force them to resign. I don’t care, as long as they are dealt with in the most efficient way. In essence remove the deadwood.

I would like you to have a media strategy to take the opposition parties and unions head on. Call them out on their blatant lies, particularly those being pushed by unions via various TV ads. Even the ABC showed a union ad attacking Commissioner. That is appalling.

I would like you to clean out the deadwood in the PMO and to set-up a mechanism for listening to what people are saying on social media and to actively respond to feedback. We need a greater share of voice in all media areas; print, electronic and particularly social.

If you can’t or are unwilling to do what is necessary, I would like you to consider stepping aside and handing the reigns over to someone who is capable of taking control back. We want to win the next election but time is running out. We are rapidly losing support and without dramatic change that will only get worse if not dealt with now.

I don’t think that is a lot to ask Mr Abbott. Courage, loyalty and strength, you have those attributes, now it’s time to act. We simply can’t afford to let a Labor/Greens government back into power.

Tuesday 18 August 2015

34 Disgraceful Senators

I find it almost inconceivable, given the evidence that has emerged during sittings of the Royal Commission (not yet concluded) of misuse of union funds, dirty deals with companies (including those done by the leader of the opposition) that a bill to place tighter scrutiny over unions would be rejected. 

Last night the Senate voted down for the second time, the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Bill. The coalition wants to set up a Registered Organisation’s Commission to regulate unions. Naturally, Labor has been fighting against the move. Although given what we are hearing about union corruption, you would think the so called 'workers' party' would be in favour. But I guess they who provide the money calls the shots.    

The bill seeks to impose the same disclosure and transparency obligations on union officials as company directors. I would think, given the millions of hard earned dollars contributed to union coffers by some of our lowest paid workers this would be a good thing.

The bill would have delivered an increase in  civil penalties and to introduce criminal penalties for union leaders involved in fraud. Why would that not be welcomed by our so called law makers in the senate? Labor members aside. 

If a company director is convicted of corruption, he faces a fine of $360,000 or five years imprisonment for ripping off shareholders. Yet union officials who can rip off hundreds of thousands of dollars from a union, is only liable for a fine if $10,800. 

The bill was defeated 34 to 33. These so called independents, self appointed champions of the 'underdog' Lambie, Muir & Lazarus voted with Labor and the Greens to defeat the bill.  Shame on you. 

If you really want to increase your anger and disgust I suggest you read Hansard. But I will leave you with Lambie’s closing comment. 

“In closing, I oppose the legislation before the house because it is ideologically motivated, unfair, and irrational and undermines the basic civil liberties and rights of Australian workers, while ignoring tens of billions of dollars in fraud, tax evasion and crime in the banking, finance, medical and other industries where multinationals have great influence.” 

Friday 14 August 2015

It Was NEVER Going To Be Easy

If you are a conservative, it takes nerves of steal to read and listen to the day in day out attacks on the government. Nerves of steel to hang in there, and not bail out as some have done. But remember, these are not just attacks on Tony Abbott and the LNP, they are attacks on us as well. So unless we are doubting our convictions we have no choice but to stand up and voice our opinions and call out BS when we see it. 

When we voted the LNP into government in, in 2013 we did so on the basis that we could no longer afford an out of control dysfunctional Labor government. We demanded change and we wanted pressing issues fixed.

* Carbon Tax gone
* Boats stopped 
* Mining tax gone 
* Start to bring debt under control 

One - three have been resolved and four is being addressed. Whilst our debt continues to increase (largely in part as a result of a rapidly declining resources market and funding previous government commitments), the level at which the debt has grown has been reduced due to a lot of hard slog led by Treasurer Hockey.  

Since 2013, the government has been under unmerciless attack from a Labor, the Greens and the ever increasingly left leaning media.  The anti government cheer squad at the ABC and Fairfax leading the chorus. Recently however, some journalists in the Murdoch press have joined the yapping ABC & Fairfax, supported by many from Sky, SevenNews, Nine and 10. 

Through this attack Tony Abbott has maintained dignity. Not involved himself in mudslinging, certainly hasn't screamed discrimination like a previous PM. He has stuck to the course. He's bumbled along the way. His mere gesture of a wink causing a media meltdown and yet the blatant corruption of the opposition leader hardly rates a mention. 

We've been through the recent travel rorts where Tony Abbott has borne the brunt of the Bronwyn Bishop disclosure. Yet, Bill Shorten walks away from the ten times worse Tony Burke disclosure. It's hard to comprehend that could be the case, but sadly it is. 

Now we are facing attacks on the Trade Union Commissioner Dyson Haydon. Accusations based on acceptance to deliver an address (2 years ago) that was timed to take place after the commission was completed. And which the commissioner has now declined, for the very reason the commission is still sitting. Nothing corrupt or sinister in that. The story was timed, to try derail the commission before the next appearance of Bill Shorten. 

Make no mistake, this commission will snare the opposition leader Shorten and his union buddies. This cynical attack, launched by interested parties, is a collective endeavour, to try and maximise the damage to both the commission and the PM and it's nothing more than desperation. Tony Abbott had the guts to kick off this commission and he is hated for it by powerful union bosses and their political and media allies.  If they didn't have anything to hide they wouldn't be trying so hard to stop it.

I'm not a Tony Abbott groupie. There are many things I don't like about him. BUT I admire courage and decency and he has that in spades.  He has the courage to stand up to bullies and he has the courage to drive the necessary change to get this country back on an even keel. That won't make him popular, but it will make him effective. 

I know what it is like, after spending years driving change in business. I have some empathy for Tony Abbott because of my experiences. It's a very lonely path at times, and even some of those who supported you in the beginning bail out when the going gets really tough. So, as stated at the start, you have to have nerves of steel to complete the course. 

"You don't have to be liked, you just have to be effective"..  Abbott is effective. 

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Politics NO : Attack On Our Rights YES

The battle that is raging in this country isn't essentially about politics. It's about rights. Politics is the tool used to batter people with. In the meantime, the silent or small voices on all sides of the political divide are being trampled on and worse ignored.

Rubbish, I hear many say. It's all about politics. Those on that side, hold 'that view' and we on this side, hold 'this view'. Not so.

I give a couple of recent examples of proof of what I am saying. 

Goodes BooGate. Anybody who didn't support the theory, that booing Adam Goodes was racism, was immediately branded a racist. Sports administrators, B grade (so called) celebrities, media hacks, social media trolls were screaming at people from their various vantage points. Racist, racist!!! 

It didn't matter what your reasons for not supporting Goodes were (or are), and there are many reasons why people don't support or like him. Nothing to do with his indigenous heritage. They simply don't like him and his behaviour. The racism branding team simply wasn’t interested to hearing our opinions. We were simply put into  the racist box  or the not racist box. Putting people into little boxes makes  it easier for people on both sides to attack the opposing view. 

The social media traffic highlighted the problem. They boo; they must be Liberal supporters. They support Goodes; they must be Labor or Green.  It really had nothing to do with with politics. The Essential poll released yesterday proved it. The majority of people polled didn't think it was racism at all and they came from all groups. Labor, Greens, LNP and Independents. Similarly those who did think it was racism cut across all political groups.

It's Was Question of Rights not Politics

Now we have the SSM marriage issue. It's being played out as a LNP vs Labor/Greens/LGBT battle. Let's throw in a bit of religious bullying to sweeten the mix; another string to bow of the pro-lobby.

Yesterday, the LNP party room discussed and agreed on their collective position with regards to marriage rights in this term. The vote went 66 status quo 33 free vote. Some people even accused the Prime Minister of vote stacking (including the now feral Christopher Pyne) for including the Nationals in the discussion. Malcolm Turnbull has also come out condemned the decision. Unbelievable.

The vote even without the Nationals would still have been, status quo. It is the LNP that governs the country. Not Liberals on their own. Those attacking Mr Abbott for including the Nationals in the discussion, and the party room vote, would have been happy to take away the rights of the Nationals because as country folk, more of them are in the anti SSM camp. Disgraceful.

Once Again It’s A  Question of Rights not Politics

Tony Abbott has conveyed that he wants to ask us, what we think about SSM. He is advocating for a plebiscite at the next election. I say great, it should be down to us. This isn't about legal change it's about social change and that impacts on all of us.

Given the lauding of the 'rainbow' lobby and their supporters over Ireland's referendum, you would think they would be appalling a plebiscite here. But no, they are doing exactly the opposite. They praise Ireland, but seek to deny me and you the same right. Hypocrites.

They are using politics as the tool to beat up the very person advocating for my rights to voice my opinion. And they are denigrating anyone who supports him.

If you dare to disagree with these pressure groups, you are automatically accused of being anti-gay. Not so. I am simply concerned about what this change means and where will it with lead in the future. I know, many share that concern. This is not a hysterical concern, as some try to claim. It is a legitimate concern, based on what has happened overseas. And, what is now emerging in some of those countries who have gone down the SSM path, with respect to 'other' groups demanding the same right. It also cuts to the core of rights with businesses forced out of business for saying no.  

Consider this, it wasn't so long ago that prostitution was illegal in this country. How many people consider prostitution immoral and an abuse of women? I suspect the number who do is significant. I feel very strongly about the treatment of and exploitation of women in brothels. But, the people had no say,  it just happened. Social change driven by self-interest lobby groups has a habit of creeping up on society. We see it day in day out. As a result our rights are being eroded. 

The ‘rainbow’ lobby are even trying to force TV stations to cancel ads from the Marriage Alliance who are trying to get their opinions into the public forum. That is suppressing free speech.  

Those who are concerned about this come from all sides of the political divide not just from  the conservative side of politics. A poll running on Seven News today has the public vote at 50/50 (currently). That is not a majority. 

I maintain, this is a question of rights, not politics. Time to take a stand. 

The Dirty Game of Politics

I wonder how the thousands, who have died on the battlefields of war, fighting for the rights of others, would feel now when they see the rights of Australians being trampled in such a shameful way.

They would never have envisaged that the day would come, when the Prime Minister of this country in standing up and saying "Let's ask the people" would result in him being vilified and laughed at for doing so. And sneered at and criticised by some lily-livered weaklings in his own party. It's a shameful, shameful day.

I'm sorry my relatives sacrificed so much, only to have their legacy trashed by selfish, self-serving, self-interest groups and individuals. And by politicians who seek to play politics at the expense of our rights; our right to voice our opinion. And yes, I’m angry, very angry.

Those chanting ‘but the polls say the majority of Australians want same sex marriage legalised”, are doing so on the result of some newspaper poll. Or privately funded political poll. A few thousand people voicing their opinions!!!!  The only true measure of what the people want,  is to ask the majority. If you had listened to the media and snap polls on the recent Goodes events, claiming booing was racially motivated and that the majority vote agreed, then that was proven wrong yesterday by an Essential Poll highlighting the majority didn’t think that. You can’t trust polls as a reflection of a true pulse check.

Make no mistake,  there is a very dirty game plan being played out in this country. I for one am sick of it. I’m sick of the hypocrisy. I’m sick of my rights to hold an opinion being trampled. I’m sick of the bullying. And, most of all I’m sick of the lies.

Those who are reacting in such a vicious way to the LNP party room decision of yesterday, don’t want you to have your say. They merely want their way. Stuff you. So now,  opportunists who sit on the opposition benches, ably supported by their left-wing media buddies, will be actively spreading the leadership rumours. They will be pushing the ‘divide and conquer’ card as hard they can. Don’t fall for it.  It’s a cynical game using same sex marriage as the wedge. It’s not about championing minority rights it’s about politics, destabilisation and deflection.

A wise colleague said to me yesterday “unity is living, divide and you are dead”.. He is right.

Monday 10 August 2015

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Political Game Plan

The name of the game is working smarter not harder. Using what assets you have available to you to achieve your ultimate objective; reclaim office in 2016.

In politics, the leader who is faced with ministers and others who are not performing and this is coupled with the internal challenges of people sitting in different camps he/she has only a few options.  The camps could probably be managed but when those camps are stocked with immature backbenchers, the challenge becomes even greater. Let’ face it, the Conservatives have an overabundance of immature backbenchers. They don’t have the staying power needed, to deliver unpopular change which is essential to set us up for the future. It’s all about self with them.  

So what are some of the possible limited options?
  • Move people on and then face an internal revolt from the opposing camp? It might work if the anti-camp numbers were on the lower side. But very dicey if not. You could possibly afford to do it, if your electoral 'stocks' were high and you have time to weather the storm. But in the case of our PM his stocks are unfairly low and time is pressing. So, if you are presiding over a camp of vipers, who have already tried to destabilise you, it's probably not the best option. 
  • You can leave the deadwood and the traitors where they are. In essence do nothing. That would surely mean continuing to fight leaks to a salivating media. Disenfranchise your support base (we are seeing evidence of that already).  You would risk certain further challenges to your leadership. All of this can be distracting and if you are an achiever as the PM is, incredibly frustrating; always looking over your shoulder to see where the next knife is coming from. That is debilitating and exhausting and it takes you back to scenario one at some. The point where everyone on both sides as had enough.   
  • Or you can stand back and let ‘nature’ take its course. Take the arm’s length approach and let someone else determine the 'deadwoods' fate. Be that the media, the electorate or even the opposition. Or simply let the deadwood hang themselves. You achieve the desired result, you don’t have blood on your hands and you are responding to the electorates’ demands.  

In the third scenario you will cop flak (a bucket load of it) certainly from your supporters. They will judge you as being weak and indecisive. In fact it’s the opposite. Those would seek to drop the ‘flak bucket’ with all due respect aren’t perhaps that strategically minded or aware of the internal goings on at a deeper level. I think this is the game Tony Abbott is playing. It's risky, it's courageous but in my opinion, it's smart.

Mr Abbott has a lot of deadwood and far too many gutless backbenchers who turn at the slightest bit of pressure. Remember the 39 would be assassins? There is one less now, but they are still there.  If Mr Abbott had moved on Bronwyn Bishop many of those assassins would have been screaming for a spill.

I like Bronwyn and let’s face it; we have too few good women in politics. Bronwyn has been a long standing loyal servant and whilst I think her helicopter misdemeanour was foolish, it wasn't a hanging offence. Certainly not in light of what has surfaced since. But the question that has been overlooked in the helicopter fiasco is her performance.

Having declared my personal feelings toward her I need to be honest and say, she wasn't the greatest Speaker. It's fair to say she was tested day in day out in QT by the recalcitrant children on the opposition bench. But even I cringed over some of her decisions and I have a ‘blue eye’.  That said, nothing was going to improve and she was becoming a distraction. QT was turning into Labor 'versus with the speaker' battleground deflecting the Govt from its task of demolishing the opposition. You only had to follow the twitter timeline to see that. Over the last two sittings in particular running comment was about the Speaker and who on the opposition bench she had kicked out, not the Govt frontbenchers silencing the opposition and highlighting the flaw in the oppositions attack.  So thanks to the opposition, media and electorate Mrs Bishop is gone. Hopefully, the new Speaker will be a secondary player and not manipulated by the opposition to play the starring role.

Managing costs is a burning issue for the PM. He is well aware of the gross abuse of parliamentary travel rorts. As we have discovered this is a problem everywhere. LNP, Labor, Independents & Greens all have abusers within their ranks. If the PM was to try and fix this he would be slaughtered. It has been tried in the past and voted down. Now, the electorate outrage is at such a level even Bill Shorten agrees something has to be done.  

And I should add Christopher Pyne isn't the greatest performer. The electorate will judge him harshly over his travel rorts.  I dare say a few others will also fall into that camp as well and hopefully a few will be consumed by guilt and jump ship.

Sadly Mrs Bishop was the sacrificial lamb and we owe her a huge debt.

So yes, I think Tony Abbott is playing a very interesting game. There will be more ‘outings’ over coming months. There will be endless rumours of challenges. The media has already started their three monthly ‘leadership challenge’ rumours (now called hints). As Conservatives we need to stand firm. Weather the storm. There is a plan, that plan has been put into play. You either choose to ride with it or continue to attack those you purport to support. The true blues will ride it out.

To quote Sun Tzu:

 "A military operation involved deception. Even though you are competent, appear to be incompetent. Though effective, appear to be ineffective"

"All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which the victory is evolved"



The Electorate: Misogynistic : Double-Standards


  • Is the electorate becoming increasingly misogynistic? 
  • Or do people on all sides of the political divide simply treat Conservatives significantly harsher than Labor or Greens? 
I'm struggling to work out which one it is. Or, perhaps both apply.

I expected the polls to reflect the electorate's anger over the travel expenses scandals. 
What I didn't expect, was for them to unleash their anger on PM Tony Abbott and to reward Bill Shorten. The latest Newspoll was the final straw for me. So consider this. 

The argument that the electorate is increasingly misogynistic. 

Examples of two women; Julia Gillard and Bronwyn Bishop, hounded, attacked and abused over the same issues as men who survive.

Julia Gillard was not a very good PM and she certainly was not to be trusted, but people hounded her over a $5000 brown bag payment. The combination of that and her performance finally cost her, her job. 

In comparison, we have Bill Shorten. With a far, far worse footprint. Unions bully, adulterer, accused rapist and he has demonstrated vicious behaviour toward an innocent female shop owner. He has taken money, at the expense of workers, for self gain and only disclosed it when 'forced' to do so. There are very serious questions arising in the Royal Commission about his conduct and honesty. Yet, in the latest Newspoll taken over the weekend, Shorten's stock rise against a PM who has none of those shadows hanging over his head.

Bronwyn Bishop.  Foolishly took a $5000 helicopter ride. She was attacked unmercifully. She has been humiliated, abused and finally hounded out of office. Hounded out for excessive spends that pales into insignificance to Labor's Tony Burke her chief assassin. Burke is even given a free pass by none other than Christopher Pyne (who himself we discover has pushed the expense envelope) 

Tony Burke, is a serial expense abuse offender. He was Labor's attack dog, ripping into Mrs Bishop daily. However, over the past week, Mr Burke's own gross abuse has been highlighted. Flying girlfriends 1st class, business class holiday flights for his children, holidays for himself, $10,000 a day jaunts in Europe, lavish parties and $20,000 drinks bills. He's accepted free gifts; travel, entertainment, accommodation.  Fifteen times he had paid back travel claims. The list goes on and on and on. But, Burke  is considered to be operating within the rules, but Mrs Bishop isn't.

Mrs Bishop paid back the $5000 plus a fine. Burke under pressure is reimbursing one lousy ComCar bill. So why was Mrs Bishop treated so harshly when a serial abuser of expenses like Burke survives? Could it be because she is a woman. I'm rapidly reaching the conclusion that is the reason.  

Are Conservatives held to a significantly higher level of professional standards than Labor. 

Tony Abbott's personal ratings are down Bill Shorten's go up. That is almost inconceivable when you think about it. Now, there are those who are very suspicious of polls. Funnily enough, that usually only applies when they go against their preferred party, yes I am guilty as well. There are those who will say; but they only target Labor electorates.  I suspect in some cases pollsters pick and choose BUT surely decency and personal standards should be above political preferences when it comes to people.

Tony Abbott has worn the wrath of the electorate over Bronwyn Bishop. His ratings went down. 

Bill Shorten was unscathed over Burke. Shorten's ratings went up, astounding. This is despite the very serious accusations levelled at Mr Shorten at TURC. This is despite Mr Shorten's disclosure that he took a $40,000 payment from an employer and used that money to fund his political campaign. AND, kept it quiet for years. Let's face it, if it hadn't been for TURC that payment would never have been disclosed. None of these serious failures of personal conduct have been levelled at Mr Abbott, yet his ratings go down. 

So, as I've been committing my thoughts to paper I've now reached my conclusion that as an electorate, we are collectively guilty of both: 

1. We are becoming more misogynistic although many will dispute that 
2. We most certainly hold the Conservatives to much higher standards than Labor 

I will confess, I’m becoming increasingly disillusioned with society. We appear to be losing all sense of fairness. We punish people for other people's misdemeanours and we are inconsistent in our judgement. In Tony Abbott's case, the achievements of his Govt are ignored and he is attacked based on personality.  That is grossly unfair in my opinion.   

Friday 7 August 2015

Australia: It's Time to Halt The Politicans Gravy Train

I don't really care what political party you support. We each have our own reasons for supporting Liberals, Nationals, Labor, Greens, Pup or even an Independent. That's your business not mine. What I do care about is, the fact that we are all being treated with absolute contempt by greedy politicians. I would like to think we could pull together to send a very strong message that we won't tolerate it any longer.

We have a lot to thank Bronwyn Bishop for. If it hadn't been for her fall from grace the extent of the misuse of taxpayer funds would have remained hidden. Bronwyn was named, shamed and she eventually stepped down from the Speakers role. It is yet to be proven that she committed fraud but she was hounded out of office nevertheless. Whilst many of us were disappointed, we along with the majority said, fair enough.

Over the last few days, we have discovered that the chief attack dog Tony Burke. has committed abuses far exceeding anything levelled at Mrs Bishop, but he is standing firm. To add insult to injury he was today supported by Christopher Pyne. Why? Because Mr Pyne is equally guilty of gross misuse of taxpayers money. They are all feeding from the same trough.

The cry 'it is within the rules' is wearing very, very thin. It may well be, but it certainly doesn't meet the electorates expectations or the fair and reasonable test. It also begs the question, if 'it' is within the rules then why was Mrs Bishop hounded out of office? I'm loath to say this, but I must. Was Mrs Bishop singled out because of her job and because she is a woman? An easy target. After all, even Christopher Pyne joined the 'get rid of Bronwyn' cheer squad toward the end.

We need to send a very strong message. Enough. Taxpayers and others within the electorate have been asked to give up benefits and forego some of the election promises. Whilst there have been protests, the majority of Australians have 'taken it on the chin'. For us to find out what has been going on the Canberra (for years) is galling.  

So how do we send a message? We could organise protests but most Australians aren't interested in that For me, my student protest days are long gone. But, we do have the power of social media. We can tap into thousands of voices, we can get the message quickly and we can gauge the response.

What I am proposing is that we target Tony Abbott, Bill Shorten, Richard Di Natale and Clive Palmer. As leaders of the major parties they need to come together and agree to fix this. This has to be a collective responsibility not one party or government responsibility. Our messages are along the lines of the following.


To make it very clear to our elected political representatives that lavish perks will no longer be tolerated.  This includes but is not restricted to the following list (this is in no particular order)

Personal travel; reason, class, mode and destination.

Family travel entitlements (as above).

Travel for personal staff (as above).

Attending overseas conferences. Is it associated with their portfolio and does it delivers a quantifiable benefit to the electorate.

The acceptance of free gifts; including overseas travel.


A revision of the policy that will see the removal of all current perks that do not deliver a return to taxpayers/voters.

Publication of the revised policy that has been assessed by an external third party; Is it reasonable, does it benefit the electorate, is it consistent with current business practice.

The removal of any currently approved gratuities that places the receiver in a position of a conflict of interest. If any gratuities are permitted, there can be no additional claims under expenses eg Comcars, airfares, accommodation. These are personal expenses paid for by the politician.


A twitter campaign. I suggest we kick this off on Sunday. We bombard the leaders (and include our local MP's if they are on Twitter). I'm happy to spend sometime putting some stuff together. Anyone who wants to help is most welcome.

If you think this is worthwhile. Send me a DM or RT. Dependant on the response we can decide if it's a worthwhile plan or not. This is about Voters vs Politicians.

Was It Worth It - Tony Burke

Tony Burke is either so smug he thinks he is beyond scrutiny. Or so thick he thought no one would start digging when he decided to act as Shorten's attack dog and deflect the attention away from his wounded leader and go after Bronwyn Bishop. 

Burke delivered on his mission to remove Mrs Bishop, but at what cost? The evidence is mounting by the day of his own monumental abuse of taxpayer funds. Mrs Bishop's indiscretions pale into insignificance compared to what is now surfacing for Burke. Sure, it might be found to be within the rules, but it is abuse nevertheless. 

Burke reminds of the little boy, from the wrong side of the tracks, who finds himself with the lolly jar for the first time. He's been gorging himself ever since. But as with all greedy little children they get their just deserts in the end and his end is guaranteed. Shorten on the other hand, remains in the background, comforted in the knowledge that he has some respite from scrutiny, at least for the time being.  Burke has been his sacrificial lamb. 

My husband summed it up beautifully this morning. He said "Burke is a serial offender." He is right. And a pretty dumb one at that. 

Thursday 6 August 2015

Travel Rorts: I'm As Mad As Hell

The disrespect shown to the Australian electorate by selfish, greedy politicians, living the high life, through the errant misuse of our hard earned money, is frankly appalling.

Sarah Hanson-Young is the latest to hit the headlines, slugging taxpayers for travel on the same day she received VIP tickets to attend the Gay Mardi Grae. She justifies this as, promoting equality is part of my job. You don’t need to pay hundreds of dollars to  attend a gay pride party to do that.

….. NONE of this; family holidays, travel to gay pride parties, private planes to football matches, helicopter rides, accepting expensive tickets, privately funded overseas jaunts passes the ‘is it the right thing to do’ test. If our politicians cannot see right from wrong on this issue then how can we trust them to do right by us. The simple answer is we can’t.

If you behaved in business as many of our politicians have, you would be booted out the door quick smart. I’ve worked with people, who in fact have been fired (rightly so) for lavish spend on their company credit card. I’ve worked for large multi-nationals where the acceptance of free gifts was strictly forbidden. To do so, was instant dismissal. As it should be for politicians. The reason is very simple; you leave yourself open to corruption and suspicion. Why risk it.

Politicians have to attend events. It’s expected. From time to time that means taking a partner and this may include air travel, accommodation and limo hire. But it must pass the ‘sniff’ test; be within their electorate, be associated with their portfolio, deliver a quantifiable benefit to taxpayers and the country as a whole. If it can’t, then it must not be allowed.

Under no circumstances, should politicians be allowed to use taxpayers money for family holidays. I sense many within the electorate have been stunned to learn they do. I suspect many taxpayers cannot afford family holidays, so to discover they are paying for well paid politicians families, must be galling.

Prime Minister Abbott has committed to cleaning this up. We will hold him to account. I would go one step further. I would ask for a review of expense claims for all current lower and upper house members going back 5-years. Yes, it will cost, but I believe it is important.
The member will then  publish the findings and the electorate can then be the judge. I have a suspicion, that some of the more sanctimonious amongst the ‘current crop’ may just be found wanting.

Let’s hope Mr Abbott addresses this swiftly,  and the outcome meets ‘the electorate sniff’ test.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Does Tony Burke Pass the Test

Things are not looking good for Tony Burke. One of the lessons he is yet to learn is, if are going to point the finger at others make sure your own house is in order. Burke has been relentess in his attacks on Bronwyn Bishop. Now this is coming back to haunt him bigtime.

There is no question Mrs Bishop has to be held accountable, if in fact it is proven that she fraudulently used tax payer funds. Foolishness is not a hanging offense but fraud is. Mr Burke on the other hand has three questions to answer.

  1. Does his use of tax payer funds for family holidays (whilst perhaps within the very loose guidelines) pass the reasonableness test in the electorate
  2. What benefits has he delivered to the electorate in accepting personal freebies, does this also pass the reasonableness test in the electorate 
  3. What has he promised his benefactors in exchange for his many free gifts
From where I sit I have serious doubts about questions one and two and grave concerns in relationship to number three.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Bronwyn Bishop: How Clean is YOUR Closet of Failures

Much has been said about Bronwyn Bishop over recent weeks. Most of it not flattering.

I personally think it's very sad that after a lifetime of service, her end will result from her error of judgement. Judgement, being a strong point of hers throughout her career, until recent times it appears. All of her good work forgotten and she herself cast to shame pile forever.

We have yet to see the results of the Finance Departments review into her expenses. I hope they find nothing untoward, but there are no guarantees. If she has been found to have broken the law, then she must face the consequences. But even if she has been found to have operated within the current rules, the damage has been done. She has been mortally wounded, the attackers have won.

It would be fair to say some of the vitriol stems from political point scoring. Labor have been after her from the day she stepped into The Speakers chair. Some stems from disappointment in our politicians. And, some simply because people join in the fray; the shark pack mentality that we see all too often today. "Go for the kill."

Mrs Bishop herself has conducted herself with dignity. She has apologised and paid back the money, plus a fine. Not once has she screamed bullying (although she has just grounds). Not once has screamed misogynist (although again, she has just grounds).

But in thinking about this and how we judge others, it begs the question. How many people critising Mrs Bishop have never cheated on their expenses? I'm sure if you checked mine might turn up the odd questionable item. It might have been legitimate under the rules, but applying the fairness test might result in a different response, dependent on whom you ask. Of course the cry will go up 'but in her case it's my money' - well it's always someones money be it tax payers, shareholders, business owners. It issue is about the application of standards not whose money it is.

Which brings me back to my point. What's hidden in my 'closet of failures'.

I'm thinking perhaps there is an element of truth in that.

Monday 3 August 2015

Personal Debt & Irresponsible Advertisers

The personal debt level in Australia is concerned. Australians have racked up over $23billion  on their personal credit cards. The interest an even bigger challenge.  It is also alarming to see the number of ads popping up on television pushing quick money. No questions asked. Others pushing  ‘buy-now’ pay sometime in the future. Transfer your credit balance is another. They even have apps to make it easier.

(As August 3rd)
But, this takes the prize for irresponsibility, in my opinion.

The TV ad encourages people to transfer their existing credit balance from one card to another. The grabber is, ex months interest free on the balance transferred. Sounds good and if people have a sizeable balance on their card, it could save them a reasonable amount of money. I emphasise ‘could’. That is, if they take advantage of the interest free period and pay off their balance, and don’t just continue to add to it. But if all they are doing is paying the minimum and adding to the balance all they are doing is shifting the pain in the future. And, adding more debt.

But what really annoys is what the woman in the ad says, "Now I don't have to worry about my balance, I can spend my time doing things I like, like socialising and going out to dinner. That assumes simply running up more debt; irresponsible.

And so it goes, people transfer their credit balance to another card, they continue to spend and the cycle starts all over again..

I wonder if advertisers ever think about the message they are conveying. It appears not and those pushing easy credit options certainly don’t.


The events of the past week and furore over booing and the usual #Istandfor campaign that has ensued, has prompted me to reflect on "what I stand for" when it comes to racism. 

I'll will state that this point, that booing based on racial intent is not acceptable. Any form of racism is contemptible. Booing as a response to someones behaviour, and behaviour that has offended or hurt you, is entirely different.  


I stand with all of those who face real racism and discrimination day in day out. 

I stand with those people who are physically attacked and in many instances killed because of their colour, their religion or their ethnicity. 

I stand with those who are denied the right to work because of what they are, not who they are as people. 

I stand with those who are isolated and shunned because they are different in some way. 

I stand with those who are spat on and verbally abused because of what they wear, what religion they choose to follow not who they are as human beings. 

I stand with those who don't hide behind what happened 200 years ago and who then use that as an excuse for their own lack of fortune today and who suffer the indignity and pain of real racism and exclusion.

I don't stand with people who have made a success of their lives be it through business, sport or politics and who continue to blame me for the misdeeds of my forefathers. 

I don't stand with people who continue to ram down my throat that I am a white trespasser in the country I was born in and for whom my father, grandfathers and uncles put their lives on the line. People who tell me “First of all, Aboriginal people have been here a lot longer than anybody else, so just remember whose lands you are on and maybe pay a little bit more respect to that,’’ (Respect is earnt it can not be demanded) 

I don't stand with people who use their position to push their indigenous, religious or ethnic agenda without thinking about how their actions will cause hurt and distress for others. And when faced with a backlash point the finger and call racism. 

I don't stand with people who create divide and run away.