Sunday 20 December 2020

If COVID was a Hoax

The self-reinforcing cohorts of the collectively unhinged, have become especially salient in the era of social media.” I think that’s a great comment and so true of sites like Twitter. They have swept even previously considered sensible people up in the paranoia that abounds. The mere mention of anything Covid related stirs them out of their foxholes and off they go. 

So if Covid were really a hoax, what would it require to off pull the greatest hoax the universe has ever endured off? 

First it would involve a secret deal between every global leader on every continent regardless of their political ideology and regardless of their self motivation and their personal ambitions. Conservatives, Socialists, Marxist, Communists, Fascist all agreeing to render the greatest hoax ever. Even in your wildest imagination can you imagine that’s the case? Let’s not forget we’re talking about a group of people who haven’t agreed on anything or collectively coordinated their plans on anything that affects the planet. 

Second. It would also involve doctors in Geneva at the World Health Organisation. Now I know many people are suspect of WHO. However, add to this Govt health experts, and thousands of medical experts in hospitals all around the world conspiring with data scientists, virologists etc to produce a fantastic flow of fake information. Let’s not leave out the research scientists and the pharmaceutical companies who are developing and manufacturing the vaccines. They’d all have to be in on the hoax as well. If you believe the conspiracists, the vaccines are just a way to insert a chip that will be a mechanism to control us. 

Third. Then add to that the media if you’re still convinced everything politicians and scientists and health workers appear to be saying is fake hence they’re making it up. Just try to imagine what it would require to create an even more amazing capacity on someone’s part to control the world’s media and the internet. 

Millions and millions of people in on rendering the greatest hoax ever on the global population of the world. And what possible purpose could it serve? A mass take over if you believe the conspiracist. By who exactly isn’t always clear? Although one person on Twitter has claimed endorsed and resourced by the CCP.  Just let that sink in. Every country in the world buying into a global take over by the CCP!! When the rest have figured it out no doubt it will be equally as fanciful. 

Friday 31 July 2020

Freedom and Rights

I don’t know who wrote this. It was posted on Facebook as Author Unknown. It’s too good not to share. I agree one hundred percent with the author. 

I am reading about people claiming their freedom is being taken away from them because they have been asked to wear masks. They say they won't pay any fines associated with not wearing one. Although I don't agree with their statement regarding the removal of their rights, I totally understand how people are being influenced by the media and some of their peers to believe that they are being done wrong by.

For those of you who fall into this category, there are a few more things you should consider to maintain your rights.

You should decline the Government's offer to assist with Jobkeeper, Jobseeker or the $750 bonus payments because your right to financially struggle will be taken away from you if you accept these payments.

You should decline your bosses offer to keep you on part time because you will lose your right to join the thousands in the Centrelink line whose bosses couldn't make them that offer.

You should pay full childcare fees because paying a reduced rate takes away your right to fully support your decision to work while your child is cared for by someone else.

You should return to the workplace rather than work from home because being told to work from home takes away your right to work in a real working environment.

You should hire a private tutor for your children because teachers now working 12 hour days to remotely teach your children takes away your right as a parent to have your children taught the way you feel you are entitled to.

You should decline to accept treatment for yourself if you end up with Covid 19 because accepting treatment takes away every right you thought you had by refusing to wear a mask.

Unfortunately that should also apply to every friend or family member you pass the disease on to as allowing them to accept treatment for your choices takes away your right to make those choices in the first place.

Most importantly, you should start apologising, and possibly saying goodbye to, the people in your life who may suffer and/or die as a result of you wanting to exercise your rights because waiting until it's too late to apologise takes away your right to show how sorry you are while they were still alive.

Up until this pandemic, I thought I lived in a world that was progressive, intelligent and relatively safe within the confines of my Country.

Sadly I was mistaken as I now know that stupidity and naivety can take away my rights.

To watch my children raise their children in a safe world.

To see my Grandchildren grow up.

To see the world through travel.

To race my walking frame against my husband and his.

To sit with him in our 80s and reminisce about the wonderful life we had together.

To breathe without struggling in my final days.

To die a death where I can be surrounded by my most favourite people in the world rather than in a hospital surrounded by medical staff holding an IPad where I may be able to glimpse my family with tears rolling down their faces.

Or MOST DEVASTATING OF ALL, being one of those people watching my family member dying in a hospital room and thinking all I want to do is be with them and hold them as they take their last difficult and painful breath.

It's a mask. Not a gas chamber. Not a firing squad. Not a noose around your neck.

And not the ventilator that may be the alternative. Surely you can manage to be grown up about it and exercise your right to be a responsible member of the society we are struggling to see a future in.

Wednesday 22 January 2020

If They Were REALLY Serious About Climate

In business if you want to make big improvements you tackle the big problems that will deliver the best results first. Doing this delivers you the “best bang for your buck.” 

If climate change is the greatest threat to mankind as some claim it is, why aren’t all the resources & the billions and billions of dollars raised not directed toward fixing the big polluters first? Using global funds given to organisations like the UN to facilitate a rapid migration to sustainable and renewable solutions. In doing so achieving a significant reduction in global CO2 output. Example the global community assisting China to make a rapid shift to renewable and sustainable power. If we just funded the top five using global funds to finance their transition, the positive impact would be significant. If mankind is on the brink that would make a lot more sense than the piecemeal approach that we have now. That is unless the real agenda is more about making money, moving to a new world model and controlling, rather than enabling which many suspect with some justification it appears to be.

Why aren’t those countries and climate activist who are bullying us and demanding we just stop coal mining and close our coal fired power generation (wrecking our economy and leading to massive instability) advocating for a different approach?  They would achieve a much better result than the minuscule (in a global sense) reduction we’d achieve. That’s not to say we shouldn’t be transitioning to sustainable and renewable solutions to achieve a cleaner environment, we should. There are many benefits for us in doing that, improvements in health being one of them. 

It would be fair to say however that if many of the global activist and global organisations feeding off the climate alarmist industry addressed the real issues, they’d make themselves redundant. No more gravy train, no more power, no further usefulness and that’s why they won’t do it. 

I believe in cleaning up the environment. That’s nothing knew I’ve always believed that well before it became a ‘fashionable’ cause. However, we need to be sensible about it and not throw ourselves over the blasted cliff doing it. Nor should we be bullied into throwing ourselves off a cliff by those with vested interests. 
Remember this: 
Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsiblity to bring that about?” -~ Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)

“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.“ ~ Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation

Monday 6 January 2020

Our Disgraceful Australian Media

I tried to post this comment in response to Simon Bensons hatched job on the Prime Minister in the Australian. It was rejected which does not surprise me. 

If I was in any way cynical, they could forgive me for thinking the media attacks on the Prime Minister are just an extension of the media’s “RightToKnow” campaign. 

Goodness me he didn’t consult them when he took a short break at Christmas albeit the country doesn’t just rely on one person to function. And, he had consulted with those who needed to know.  He hasn’t caved in when the media have demanded he meet with their much loved ex fire chiefs. Albeit two of his ministers who are responsible did. Plus the Prime Minister has met with current disaster recovery and fire chiefs as he should. He doesn’t have to jump to the tune of a Tim Flannery funded activist group. He hasn’t been at the media’s beck and call he has been quietly getting on with the job. 

Even when he communicates the attacks continue. The media edits to paint him as incompetent, uncaring, self-promoting and fake. Accusing the PM of being solely responsible for fires and even charging him with fixing the world's climate issues. It’s absurd nonsense. 

Once this fire season is over and we start the analysis into the what and why it should include the role some the media have played in whipping up fear and unnecessary (at times) alarmism. In failing to inform. And even whether they have played a role in the alarming increase in arson. 

It’s clear Morrison isn’t a media puppet. He isn’t a 24/7 media PM. He will do things his way. Sure, he’s made some mistakes but who hasn’t. I think he’s doing a good job in very difficult circumstances. I for one thank heavens we have him in charge.