Sunday 20 December 2020

If COVID was a Hoax

The self-reinforcing cohorts of the collectively unhinged, have become especially salient in the era of social media.” I think that’s a great comment and so true of sites like Twitter. They have swept even previously considered sensible people up in the paranoia that abounds. The mere mention of anything Covid related stirs them out of their foxholes and off they go. 

So if Covid were really a hoax, what would it require to off pull the greatest hoax the universe has ever endured off? 

First it would involve a secret deal between every global leader on every continent regardless of their political ideology and regardless of their self motivation and their personal ambitions. Conservatives, Socialists, Marxist, Communists, Fascist all agreeing to render the greatest hoax ever. Even in your wildest imagination can you imagine that’s the case? Let’s not forget we’re talking about a group of people who haven’t agreed on anything or collectively coordinated their plans on anything that affects the planet. 

Second. It would also involve doctors in Geneva at the World Health Organisation. Now I know many people are suspect of WHO. However, add to this Govt health experts, and thousands of medical experts in hospitals all around the world conspiring with data scientists, virologists etc to produce a fantastic flow of fake information. Let’s not leave out the research scientists and the pharmaceutical companies who are developing and manufacturing the vaccines. They’d all have to be in on the hoax as well. If you believe the conspiracists, the vaccines are just a way to insert a chip that will be a mechanism to control us. 

Third. Then add to that the media if you’re still convinced everything politicians and scientists and health workers appear to be saying is fake hence they’re making it up. Just try to imagine what it would require to create an even more amazing capacity on someone’s part to control the world’s media and the internet. 

Millions and millions of people in on rendering the greatest hoax ever on the global population of the world. And what possible purpose could it serve? A mass take over if you believe the conspiracist. By who exactly isn’t always clear? Although one person on Twitter has claimed endorsed and resourced by the CCP.  Just let that sink in. Every country in the world buying into a global take over by the CCP!! When the rest have figured it out no doubt it will be equally as fanciful.