Monday 26 March 2018

Are We Suffering From Collective Post-traumatic Embitterment Disorder

In 2009 psychiatrists in the US were seeking to have post-traumatic embitterment (PTE) disorder recognised as a mental illness. PTE defines clinically significant emotional or behavioural symptoms that follows a negative life event. 

Relate that back to what we witness in people and society today. The anger and aggression toward others often over the most trivial issues. The bitterness and resentment, not letting go of grudges, people feeling they have no control when they do and blaming everyone else. 

I’m an avid reader. In particular, I’m fascinated by the opinions expressed by people to media columns. But over the last 12-months the line between rational and irrational responses has closed. People make the most outrageous claims. Many are deliberate lies. But, dozens of people like a herd of little lemmings hit the like button. Dare anyone point out the obvious and like a pack of hyenas the mob turns. 

What worries me most is the glaring hatred expressed by those professing to be conservatives toward Malcolm Turnbull. He’s not perfect but there’s far worse people around than him. He and the Government get little credit for the many things the Government has delivered and will continue to deliver. The comparison between the LNP and Labor is significant not that you’ll convince the conservative political terrorist. You only have to read what people say to recognise the clear link between their comments and embitterment disorder. The leadership changed big deal. Leadership changes all the time in business, in the field of sports and yes in politics. Decisions are reached not everyone likes them but the way people are still carrying on is utter lunacy. No one stole your swing children they changed the leader of the party. 

Shorten has declared his intention to steal from Pensioners and Self Funded Retirees. Shorten refuses to support tax cuts to businesses that will stimulate jobs and growth and investment. He will jack up energy costs by investing heavily in unreliable renewables. Labor lies about business profits and wages growth under the LNP; both Abbott and Turnbull Governments. Shorten is as we’ve noted more than once a puppet of militant unions who are gaining more control. He will drive our debt (already higher than desirable) rapidly skyward. A Coalition Government will do none of those things. But, they are being routed in the polls, it makes no sense. 

I can only deduce from that that insanity has invaded this nation. Because I cannot accept that the loathing for one man has reached such levels that people would stuff the country (the country so many profess to love). But that is exactly what they will do in handing power to Bill Shorten’s Labor Union Party. Many have confirmed it is their intention to teach the LNP a lesson. So rather than acting from a point of reason and putting their loathing of Turnbull aside (hence do the right thing by our nation) they want revenge. How bloody selfish of them. 

I’m not in the best of moods, it’s been a very emotional day for me so I will be blunter than I normally try to be. I have one message for the embittered, start thinking like responsible adults instead of petulant children and damn well grow up. You deliver a Labor Government and stuff this country up you only have yourselves to blame. 

Friday 16 March 2018

National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence

A lot will be said and written about bullying today much of it focusing on children and schools. I have no problem with that given that suicide is the greatest cause of death of young people in Australia. A very large percentage because of bullying.

But, I want to focus on adults. We can not ignore that children learn from others be that peers, or adults; parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, celebrities and leaders from every walk of life. Spend time on social media and you soon discover the disgraceful behaviour of those same adults and it’s getting worse. So is it any wonder childhood bullying is out of control? You don’t have to be Einstein to figure it out.

I had two friends who committed suicide because of bullying. They weren’t snowflakes as many online bullies delight in labelling others. They were intelligent and successful people who couldn’t take the abuse anymore. Unrelenting bullying destroyed them as people to the point they felt they had no self-worth. 

When adults set out to bully others on social media, they rarely have any insight into the person they are attacking. Not everyone on the receiving end is an insensitive buffoon as those on the delivery end are. Often people have good cause to feel pain when they are bullied by others. It can be for  as little as supporting an alternative opinion or being a different colour, a different religion or from another country. 

The belief people just have to toughen up and suck it up only goes so far. When adults laugh at others who feel intimidated and then copy in their bullying friends on social media who join the so called party it can be overwhelming. I’ve been on the receiving end of that behaviour a few times. I won’t backdown to bullies but not everyone is me. Everyone one of us who frequents social media has a responsibility to speak up and demand it stops.

And, when you cheer on leaders in this case I will single out Donald Trump (as the example) who has made it a strategy to belittle, bully and attack others you need to ask yourself are you justifying his behaviour? How is that different from kids in a schoolyard mocking, bullying and belittling others? It isn’t. There can be no rule that says it’s OK for adults to bully but kids can’t or shouldn’t. It’s OK not to like someone or to disagree with them but it’s NOT OK to bully, humiliate, degrade and disrespect someone who has done you no harm regardless of who you are. 

So on this ‘National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence’ by all means speak up about kids who bully but don’t you dare let adults off the hook. I won’t.