Tuesday 23 October 2018

Batten Down The Hatches - Prepare For The Tsunami

The fat lady is about to sing and for us Liberal Members we must face the uncertainty of a minority LNP Government in power. The only saving grace is we aren’t that far off a general election and the possibility of correcting the ‘error’. 

Last evening was one of the first post-ballot opportunities we’ve had to listen to the yet to be confirmed faux Independent Dr Kerryn Phelps. On what program did she appear? The people’s channel the supposedly unbiased ABC’s Q&A. Yes, I did choke over the ‘unbiased’ comment. 

It does appear the producers of Q&A still have extreme difficulty understanding the definition of balance. Again last night the panel included one Liberal in Mr Ruddock vs a slew from the left including the host. That is not balance in any language. And, if anyone was ever confused over Ms Phelps agenda, they shouldn’t be now. Refugees and renewable energy. Nothing of note about the economy, jobs, national security, health nor the interests of the broader community. 

I have no doubt Ms Phelps statement we must “Close off-shore detention” would have resulted in a loud cheer from ‘up there’. You can almost guarantee people smugglers are busily taking bookings for the upcoming summer cruise to Australia. Smuggler Barons will once again be counting the cash which means they don’t have to rely so heavily on the drug trade. These are not nice people embarking on rescuing people. They are hardened clever criminals and superb marketers and they will be manipulating any weakness in our resolve to stop their trade to their own advantage. Ms Phelps has given them a glimmer of hope. 

No one I know wants to see children in distress. But it does once again beg the question why people living in what they and activist describe as a hell-hole prison (that is arguable) continue to have them? How irresponsible and selfish. And, in all of her rhetoric not once has Ms Phelps criticised Labor, Greens or the Crossbenchers for blocking the legislation that would support the removal of children and their families from Nauru to NZ. In doing that also protect us from those same people entering Australia via the backdoor. But she can’t criticise Labor because she is beholden to them. Just as she is beholden to the Greens and GetUp. I should add when Labor and Greens blocked the legislation (months ago) it highlighted their gross hypocrisy over asylum seekers and Nauru. 

We should never forget that when John Howard left office, there were four people in detention; not one child or one woman. We know the story that followed. So perhaps we should brace ourselves for a repeat of the boat tsunami. Barring a miracle the cartel of Labor/Greens/Unions/GetUp/and faux Independents will be in charge of what will then become the Political Asylum AKA Canberra. That is unless Australians wake-up quick-smart from their hiatus.

When Ms Phelps presents her policy to rehouse said refugees in the many mansions that dot the landscape of Wentworth and tables a proposal for wind turbines off the shores of South Head I’ll know she is serious about her convictions. Until she does, she’s just another lightweight do-gooder lecturing everyone one on what should happen as long as it is in someone else’s neighbour. As a nation I fear we will pay a very high price for the folly of the voters of Wentworth.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Stop Using Words As Weapons

We should never allow someone to use simple words as tools to attack us. I’m not talking about abusive words here. I’m talking about simple descriptive words like “It’s OK to be white”.  Saying ‘It’s OK to be white’ does not make us white supremacists. It’s ludicrous to suggest it does. It’s using the English language to state a fact.  I am and that’s OK. 

Yes, I know white supremacists have picked the slogan but I say so what? They don’t have a Copy-write on its use. Even those white supremacists who use it highjacked from an anti-PC group who came up with idea as a prank.  It is OK for supremacists to be white. What isn’t OK is for them to be racists, bigots and thugs but that’s got nothing to do with their colour but it has everything to do with their behaviour? It’s not OK for anyone of any colour to act as a racist, a bigot or a thug. But that behaviour isn’t colour specific.  

It’s the same as #MeToo. Stating that doesn’t make people a ranting raving feminist. It’s OK to admit someone has abused you and to say it using a simple Hashtag. What isn’t OK is to lie to damage others when you haven’t been? Neither is turning the Hashtag against those who have been abused  and using the words as weapons to attack and vilify them. Once again the #MeToo Hashtag is using the English language to express an opinion or fact, nothing more. 

We’ve sat quietly for far too long and let words be used to vilify, attack, belittle and condemn. It’s time we stood up and said enough. The ‘It’s OK to be white’ furore following Pauline Hanson’s motion that is dominating so much media might just be the wake up call we needed. 

More so when you read what she said.

Senator HANSON: I hope that the Senate does the reasonable thing today by supporting this motion. Anyone who pays attention to the news or spends any time on social media has to acknowledge that there has been a rise in anti-white racism and a rise in attacks on the very ideals of Western civilisation. I would also hope the Senate does the right thing and acknowledges that it is indeed okay to be white. Such a simple sentence should go without saying, but I suspect many members in this place would struggle to say it. People have a right to be proud of their cultural background, whether they are black, white or brindle. If we can't agree on this, I think it's safe to say anti-white racism is well and truly rife in our society.

That last sentence is a key point. It’s rare indeed for me to support Pauline Hanson but on on this I’m unequivocally in her corner. 

Wednesday 10 October 2018

The Narrow Mindedness Of Tribal Behaviour

I sometimes wish I didn’t have such an enquiring mind and such a strong want to share information and to question. Doing so sets people like me up for attack these days. It’s such a shame. 

The timing of Nikki Haley’s resignation yesterday as the US UN Ambassador intrigued me. The announcement followed a complaint submitted by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. I have no idea if the two are connected. It just interested me. Plus, it’s not the first time Ms Haley has faced ethics questions. I shared my thoughts following a media column on her resignation. Highlighting that the timing was interesting. A reasonable comment I thought. 

Rod didn’t think so. He replied, “You lefties don’t waste anytime digging the dirt, do you?” 

I’m not bothering defending my political position anymore. There’s no point in continuing to declare I’m not a leftie. It’s a complete waste of time trying to defend ourselves from the Rod’s of this world. Why? Because the Rod’s and those who ‘liked’ his comment highlight one of our major challenges. That is the narrow-mindedness driven by tribal behaviour that is so prevalent today. It’s getting worse. 

I’ve replied to Rod asking him why he jumped to a conclusion and pointing out his narrow-mindedness. As per usual, I don’t expect to receive a reply. People like him NEVER do. They just label the moment anyone says something that one side or the other disagrees with or doesn’t want to hear. Even if I was a leftie facts are facts. I can’t change that and it’s not my blasted fault if people don’t want to hear it. 

So to all the Rod’s of this world please grow up! In doing so keep your stupid and uninformed opinions of me to yourself. May I also suggest you expand your reading material and then you might learn something and broaden your knowledge base instead of remaining a narrow minded ignorant bore! 

Eckhart Tolle summed it up when he said. “The quicker you are in attaching verbal or mental labels to things, people, or situations, the more shallow and lifeless your reality becomes, and the more deadened you become to reality.”

How profound and how true… 

It would be remiss of me not to share that today, October 10, marks the 15 Anniversary of the passing of my Dad. He was the one who taught me to question and to never lock myself into the narrow confines of ideology. I miss him greatly but more so today. 

Sunday 7 October 2018

The Plot Thickens: Why Doesn’t John Hewson Disclose His Vested Interest In Green Energy?

The headline in the Australian reads. “Wentworth by-election: Ex-Liberal leader John Hewson urges protest vote in crucial seat.” That is misleading in my book. 

For starters they should define John Hewson as a failed faux Ex-Liberal. And why is Dr Hewson advocating for a protest vote and in doing so throwing his weight behind so-called Independent (but in reality) Labor Trojan Horse Kerryn Phelps? Well, this might only be a guess (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) but I’m guessing self-interest is the motive behind Dr Hewson’s revolt. 

Dr Hewson is a Director of Solastor, North Queensland Bio-Energy and Non-Executive Director CDP Waste2Energy Holdings Pty Ltd. He has been a climate activist since the late 80s. He has developed climate related businesses addressing household garbage recycling, energy efficient light bulbs and data centres, bio-fuels, solar thermal and battery storage. He is a Patron of the Smart Energy Council. As Chairman of Solastor his mission was to deliver the cheapest solar energy in the world. He failed. 

I’m guessing the businesses I’ve associated him with have been the beneficiary of very large green energy funding gifts from Government. A tap which under the Coalition is being turned off in 2020.  A Labor/Union/Greens Government should the Australian public be foolish enough to hand them the keys in 2019 will turn that tap back on make no mistake. 

Dr Hewson is active in the media. Not once have I ever heard him divulge his large financial interest in green energy. That is deceptive behaviour. The media aren’t blameless either. Instead of presenting Dr Hewson as an ex-Liberal leader they should profile him as a climate activist and significant investor in green energy. And, instead of using bylines like this; Former Liberal leader suggests a loss for the party might alter government’s thinking on climate change. The media should be pressing Dr Hewson to state what does he have to lose if the Government sticks with their current policy?

In summary: 

If Dr Phelps wins the seat of Wentworth, she will support Labor in this current parliamentary and any future parliamentary term (assuming she returned in 2019). Dr Hewson is backing Dr Phelps and helping to undermine the Liberals for self-interest. So is the media in not being upfront about Dr Hewson’s obvious conflicts using his earlier Liberal ties to undermine the Liberals and to assist in puting Labor back into power? Perhaps we should asking what has Labor promised Dr Phelps, Dr Hewson and the Media Barons? 

Sunday 30 September 2018

I Detest What Society Has Become As Result Of Gender Wars

I have been a strong advocate for women’s rights all my life. Having started out in my career in areas that weren’t the traditional domain of women it has subjected me to my fair share of discrimination and general put downs. That’s ranged from being told to just sit there and look pretty and let the men get on with running the business to outright discrimination in having far less qualified men promoted over me. I’ve never played the victim card because my parents taught me life wasn’t always fair. When life deals a tough card, you had three choices; 

  1. Play the victim and blame everyone else 
  2. Fight back, prove your worth and win (my preferred option)
  3. Know when to walk away if you can’t do that 

I have with a single exception chosen 2. Once I walked away. That's another valuable life lesson. Know when to walk away. I now drum that into the heads of the young people I coach and mentor. 

So where is this leading? I feel compelled to speak out about what I see happening as a result of gender wars citing two recent examples. 

I’m becoming increasingly hacked off with those who have played the victim card which has led to so many woman being vilified when they shouldn’t be. I was reminded of this, when reading through recent reports in the Australian about the acting Chairwoman of the ABC, Dr Kristin Ferguson. 

The first story focused on a text message Dr Ferguson had sent to Emma Alberici following Alberici’s since discredited report in naming 400 Australian companies that allegedly hadn’t paid tax in the past four years. Besides a flawed critical critique of the Government’s corporate tax policy. The first paragraph in the story reads; “Yet another explosive leak — this time a text from the freshly appointed ABC acting chair Kirstin Ferguson — is threatening to derail the ABC’s relationship with Canberra again after a week of unprecedented chaos at the public broadcaster.” What unadulterated sensationalist bull-dust. 

The comments that followed the highly inflammatory report highlight the predicament we now find ourselves in. Where people are simply vilified for nothing more than sending a text message and being a woman. The sanctimony of some is breathtaking. 

I posted a comment about Dr Ferguson’s impressive CV, board roles etc in an attempt to bring some balance. In reply one suggested that he’d seriously doubt Dr Ferguson would remain on any serious Boards again “after demonstrating her lack of a simple but fundamental concept”. Simple but fundamental concept? Corporate Tax law? He’s got to be joking. And for the heinous crime of sending someone a text message which said, “Great work on the tax story. Thanks for making company tax digestible and understandable for the average punter watching” according to the commenter Dr Ferguson should never be taken seriously again!!! I have deduced from that the writer has also never made an error of judgement and should he ever do so he would expect to be relegated to the ‘failed bin’ and never to be trusted again. I didn’t expect he would respond to my question and, I was right he didn’t.

That Emma Alberici’s report contained nine errors and was deemed biased leading to it being withdrawn and rewritten to a another matter. But, to suggest Dr Ferguson is a total incompetent based on her sending one text message is sheer lunacy. She isn’t incompetent her successful career proves that.  Kirsten Ferguson has a very impressive CV from her military career and following business and consulting career. She has taken enormous risks in her life and it has rewarded her for those risks. She is an experienced director, with 10 years’ experience on the ASX100 and ASX200 boards and private company and government boards. In her role as Acting Chairwoman, note ACTING, she is the best placed to step into that role. 

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has similarly been singled out for his fair share of criticism. Readers have accused him of caving into PC nonsense and gender quotas. That the ABC Board since the resignation of Chairman Milne now comprises five women out of a Board of seven doesn’t offer him a wide choice. I suppose he could have appointed one of the two men as acting Chair. But Dr Ferguson is well qualified to take on the acting role and reports suggest the male members weren’t interested anyway. I think the PM has picked the right person regardless. So is it the fact Dr Ferguson is a woman who sent a text message to a much hated ABC journalist that has upset so many? I’m thinking perhaps yes. 

Today the readers of the Australian were doing a hatch job on Dr Christine Blasey Ford. This followed her testimony against Brett Kavanaugh. On the surface Dr Ford presents as a credible witness who recalled a traumatic event in her life going back to 2012 in sessions with her therapist. That was well before Trump was President and Brett Kavanaugh became a household name. 

Whether Dr Ford’s recall is correct is yet to be proven, and the same applies to Brett Kavanaugh’s denial. The FBI investigation will root out the truth. That hasn’t stopped the armchair judges being the Australian readers media court. They have made their decision based on media reports (with a few even quoting in evidence You Tube opinions). In doing so they have determined she is a fraud and a Democrat plant; on a mission to bring down  to quote ‘an honourable man’. The bias and malice voiced by many astounds me. It’s really disgraceful what some people say. 

I was so incensed I posted a comment highlighting that Dr Ford had undertaken a polygraph test (yes I know of the legal standing) with an ex-FBI Agent and referenced her 2012 notes. Highlighting she a well credentialed professional, she isn’t the type who usually makes these accusations. Pointing out if I had to make a determination before the official FBI report I would believe Dr Ford and an ex-FBI agent over armchair judges as to her guilt. This is one reply I received. Seriously, I roll my eyes over comments like that. 

For the record I don't believe in Grey's with probes but perhaps the poster does. He seems to know about them. 

So it is with thanks to the victim culture and gender wars we now find any woman who is successful or who steps up and puts themselves out there in trying to correct what they judge wrong will in turn be judged a virtue-signaller or their appointments (on merit) merely PC quotas. These women are set upon by those armchair judges who don’t want to, or can’t be bothered to take the time, or who are not intelligent enough to judge each on merit. Any man who supports these women will be branded and his actions deemed PC nonsense or playing the gender quota card. Any person who tries to engender balance into the discussion with be labelled a believer in Grey’s with probes. Everything is distilled to the political level; right vs left, left vs right. Facts, truth, probability, long forgotten.  

I hate what this society we have collectively created has become. It’s nasty, judgemental and spiteful. Truth, honesty and the concept of a fair go are dead. Innocent until proven guilty long forgotten in the court of media warrior-ship. Courage to stand by your convictions are vilified and ridiculed. This battle if that is what it is shouldn't be about gender it should be about fairness. I would equally fight for any man who has been treated as these two women have by armchair warriors. It's also about decency.

As they say ‘reap what ye sow’ and we sure as hell are doing that and it’s a damn ugly crop. It's about time we started to plant and more importantly demand a new one. We start that in having the courage to speak up and declare this is not good enough. 

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Australia Day, I Will Not Be Insulted Or Bullied Into Accepting The Guilt

I posted this on Twitter yesterday following the Mayor of Byron’s announcement about their Australia Day celebrations. 

It appears to me the loopy Mayor of Byron, Simon Richardson is playing both sides of the deck re #AustraliaDay. He announced the council’s official ceremony will move to January 25 but some council events will still be held on the ‘national HOLIDAY’ the 26th. BUT then he said... “Celebrations on January 26 caused pain in a section of the community & questioned whether the values of a fair go & mateship were being reflected.” 

I asked why are some events were still being held on the 26th? Won’t those events still cause pain? PointIng out the lunacy of the illogical. 

I woke this morning to a response containing this link https://bit.ly/2DvCwQh to a Facebook post by a gentleman by the name of John Henderson. This is my response. 

I tire of the verbal assaults. I tire of being told I live on stolen land & that the contributions my family have made (including losing their lives) counts for nothing because they, and obviously ‘we’ are not legitimate. I tire of being told this land is not my land, or my home because it belongs to someone else. I tire of being insulted, abused and bullied into carrying the guilt of the past. 

John Henderson can rail against us and insult us but I don’t see one word in that tirade asking those he says we hate holding out the hand of friendship to us. I never read the words it’s time to put the past to rest and to move forward together. 

To me Mr Henderson also overlooked one very important point. He said ‘we’ being white Australians (and any other group who lives here I assume) don’t consider (hating in his words) “black-fellas” racism because they are Australian. Well, I believe there lies a problem. Many of our indigenous brothers and sisters (mostly the ones with the smallest amount of indigenous DNA but usually the most vocal) don’t consider themselves Australians. So isn’t it insulting for Mr Henderson to refer to them as Australians? 

It doesn’t matter what day we choose to celebrate Australia Day or who chooses it those with axes to grind won’t be appeased. The problem isn’t about a date or a celebration. Because the concessions and rights our indigenous brothers and sisters have won hasn’t appeased them. The vast sums of money the tax payers have gifted to them hasn’t appeased them. The significant tracks of land handed back to them hasn’t appeased them. The benefits and laws that apply to them but discriminate against us hasn’t appeased them. National sorry days, something that was supposed to heal the bitter wounds didn’t appease them. All of those things certainly haven’t appeased those of our own kind like Mr Henderson who believe we haven’t done enough and the problem is ours and our alone. The same Mr Henderson’s of our nation who accuse us of being the worst racist and haters in the world. So letting our our indigenous brothers and sister pick a day to celebrate Australia won’t certainly won’t. 

I want to make it very clear to the Mr Henderson’s of this nation I  will not be made to accept the guilt or to pay for the sins of those who came before me. As far as I’m aware no one in my family committed atrocities against our indigenous population. In fact my Dad employed “black-fellas” on our property and he did everything he could he help them. Except for Wingy Burns who used to steal everything including washing from our washing line. Why? Because Wingy believed he had a right to steal. That said my Dad still gave Wingy a place to live on our land and money for the work he did. Our indigenous workers were treated better in many respects than the ‘white workers’ who worked along side them. 

Mr Henderson also overlooks one very important point. Those who arrived here in 1788 were as much victims as those whose lands they are accused of stealing. Ripped away from their families most never to return. The soldiers with guns were often pressed-ganged into service, they had no say either. Yes dreadful things were done to ‘black-fellas’ in later years and we (in my humble opinion) have tried to make restitution for that repeatedly but it’s never enough. The one thing we can’t do is rewrite history but, we can learn from it but that is obviously something we are incapable of doing. 

So if as Mr Henderson claims Australians on mass are the worst racists on the earth (which I vehemently dispute) perhaps we have cause to be. Because over and over again we are told what dreadful people we are by self-righteous (not black-fellas) but ‘white-fellas’ like John Henderson. So yes Mr Henderson some perhaps don’t consider hating fellow Australians as ‘racist’ and you are obviously one of them because you certainly appear to hate us. 

Saturday 15 September 2018

Cut The Media Negativity & Give Scott Morrison A Fair Go...

Reading the daily news is an arduous task these days; page after page of negativity. I was reminded of this again this morning. One example which triggered my displeasure was a piece written by Paul Kelly for the Australian, the title “Liberals are doomed without a truce.” We all know how precarious the Liberal party situation is and we do not need to be reminded AGAIN. We’ve got the message from Paul Kelly and a plethora of other journalists; print, electronic media, radio and even from the social media warriors on all sides of the political divide.  

Mr Kelly goes on to acknowledge that PM Morrison wants to concentrate on Bill Shorten. That’s who he needs to be concentrating on. It would be fantastic if someone in the media and in particular the so-called conservative media helped him. 

In question-time this past week the LNP tabled several very impressive achievements. Thus has been the case for a while now but this past week was different. A lot had to do with how the information was disseminated. This cut across of a number of portfolios; the economy, jobs, security, health, deliverables to various states and even the space program we excellent examples. We also had drought and energy. There was not a mention anywhere in the media. All they wanted to concentrate on was Labor’s attacks on Peter Dutton which went nowhere in the debate and were brilliantly addressed by Attorney General Christian Porter. Or women complaining about bullying and Malcolm Turnbull firing arrows from the sidelines. I know this garbage sells newspapers and electronic subscriptions but the tragedy is one would not know about the achievements unless you watched QT or read through Hansard and it’s only political junkies like me who do that.

I’ll share examples.


Scott Morrison – Prime Minister 

“Over the past five years, as a government we have been building a stronger and more resilient Australia. More than a million Australians now have a job that didn't have one at the time of the 2013 election. The level of youth unemployment has fallen to its lowest level in over five years: 11.1 per cent; 95½ thousand young people getting a job and their lives having been forever changed. Bulk-billing rates have risen to their highest level and they continue to be supported by a government that believe in a Medicare that delivers for all Australians with our Medicare guarantee—a government that are rolling out the programs that make a difference to the everyday lives of Australians.”

Josh Frydenberg – The Treasurer 

“The Australian economy is growing at 3.4 per cent. We've created more than one million new jobs and we're bringing the budget back to balance earlier than expected in 2019-20. Fundamental to our economic plan is providing tax relief to millions of Australian families and businesses. We have legislated tax relief to ensure that 10 million Australians are getting a benefit of up to $530 a year at first stage, that 94 per cent of taxpayers pay no more than 32.5c in the dollar, and that more than three million small- and medium-sized enterprises will benefit from our tax plan.

I can confirm to the House that earlier in the Senate today our $20,000 instant asset write-off extension has gone through, and more than 300,000 businesses have benefited from our instant asset write-off.”


Peter Dutton – Minister Home Affairs 

“I can update the House that we have cancelled the visas of 194 outlaw motorcycle gang members, who are the biggest distributors of amphetamine and ice in communities across the country. The ACIC predicts that that has saved 1,000 Australians from falling victim to members of outlaw motorcycle gangs. Not only are they big distributors of drugs but they are also in lock step with the CFMEU and other organised criminal organisations who are involved in extortion and assaults. Seventy-five of them have been charged in relation to these matters. This government will keep our borders secure and we will keep Australians safe.”

Economy & Jobs: Kelly O’Dwyer - Minister for Jobs, Industrial Relations and Women

“Over 400,000 jobs were created in 2017, with three-quarters of those jobs being full time. Unemployment is down, women's participation continues to see record highs and, pleasingly, we have seen 95,000 young Australians find employment in 2017-18, the best result in almost 30 years. By contrast, in their final year in office those opposite saw youth employment go backwards, with around 16,000 job losses. We all know that if you cannot get that first job, it is very hard to get the second, third and fourth job.” 


Greg Hunt – Minister for Health 

“What I do want to note in particular in relation to the medicine Orkambi for cystic fibrosis is that eight days ago I was privileged to join the Prime Minister in his first major announcement on health, as we recognised that Orkambi had been recognised by the PBAC. Within a few short weeks we were able to list it. It had been raised by the member for Mayo, the Member for Forrest and by those on the other side—indeed I mentioned the member for Lilley previously. This medicine will help 1,200 beautiful young Australian children and young adults get access to life-changing medicine. Overall, it will lead in some cases to an additional 20 years of life, and this is a medicine that would otherwise have cost up to $250,000. Virtually no Australian family could afford $250,000 a year. This medicine in particular will mean that young children have access to a capacity to have a future which they would otherwise not have had.”

“In terms of rheumatoid arthritis, 22,000 Australian patients who sometimes suffer crippling pain and agonising conditions will have access to Olumiant. This is a medicine which would otherwise have cost up to $16,500 a year. It will now be available for $39.50 or $6.40 a script. Equally, over 140,000 Australian families will have access to Intuniv, a medicine for ADHD which would otherwise cost up to $1,900 a year. In other words, it is helping beautiful young children who have real challenges deal with their issues without the side effects which accompany so many other medicines in this space.”

“At the heart of this is the fact we've been able to allocate $6 billion to medical research, including $3½ billion for the National Health and Medical Research Council, $500 million for the Biomedical Translation Fund and $2 billion for the Medical Research Future Fund. As part of that Medical Research Future Fund, one of the most important things that we have done is support new clinical trials with a nearly quarter-of-a-billion-dollar program.

The rare cancers and rare diseases clinical trial program is about giving people hope and opportunity and treatment where they have previously not had such a chance. In particular, this week, we were able to announce six new trials for rare diseases—in particular, trials for rare cancers and rare conditions that would otherwise not have been done—with a $10 million injection. What we've seen is support for pancreatic cancer, traumatic brain injury, rare skin tumours, myeloma, myelofibrosis and conditions such as glioblastoma, a brain cancer which can be so catastrophic. What these trials will do is not only give the individuals who are on them access to potentially lifesaving or life-changing treatments but also bring forward treatments that can be applied to all Australians with those conditions going forward.”


Chris Crewther - Minister for Cities, Urban Infrastructure and Population

“This government has $75 billion worth of congestion-busting initiatives going on right now across the nation. That consists of hundreds of small-scale, little projects at a localised level—things like the Mount Dandenong Tourist Road in your electorate, Mr Speaker, which you'd be familiar with—but also major infrastructure projects in every city in every state across the nation. That consists of the Bruce Highway; the Monash Freeway and the Tullamarine upgrade in Victoria; the Midland Highway in Tasmania; the North-South Corridor in Adelaide, the METRONET in Perth; and the Western Sydney Airport—over $5 billion put into that. All of these major infrastructure projects are designed to bust congestion.”

Michael McCormack - Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Infrastructure,Transport and Regional Development 

“That's why we back Cowper with a $971 million Coffs Harbour bypass. I didn't hear the member for Maribyrnong in his budget reply speech even talk about the Pacific Highway. There's also the Port Macquarie Airport expansion. We're getting on with the job of building for Cowper. There's the Tacking Point Lighthouse upgrade. These are worthy projects. They're making sure that the people of Cowper, the people of regional Australia, can get home sooner and safer.

We compare our record with the record of those opposite. With mobile towers, did we have one mobile tower funded by those opposite? No; but more than 800 are being funded by the Liberals and Nationals. Again, there is the Coffs Harbour bypass—we've delivered that final passage, that final piece of the puzzle, in the Pacific Highway upgrade. Small businesses will have higher taxes under Labor. That's what Labor offers us. Regarding self-funded retirees, I know that a lot of people like to retire to the Port Macquarie and Coffs Harbour area. It's a fantastic area with fantastic weather. But those self-funded retirees will be smashed if the person opposite ever becomes Prime Minister, because Labor have a plan to steal the savings of those self-funded retirees. Shame on the member for Maribyrnong and shame on all those opposite for supporting him. The people of Cowper know that you can't trust Labour. They know that they can't trust Labor with their savings. The contrast could not be starker.

Good economic management is good for regional Australia. It allows us to spend $1.405 million in regional programs, with many, many more underway. Whether it's the Building Better Regions Fund, the Regional Growth Fund or the Regional Jobs and Investment Packages, they're all funding initiatives that are helping regional Australia and helping regional Australians contribute to our economy. Those opposite stand for higher taxes and higher power prices. Union bred, union fed and union led—that's the member for Maribyrnong.

Veterans Affairs: 

Darren Chester - Minister for Veterans' Affairs, Minister for Defence Personnel

“This is a government which is determined to get on with the job of delivering for our veteran community. We want to see a safer, stronger and better Australia where everyone can get ahead together. Veterans certainly share in the benefits of our strong economic plan. As a nation, we have every reason to be proud of the level of support we provide for our veterans and their families. More than $11 billion per year is provided to veterans and their families. In the order of 290,000 veterans and their families receive some form of support from the Australian people. Each year, there is more than $5 billion provided for health and community services to our veterans, with nearly $200 million allocated for veterans' mental health services. This includes more than nine million individual medical and dental services for our veterans and their families.

The government has also sought to reform the Department of Veterans' Affairs. Keep in mind that the Department of Veterans' Affairs this year commemorates its 100th anniversary. We are working with the Department of Veterans' Affairs to make sure it is ready for the next 100 years. In this year's and last year's budgets, we've invested in the order of $280 million in this important reform package, which will transform every aspect of DVA's systems to make sure it does provide for the needs of our veterans and their families into the future.”

Senior Australians: 

Ken Wyatt - Minister for Senior Australians and Aged Care and Minister for Indigenous Health

“More than 1.3 million Australians have the benefit of a budget that we have committed to, that rises from $18.6 billion to $23.6 billion. And following the recent Oakden inquiry, we are in the process of establishing an independent aged-care quality and safety commission.”


Dan Tehan - Minister Education 

“Over the next 10 years this government is committed to growing funding for students in regional and remote Australia from $3.9 billion to $6.8 billion. I think that's worth repeating: from $3.9 billion to $6.8 billion. This is an increase of 74.6 per cent. The Australian government recognises that it generally costs more to educate students going to schools in regional and remote areas. This is why extra funding, called location loading, is provided for students going to schools in regional or remote areas. Under the new funding arrangements, the location loading will continue to apply and, in 2018, is expected to benefit approximately 750,000 students. We know we can, and we will, do more for these students. It's why the coalition commissioned an independent review into regional, rural and remote education. The government's response to the review includes steps to make a lasting and real difference for regional, rural and remote communities.” 

Space Industry:

Karen Andrews - Minister for Industry, Science and Technology

“Mr Speaker, as you've heard today, this government has a very strong record in creating jobs. But there's much more work that needs to be done. Our space industry already includes more than 380 companies, employs more than 10,000 people and contributes $3.9 billion per annum to the Australian economy. The Australian Space Agency will grow our space sector. Projections are that it will triple the size of the sector and add $12 billion to the economy by 2030. It will help create 20,000 new jobs. It will provide opportunities that help our farmers and our engineers. It will provide a whole ecosystem to assist and provide jobs now and into the future.”

The above are all answers to specific questions asked by opposition members and members of the LNP government. I share them to highlight there is a lot of things getting done. There is so much more happening but governments can only make investments if the economy is strong and our economy is strong. I feel that a responsible media should make the population aware of what governments are delivering because it’s those achievements that make such a difference to people’s lives. They are also the things that differentiate the LNP from Labor. Instead, the media is intent on feeding the population 24/7 polls and endless analysis and predictions, gossip, drama and soap opera. I find that irritating and dishonest. Is it anyone wonder voters are fed up when that’s all they hear?

I encourage people to find the time to scan through Hansard because unless a miracle happens and the media changes (which is not likely) Hansard is the only place you’re going to find to read about what actually happening. It also gives you some really good insight into the people who are elected to parliament. That is often very different to what the media says and how individuals present themselves.  That's particularly so in the Senate. We all owe it to ourselves to be informed. 

Sunday 12 August 2018

We Have A Gang Problem - Why Can’t We Admit It?

We have a gang problem in Melbourne. Yet, we have a reluctance on behalf of the Police to define the problem as gang related. We have a community leader justifying criminal behaviour as kids just being kids. 

People are not stupid and whilst they may not also believe the written word it’s very hard to deny the videos that have been widely shared of street gangs and criminal activity. 

The latest episode a few days ago prompted Detective Inspector Pannell to say “I wouldn't call them a gang, no, they're a collective group of individuals who know each other.” That is PC garbage. Perhaps DI Pannell should familiarise himself with the dictionary.  

DEFINITION GANG: a group of persons working to unlawful or antisocial ends; especially: a band of antisocial adolescents. 

I don’t get hung up on words because far too often they’re used as attack weapons. But in this case I’m making an exception. A group of 100 people coming together to fight = gangs. Groups of people invading houses and places of business to assault and rob = gangs. Groups of people invading a house party = gangs. They are not collectives they are gangs. 

Even more alarming are comments made by the Federation of South Sudanese Associations chairman Kenyatta Dei Wal. He said the youths’ behaviour was “the kind of thing that most young people do”. '(It was) young people who are just behaving as young people and making stupid choices,' he said. 'There's nothing significant about it.' 

That’s an appalling thing for a community leader to say. These thugs were fighting, hurling rocks and abusing police. They also damaged a police car smashing windows. Police told locals to stay inside and lock their doors for their own safety. That’s not young people making stupid choices. 

So no Mr Dei Wal that is NOT the ‘kind of thing’ young people do in Australia. 

From all accounts most those taking part in the criminal gang behaviour are Australian born of Sudanese heritage. With views like Kenyatta Dei Wal I can understand why these thugs run riot. No control, no discipline and, community leaders failing to set acceptable standards.

Whilst police and community leaders trivialize gang behaviour in not calling it out for what it is or not charging offenders they’re basically saying the behaviour is OK. Whilst community leaders write it off as kids being kids they are also doing these young people a disservice. People in authority should be setting the example, making expectations clear and ensuring appropriate punishment for offenders. In other words helping these young people to become responsible adults. 

If you mention the word Sudanese, you risk being labelled a racist. Well, if questioning the behaviour of some groups within our society makes me a racist so be it. If we believe in the right to express an opinion about things that concern us then we must continue to fight for that right.  

I don’t believe all people of different races are bad or inferior. I am very deliberate in my communication not to condemn on mass which doesn’t always please true racists. But, that doesn’t alter the fact that some groups within specific races are bad and that includes groups within my country Australia. 

When I state Australian born youths of Sudanese background running riot is not acceptable, that’s a fact. The vast majority are of that background and it’s certainly NOT acceptable. We don’t see gangs of white Australian born or Chinese, Malay or Indian Australian born (as an example) youths running riot, bashing, robbing or terrorising people. 

In fact we don’t see gangs of youths of Sudanese background running riot in any other capital city either. This is a specific problem to Melbourne and the Sudanese community in Melbourne. We must be given the right and the freedom to ask why that is & what is going to be done to fix it. I don’t consider that racist. 

Friday 10 August 2018

Energy Is A State Responsibility .... but ....

The National Energy Guarantee passed the first hurdle today with COAG agreeing to refer the proposal to the LNP party room next week. The knockers are out in force as we’ve come to expect. 

Whilst many choose to ignore it State Govt’s are responsible for the provision and distribution of energy. We wouldn’t be faced with the problems we have now  if they had acted more responsibly. This is not new it’s been in the making for many years but the chickens have now come home to roost. As a result, it has forced the Federal Govt to take a much larger leadership role. 

Past Federal governments have also been remiss in not stepping in earlier to (1) manage decisions made of suppliers & state governments in shutting down power stations without the required replacement services to bridge the gap  (2) to balance decisions driven by state governments who are pushing for unreliable green solutions (3) to control increasing costs because of supplier manipulation of the market (4) to bring suppliers, regulators and major users to the table in the national interest (5) to deliver consistency of approach and certainty to the market in locking the states into an agreement  (6) to make sure we can continue to attract the right investment for the right solutions to meet our current and our future needs. 

Whilst many will not give the current government credit it does not change the fact that the government is trying to do this. They have consulted with industry experts and interested parties and they have presented the NEG based on that consultation. Whether we agree or not they are also endeavouring to deliver on the commitment made on our behalf by both Tony Abbott in committing to a target and ratified by Malcolm Turnbull to reduce our carbon emissions. Whilst the NEG has detractors it has far more supporters. 

Josh Frydenberg has worked tirelessly in moving the NEG forward. He must feel like he’s herding cats whilst dodging his own parties sniper bullets most of the time. But he never lets his professional guard slip all credit to him. It would have been great to have the states sign-off today but he achieved the next best thing. Next hurdle the LNP party room. That’s when we will see those who are committed to the our future or wedded to their thirst for revenge. Roll on next week. 

Wednesday 1 August 2018

Let Them Eat Cake OR Who Really Helps Provide The Cake

This cartoon was doing the rounds today. Many conservatives were among those posting on social media. I suppose we can all have a chuckle but in reality it’s dishonest when you think about it. The peasants, the forgotten people down below with the rich; the banks, big business and the Prime Minister looking down on them with scorn.

I don’t suppose it’s dawned on the peasants that the banks, big business and the Prime Minister are not their enemies. In fact, without them the peasants would be far worse off. How many people would have home loans and live in their own homes if it weren’t for banks? How many people wouldn’t have jobs if it weren’t for banks and big business employing them? How many people working in industries and businesses who supply to big business and banks also wouldn’t have jobs? How many people who work in industries who rely on banks for finance wouldn’t have jobs? Whilst interest rates are lower than many of us desire, people still rely on those interest rates to build wealth. How many people build wealth through direct share investment and via superannuation investment in banks and big business? The collective number is millions of Australians.

I’ve never heard anyone say I want the handouts but I’ll refuse them if banks and big business have helped to give them. I wonder how many people would miss out if it weren’t for banks and big business? I’m guessing the number runs into thousands of Australians.

It would be remiss of me not to mention the less than desirable aspects of the banking industry that have emerged from the RC. We should all be concerned about that and demand it be fixed. But that doesn’t change the fact that banks and big business are not the enemy. So knock for all it’s worth but think how different life would be without the jobs they offer, the investments they make, the tax revenue they contribute, the wealth they help create.

Last point immigration. It’s an emotive and vexing issue. But I think there is confusion with respect to immigration and refugees and that clouds judgement. The problems we all hear about coming out of Melbourne with African gangs hurts. That problem must be addressed and those attacking people who demand it is, must to get their blasted heads out of the sand, stop the racist accusations and deal with the reality. You can’t fix a problem if you won’t admit it exists.

I believe I’m safe in saying most people would prefer to see less immigration. Reasons are many and varied. What is cut is key? Having said that, we shouldn’t ignore the massive contribution immigrants have made and continue to make to this country. We are a nation built on immigration. India and China are the source of the bulk of immigration into Australia and those people are productive and contribute; tax and expenditure as do thousands of others.

So back to the cartoon. Banks, big business and the Government are not the enemy of the people. To quote a piece from Paul Kelly’s piece in the Australian today which sums it up, “But there is a further truth. The idea that Australia can endure an uncompetitive company tax system without damage to investment, growth and jobs is untenable.” Banks are one of those big businesses. The challenge is balancing the need to keep big business competitive. Then to manage that with responsible immigration and the ever increasing demands of people. Frankly, Conservatives should be standing up for business not joining the ranks of the opposition in trying to undermine them. But of course now politics is more about targeting personality and wealth association rather than applying good reasoning, fairness and what’s in the best interest of the country.

Wednesday 4 July 2018

Should the AHRC be closed down? I Think Yes..

Protecting one's rights is a noble cause, and it’s one I’ve supported for most of my life. We have an Australian Human Rights Commission to help us with this endeavour. Well we did but not so anymore. 

In the past we rarely heard about the commission. But in recent years that has changed. The commission of today is more about ‘trampling’ rights rather than protecting them. With that comes the ever increasing distrust of the electorate who after all pays these people.

There have been a string of questionable decisions emanating from the AHRC over recent times. With the exit of Jillian Triggs I was hoping the practices of the commission would return to core business. But Rosalind Croucher’s decision on BE vs Suncorp shows it’s a case of Triggs Mark II.

Ms Croucher has determined that lying about your CRIMINAL history is not as serious as the company discovering you lied and on that basis deciding not to offer you a job. Note, Suncorp didn’t FIRE the candidate they didn’t HIRE him because he lied. She fined Suncorp. 

BE was convicted of accessing and possession of child pornography, that’s abhorrent. But, I’d like to park the crime and focus on a principle. A principle of rights. 

The principle I want to raise is a businesses rights to decide who they hire based on the worthiness and fitness for their organisation. 

When an employer discovers someone lied in an interview, that’s not good. But when that lie has the potential to blow up in the employers face, that’s serious. 

In today’s information rich world it doesn’t take too long for people to discover someones past. When that happens it’s not long before it’s all over social media. We see this stuff happening regularly and often for the most trivial of things.

Remember Bega Cheese? Their name was plastered all over the media (and social media) for weeks.  Why because a former CEO  was charged and convicted of paedophilia. Now in that case the crime wasn’t trivial but the man charged hadn’t even worked for Bega Cheese for 10-years. It had nothing to do with company but that didn’t stop the media from roping them in.

If I was in Suncorp’s position and I’d discovered a prospective employee tried to hide something as serious as BE did I wouldn’t hire him. If he lied about that what else would he lie about?  It’s about risk assessment and it’s about trust. Knowing what you are potentially letting yourself in for. 

Ms Croucher stated that once a sentence has been completed that every one  deserved a second chance. I agree with that but, there is a caveat and that is truth. If you want a second chance be truthful. 

My forlorn hope of commonsense returning to the commission has been shattered.  Ms Croucher has fallen at the first hurdle. As a strong advocate of rights I’ve previously defended the existence of AHRC.   But they’ve forgotten about equal rights. They’ve traded rights away in favour of victimhood. Maybe it’s reached its usefulness, and perhaps the time has come to close the AHRC down. I’ve lost faith in them and I suspect I’m not the only one. 
Well done to Suncorp for basically telling AHRC to take a flying leap and refusing to be bullied.