Thursday 30 July 2015

We Have To Stop Labelling People Racist

"Racism motivates some Goodes booing:" Tim Wilson..

We are all racist in some form if we were honest. There are simply some individuals or groups of people we don’t like. However, most people keep it to themselves & they don't attack others; verbally or physically.

That is, until those they have an issue with 'shove their OWN racism back into the silent majorities face as Goodes has. Then they erupt. In this case and they boo Goodes. Big deal, if they beat him up that would be a different thing all together. But they BOO. It's called being human and we have to stop vilifying people for being human and look at the root cause of why people behave the way they do.

The more people in the media and sport attack the fans and label them racist,  the more people will turn on him. Many have not forgiven Goodes for his treatment of a child. Personally, I lost all respect for him after that. Many have not forgiven him for his comment  'remember whose land this is' when he was made Australian of the Year. That comment made me bristle. When he said that, he immediately signalled his views of the white majority in this country. He exposed his own racism. He also highlighted his own hypocrisy given he is mixed race. His stupid war dance was deliberately provocative. Of course people would react. But rather than reflect that perhaps he was ill advised to do it, he whined and once again called racism. In Goodes case, he just keeps 'picking at the sore'. People are simply fed up.

Thomas Sowell said. “The word 'racism' is like ketchup. It can be put on practically anything - and demanding evidence makes you a 'racist.'” Exactly right.

Where is the evidence that those booing Goodes are racist? No one has produced any they simply use the word to vilify, discredit and bully others. There are more important things to be focused on than this. Real racism for instance.

In closing, I think it is incredibly sad that a great player, will be remembered not for his contribution to sport, but his deliberate attempts to divide a nation. Perhaps this is his intent, who knows.

@patnjak “Racism is a word that is so badly used that when real racism is about you won't recognise it which is a great shame for all” Brilliantly said.

Thursday 23 July 2015

What Message Are We Sending to Our Impressionable Youth?

The threat of ISIS and their ability to attract the young is of grave concern to many, me included. Others just write it off as the Muslim call to arms which is a tad naive.  Naïve for two reasons; firstly, many who rally to the call are converts and two, most have little understanding of the deeper ISIS agenda which is in conflict with most Muslims desire to live in harmony.

Musing over the issue, following a number of recent articles I have read and comments I have read it got me thinking about the confusion many must struggle with. We often talk about the decline in behavioural standards. Of parent’s inability to control their children and of the mix messages children receive from what has become an ever increasing left learning education system.

In the case of Muslim youth where strict disciplines apply in the home, kids hear a very different message on the street, on social media, often in schools and from their friends. The global push to brand every Muslim a terrorist and terrorist in waiting certainly doesn’t help. No wonder some turn elsewhere for so called solace and acceptance. There, waiting in the shadows is ISIS.

ISIS is extremely skilled when it comes to propaganda. They know exactly how to reel these kids in. We can deny it all we like, but society in general has helped create the environment where groups like ISIS can continue to recruit these kids. This isn’t new. We have had groups before who were equally skilled. The difference now is the scale and the global impact. Examples such as The “Children of God” are no more than a sex perversion group but they do attract people. We’ve had the “Japanese Extreme Truth” they are largely religious terrorists but their impact whilst brutal is geographically restricted. The Moonie’s (Unification Church) as an example didn’t recruit kids and then teach them how to strap on a bomb and blow themselves and anyone close by to bits, ISIS does.

I read a story last night about a Germany ISIS recruit who managed to escape the clutches of ISIS and return to Germany where he is now facing trial. He commented that he was so disenfranchised he would have joined any group who accepted him. In his case, the first just happened to be ISIS. Of course when he got to Syria he discovered he had two options; learn how to fight or learn how to be a suicide bomber. In his words that really meant “death or death”. He mentioned he was offered four wives and stated who wouldn’t want four women. His closing comment was life in jail in Germany was preferable to the horror he witnessed in Syria at the hands of ISIS. He was sold a dream and received a nightmare.

Sarah Khan from the outstanding Inspire Group in the UK spoke eloquently on the topic recently when highlighting some of the propaganda that is spread. She mentioned the picture painted is that the west is at war with Islam but equally Islam is at war with the west and Muslims have no choice but to pick a side. Hard to resist when you feel you have no option because no one else wants you. I have attached the article at the bottom. I encourage people to read it and to get behind groups like Inspire who are taking the challenge of extremism head on.  

There was a time, not so long again where the messages kids received in the home, at school and from people in authority were largely the same. Certainly I received very complimentary messages from others areas. Work hard, respect others (treat others as you would have them treat you), respect your parents and obey them and the law. In other words, live by the values we were taught in line with the 10 commandments as an example. Most religions have a similar set of values. But of course now, the narrative in many instances is very different as Sarah highlights.

In the past kids didn’t have access to the Internet so the life education they received came from parents, relatives, teachers, group leaders who as I’ve stated “all sang from the same hymn book”.  

As an example, religious study has been largely removed from schools. We have also, at the same time witnessed a dramatic decline in Christian followers which probably has a lot to do with the school decision. The exception to this being faith schools. Children are taught they don’t have to obey their parents, that they have rights. Some kids have even sued their parents and won. Kids show little respect for authority. You only have to sight the behaviour of some youths at protests to see that. Jump onto Facebook or Twitter and read some of the comments. The parents sadly in many instances are no better.  When I read what some parents say on social media, I wouldn’t trust them to raise a dog let alone kids. Even worse, for many kids, life education comes from the internet.  A scary thought indeed.

So everywhere you turn there is mixed messages.

We can endeavour to do something about it if we have the will. This is where Leadership plays an important role and each of us can play a part in this. We can be consistent with our message and challenge those messages that create confusion. We can support Muslim and other organisations who are actively involved in fighting extremism and who are creating the ‘right narratives’.  We can stop blaming everyone else and take responsibility ourselves because like it or not we have helped create the environment we are now faced with changing.  It’s down to each and every one of us.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

RENEWABLE ENERGY: Shorten Sucks Up To The Left

Without The Greens vote, Labor hasn't the remotest chance of winning the next election. Bill Shorten knows that. With his personal electoral stocks plummeting, he will go all out to curry favour with The Greens and the Labor left. Hence we will be regaled with more idiotic plans such as his announcement of a 50% renewable target. We simply don't have the money to keep funding (to the tune of billions of dollars annually) get rich quick (off the tax payers) back eyesore wind farm projects. Projects that deliver almost zero benefit but push up the cost of power to cash strapped Australians.

Let's face it, if the polls are correct, he may also pick up some of the left conservative side who has been sucked into the global warming so called 'dirty energy' myth.

It will be interesting to see the reaction following his announcement. One thing we can be sure of is left leaning media and importantly the ABC will be fawning over this. Prepare yourself.

We must also remember. The unions already own 50% of Shorten. He is indebted to them. Now The Greens and the left are claiming their share of his and Labor's 'political flesh'. I'll leave you with one thought. Gillard was in exactly the same position and look how that panned out.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

People in Glass Houses...

I just need to have a wee rant...

For days we have been swamped by media headlines of the Bronwyn Bishop helicopter ride at taxpayers' expense. Labor MP's falling over each other to climb onto the moral high-ground to condemn. Although the slates of those condemning most loudly are not clean by any stretch.  

Tony Burke the loudest 'Labor mouthpiece', demanding the PM sack Ms Bishop. This from the man that submitted fifteen claims that he was forced to pay back. Not one claim, fifteen. And, there is more hidden in his 'dirty sox drawer' and he knows it. 

For heavens sake, even the "coalition of the banchees" Jones & Lambie chimed in on Q&A last night. Lambie, preaching from the moral high ground is galling. The hide of this woman is astounding.  A woman who does little else other than chase a headline, jumping into the most divisive news story of the day and then sharing her idiotic opinion, to lecture anyone is galling. The same woman who shamefully used poor old Clive Palmer to gain office and then publicly humiliated him and stabbed him in the back. I've no time for Clive Palmer, but Lambie's treatment of him was reprehensible. She has no right to lecture others. 

Yesterday @Riley7News (an avowed Labor supporter) broke the news of Bill Shorten's misuse of travel expenses. A scan of morning news? Not a whisper. The Australian did report it, but buried it under the national news tab, story 15 from memory. 

I guess I should be used to it by now, but it still rankles. 

Sunday 19 July 2015

Sunsets Over Beautiful Port Macquarie

Spent a few days up the coast this week. The sunsets were simply spectacular.

Friday 10 July 2015

Adapted from: Captain Corelli's Mandolin

I was reminded of these beautiful words from Captain Corelli's Mandolin today. I've amended slightly but I hope you find this as moving as I do. 

Identities and Culture : Creating a Better World

It's interesting to note how many people label themselves. They define themselves by their careers; I'm a teacher, I'm a Lawyer, I'm a nurse. They define themselves by their personal status; I'm a mother, I'm a father, I'm gay, I'm straight. But we aren't single entities. We are many things. Sons and daughters, sisters and brothers. Christians and Buddhists, Muslims and Hindus. Atheists and Jews. Liberals and conservatives. Socialists and greens. Some good, some bad. We wear many mantles.

So it isn't that hard to understand that this is an age where many fiercely label other people. I have written a number of times about why people do this. For many, they do this in order to attack and criticize. Some do it in order to understand others better on their own terms and within our own cultural boundaries. Sadly, in doing this people often don’t see the essence of a human being. The essence is that we all hold principles, and values and follow some kind of moral and ethical code. Those principles and values may differ from ours, but it doesn't mean they don't exist.

Two current examples spring to mind.

Some, based on their moral code vehemently oppose SSM others are supporters. Each judges on a different set of personal values or from a different academic standpoint.

Another example is a woman who chooses to dress modestly and wear a hijab. This is a very graphic symbol of who the person is but it only goes as far as their religion and their desire for modesty. Hence, many judge that person by their religion and label them as such. A suppressed Muslim controlled by men. They don't see beyond the 'cloak'.

I am proud to count among my friends a number of young women who wear hijab's. They are career women, some are wives and mothers. All are wonderful daughters and sisters and caring friends. I can assure you they certainly are dominated by men. They live as we say 'good lives'. They make a positive contribution to society. They are gentle, caring, beautiful people.

I am a conservative but I have friends who are subscribers to liberal politics and even green politics. They also are wonderful people. Therefore is saddens me to observe the divide that appears to be growing wider in some parts of our society. That even extends to some turning on as they say "their own kind." A number of my Twitter friends (and myself also) have recently been blocked by others for having the temerity to hold an opposing view from the hardliners within our own Liberal Party followers groups. The usual barrage of insults hurled our way. I'm proud to say none of us who were flicked retaliated.

It is such a shame we can not see this inside of each other, far beyond the cultural, religious, political and personal 'garments' and 'mantles' that we adorn ourselves with, and to understand the complete entity. If we could then hopefully we could move closer toward creating a culture of acceptance of others. And most importantly acceptance of ourselves in having the courage to stand up and say "this is who I am and I'm proud of it."

It behoves all of us to move beyond the mantle that others adorn themselves with and to also be honest about who and what we are. It is essential, if we are going to build a better world than the one we are creating now.

This quote sums it up beautifully.

"Sometimes that mantle is hard to adjust to wearing but we are at a stage that we are comfortable with it and we recognize how we are perceived and how the real core individual that each one of us has apart from the facade that the public believes that we are." ~ James Young

Thursday 9 July 2015

Words Do Hurt

"Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you"

That isn't true. Words can and often do completely devastate people.  I still remember some things that were said about me and to me years ago because they cut so deeply. I've forgiven the people who said them, but I'll never forget the words and the hurt.

A harsh word or insult when someone is at a low ebb can have dire consequences. As this story attests.

The people who so viciously attacked this man didn't know him. They didn't witness the exchange. They reacted to something they read. Then, they simply used the social media 'pack attack' mentality that we see all too often on Facebook (and Twitter) in their vile attempts to destroy a man and his reputation. Well they succeeded. But will they utter one word of remorse? No they won't. They'll just move onto the next hapless victim.

So please, think before you condemn others based on a tweet, a Facebook post or even a media report. This message that I found yesterday with a few additions such as colour, ethnicity and religion sums it up beautifully.

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Each Of Us Has The Ability To Be Great

Yesterday was one of those emotional days. It was as though the universe was sending me a message. Time after time I was presented with articles and examples of people overcoming unbelievable adversity and achieving something remarkable in the process.

I don't mind admitting I went through rather a lot of tissues. But, it did make me think and perhaps that was what it was all about.

The message was...

True, in the end it is down to us. We just need to tell more people and to motivate them to believe it and to act on it. 

Tuesday 7 July 2015

I Missed The Secret Meeting

I didn't know there was a secret meeting & those who attended decided what the rest of us could think, do and say!

And, if we have the temerity not to agree with the decisions of the secret meeting, we are obviously evil, moronic, bigoted, backward, religious, homophobic, racist, right-wing zealots and lunatics? 

Did you? 

Well I say.....

Monday 6 July 2015

Time To Toughen Up

I read an article today about how stressful it is now for kids studying. Parents lamenting that their kids couldn’t cope.

It was stressful went I went to school. I don’t think much has changed. The stress points might be different, but it doesn’t mean we had a free ride because we didn’t. Certainly, I didn’t. For me, it was stressful because of the volume of work, the expectations that my parents placed upon me and being away from home; boarding. I hated boarding. I missed my family and my animals. I have always liked my personal space and you can forget that as a boarder. I couldn’t wait for the holidays, and in my first year away from home, I cried all the way back to school after breaks.

I fear we are raising a generation who are being excused from the hard graft. My parents were kind and generous, but, they had huge expectations. If I complained about the pressure, they listened, offered help, but in the end the response was always the same. You get nothing in this life without effort and sacrifice. If you want to be successful you simply can’t fall at the first hurdle. If you do, you pick yourself up and try again. I am eternally grateful for that advice and for their constant encouragement to be better than I thought I could be.

Even past governments have encouraged school leavers to walk straight out of school onto the dole. Whilst our current government has tried to do something about that, they receive little or no support from the opposition, independents or even the public. It’s all too easy.

As a nation we are becoming soft. We make excuses far too often for failure or lack of effort and, conversely we give far too little credit where the reverse is evident. You only have to access our media to see that reality. Or, just follow our courts.  If parents are falling into the same trap of excusing lack of effort or commitment, the future as a smart nation, full of achievers and achievements, will be nothing more than a ‘pipe-dream’. That, I feel, would be very, very sad.

Time to toughen up.

Wednesday 1 July 2015