Friday 8 February 2019

We are almost at the starting gate, it’s time to unite

For the last few years Aussie conservatives & Liberals have been hurling verbal rocks at each other. It has been fun at times and at other times it’s been downright nasty. Trust me, I’ve been on the receiving end of the nasty stuff because I refused to join the anti-camps. Worse it’s been destructive, and we have seen that in poll numbers and the corresponding drop off in support. 

I’ve stuck with the Liberal Party through thick & thin. At times that’s been through gritted teeth. However, I did this because come the election it’s was always going to be a choice between a Liberal National Party  with problems (yes) but one that has been delivering on the things that matter. Or a socialist, Marxist group of Labor, Greens, recalcrint Independents banked rolled by Unions and foreign funded GetUp. A group who will wreck the country again and impact on the life and welfare of anyone who dares to stand on their own feet. 

‪To those who think the Liberals need to be taught a lesson by blowing them up in the misguided belief a reformed Conservative party will rise from the ashes I say, please rethink. I understand your anger but now is not the time for moralising. Whilst you might get satisfaction from wrecking I can assure you thousands will not be thanking you for ruining the country and stuffing it up for the rest of us. Act in haste and everyone that isn’t a socialist or a Marxist will repent in leasure. I’m of the belief rightly or wrongly that no true-blue conservative or Liberal would lower themselves to vote for wrecking the country. ‬‬‬

‪What I am saying is, the time has come for us to pull together. Voting for Independents (a misnomer) or break-away parties just means putting Shorten into The Lodge. We have to get behind Scott Morrison and do everything we can to help get him and his party over the line and to keep Shorten and Labor out. ‬‬‬

‪Time to put our differences behind us and recognise that we don’t agree with everything Morrison and the LNP are doing but if we agree with more of their policies than Shorten and his gang of thieves, the decision is an easy one. And please, give Morrison and the Liberals a chance by voting for them in both houses. This practice of voting for micros and Independents in the senate causes many of the frustrations we suffer today. Repeating the same mistakes will not make it any better. In fact it will make it worse. ‬‬‬

‪Let’s unite behind one cause and that is keeping Bill Shorten and Labor out. To do that successfully without risk there’s only one decision to be made vote for your local Liberal or National Candudate and return Scott Morrison and the LNP to Government. 

“United we stand, divided we fall” it’s a cliche yes, but it’s true. Whilst it’s over played we are supposed to be a broadchurch & therefore should be mature enough to embrace & inculcate those varying views into broadbased policy which appeals to the wider community.