Wednesday 13 February 2019

Medivac: Where Was The Duty of Care To Us?

Those who bellow we owe a duty of care to asylum seekers need to consider that no fair-minded person denies that. I certainly don’t. However, those like Kerryn Phelps completely ignore the duty of care to us. Our Intelligence and Security groups are tasked with and experts in meeting their obligations of a duty of care to all Australians. Their decisions are made balancing medical, risk & opportunity. It can’t be that one of those takes priority over another. 

Politicians swayed by emotive arguments will always put emotion first. In this case medical overrides both risk and opportunity.  This is dangerous when those same politicians are not across the risks associated with weakening our laws. We saw that yesterday with the rushed passing of the Medivac bill. Today we learn about the weaknesses in that very bill which may expose us to exploitation and even worse. 

Asylum seekers are experts on how to play the system to get around our immigration laws. They are well briefed by activist and activist lawyers. Whilst I can forgive Kerryn Phelps her naivety I find it hard to forgive Labor. I feel in their case the game of politics and the game of winning at all costs has overtaken basic commonsense. They sacrificed responsibility to beat the Government. Well Labor are not basking in that historic win today because I sense the realisation of what they’ve done has dawned on them. As they say, ‘Act in haste, repetent ar leasure.’ Labor should be harshly punished for what they did yesterday they betrayed our nation and us.