Sunday 24 February 2019

Clive Palmer: It’s NOT what he says that’s important it’s what he Does & Did that counts.

I was chatting with one of the wiser Twitter peeps this morning about Clive Palmer and his United Australia Party. It followed a few posts I’d made about Palmer’s blatant lying. She commented that she’d noted a number of posts from people stating they will vote for UAP because Palmer is saying the right things. This where democracy and with the greatest respect voter ignorance fails us.

It’s NOT what people say that is important and particularly so when someone is merely repeating back to you what you want to hear. It’s what they do and what they’ve done that really matters. So on that basis I’d did like to pose these questions:

1. Palmer’s Queensland Nickel went to the wall owing 800 workers and numerous suppliers millions of dollars. Palmer owed his workers alone nearly $70million in salary and entitlements. Prior to the collapse Palmer had been siphoning millions to fund his political party Palmer United. Palmer stated it was his money, he could do what he wanted with it.
So the question is: Did Clive Palmer do the right thing in not paying his workers? Yes or no?

2. Tax payers paid out $64million to QNI workers. When Palmer’s been asked if he will reimburse tax payers he has stated it is not his problem he has done nothing wrong. In fact he blames the liquidators.
So the question is: Is Clive Palmer doing the right thing in not reimbursing tax payers? Yes or no?

3. Palmer’s nephew Clive Mensink skipped the country rather than face the liquidators or the court to answer questions over the collapse of QNI. Palmer has repeatedly claimed he has no knowledge of  Mensink’s whereabouts despite visiting him overseas. Palmer also recently announced Mensink would head-up Palmer’s Titantic program and stated he’d ask Mensink to run for his UAP. So in other words he does know where he is and it’s reasonable to think Palmer is paying Mensink to stay away. Multiple arrest warrants have been issued for Mensink.
So the questions are: Why won’t Palmer let Mensink return and face court? Why is Palmer lying about Mensink. Is Palmer doing the right thing? Yes or no?

4. Palmer has recently been embroiled in legal proceedings and legal threats over breaches of copy-write in using well known artists material for political advertising. Palmer has ignored requests to desist despite knowing he has broken copy-write law in stealing people’s property and using that without their permission. Palmer is still running ads.
The question is: Do people of integrity steal people’s property, ignore their requests to stop and continue to use stolen property for self-promotion? Yes or no?

5. Clive Palmer was elected to the lower house by a handful of preference votes in 2013. He didn’t run in 2016. On Palmer’s website he is still presenting himself as a member of parliament despite the fact he clearly isn’t.
The question is: Is blatantly misleading the public the right thing to do? Yes or no?

6. The Australian Electoral Commission allowed Palmer to register his new party in the same name as the previous United Australia Party (UAP) of the 30’s and 40’s. I consider that to be a grave mistake but that’s just a personal opinion. However what Palmer is now doing is claiming previous UAP history as his history and linking this to previous great Australian Prime Minister’s Joseph Lyons, Billy Hughes and Sir Robert Menzies. Family member’s of both Mr Lyons and Mr Menzies have lodged complaints. Palmer continues to ignore them. Palmer has also published a list as long as your arm detailing his parliamentary achievements; it’s fantasy but serves to mislead.
So the question are: Does a man of honour and integrity mislead the public and ignore requests from family to stop doing that? Is stealing past history and misrepresenting your achievements ethical and can you trust a man who does that? Yes or no?

7. Palmer is a voracious litigant. He is currently embroiled in a battle with the WA Labor State Government and his Chinese business partner. Palmer summarily  moved his business operations to New Zealand and then relocated them to Singapore. He did that because he believes that if the WA State Government introduces legislation that favours his Chinese partners but not him he can then sue the Federal Government (that is us the tax payers) for $45billion dollars.
So the question is: Is Palmer using his foray back into government to make it easier to help pass laws to suit his purposes and would a person of integrity go to the lengths he is to protect his self-interest in suing tax payers over a personal business disagreement?  Yes or no?

8. Palmer owes millions to ex-workers, tax payers and suppliers. He refuses to pay the money he owes. Palmer has recently spent millions on new houses, new aircraft and also his ill fated Titantic. He is also spending millions on relaunching his political career.
The question are: Is it fair and reasonable for anyone who owe millions and who refuses to pay to spend millions on themselves and their vanity projects? Does a man of integrity do that? Yes or no?

Clive Palmer has a history of misleading and ripping people off. Ask the people who purchased units at his Coolam Resort what he did to them. Palmer’s radio and TV ads are grossly misleading and in many instances lying.

Yes Clive Palmer does say what many people want to hear but his actions say something very different. Clive Palmer is trying to get back into parliament for Clive Palmer, he doesn’t give a toss about the people who may vote for him. The last time he ran he conned people into nominating for his party and when they didn’t win he wouldn’t reimburse them the money (their money) they’d used to promote his party. Anyone stupid enough to nominate for him this time would be well served speaking to some of his ex candidates.

Let’s not forget it was Palmer’s preferences  that got Sarah Hanson-Young voted in. Think about that for a minute. The coal man giving preferences to a Green senator. In addition his parliamentary attendance record was appalling.

Back to my wise Twitter friend @GailClifford7 who made a very insightful comment today with reference to Palmer’s saturation messaging and advertising. It's something I hadn't considered before. She wrote.

“This bombardment by Palmer is beginning to have sinister overtones. In North Korea, pro Kim propaganda is played constantly on a never ending loop, into homes,  workplaces and public spaces. It’s called brainwashing, but the slavish devotion to the Dear Leader proves it works!” She makes a very good point.

Palmer has very cleverly lifted his tactics from Trump. There is nothing original about Palmer. So to quote one of Mr Trump’s slogans – Clive Palmer is #FAKENEWS.

Palmer will not win the election and it’s doubtful he’d win any seat. However no one thought he’d win in 2013 and he won one Reps seat and three senate seats so never write anything off. Even if he doesn’t win anything his preferences count, and those preferences could change government and marginal seats. As voters we have to do our homework and not just listen to words. Words are cheap and smart self-serving manipulators like Palmer use them effectively. But, wise people judge on actions not on words and hopefully voters will do that come the election and give #FAKENEWS Palmer a very, very wide berth.

Check the website out yourself.

UAP Website