Wednesday 10 October 2018

The Narrow Mindedness Of Tribal Behaviour

I sometimes wish I didn’t have such an enquiring mind and such a strong want to share information and to question. Doing so sets people like me up for attack these days. It’s such a shame. 

The timing of Nikki Haley’s resignation yesterday as the US UN Ambassador intrigued me. The announcement followed a complaint submitted by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. I have no idea if the two are connected. It just interested me. Plus, it’s not the first time Ms Haley has faced ethics questions. I shared my thoughts following a media column on her resignation. Highlighting that the timing was interesting. A reasonable comment I thought. 

Rod didn’t think so. He replied, “You lefties don’t waste anytime digging the dirt, do you?” 

I’m not bothering defending my political position anymore. There’s no point in continuing to declare I’m not a leftie. It’s a complete waste of time trying to defend ourselves from the Rod’s of this world. Why? Because the Rod’s and those who ‘liked’ his comment highlight one of our major challenges. That is the narrow-mindedness driven by tribal behaviour that is so prevalent today. It’s getting worse. 

I’ve replied to Rod asking him why he jumped to a conclusion and pointing out his narrow-mindedness. As per usual, I don’t expect to receive a reply. People like him NEVER do. They just label the moment anyone says something that one side or the other disagrees with or doesn’t want to hear. Even if I was a leftie facts are facts. I can’t change that and it’s not my blasted fault if people don’t want to hear it. 

So to all the Rod’s of this world please grow up! In doing so keep your stupid and uninformed opinions of me to yourself. May I also suggest you expand your reading material and then you might learn something and broaden your knowledge base instead of remaining a narrow minded ignorant bore! 

Eckhart Tolle summed it up when he said. “The quicker you are in attaching verbal or mental labels to things, people, or situations, the more shallow and lifeless your reality becomes, and the more deadened you become to reality.”

How profound and how true… 

It would be remiss of me not to share that today, October 10, marks the 15 Anniversary of the passing of my Dad. He was the one who taught me to question and to never lock myself into the narrow confines of ideology. I miss him greatly but more so today.