Friday 10 August 2018

Energy Is A State Responsibility .... but ....

The National Energy Guarantee passed the first hurdle today with COAG agreeing to refer the proposal to the LNP party room next week. The knockers are out in force as we’ve come to expect. 

Whilst many choose to ignore it State Govt’s are responsible for the provision and distribution of energy. We wouldn’t be faced with the problems we have now  if they had acted more responsibly. This is not new it’s been in the making for many years but the chickens have now come home to roost. As a result, it has forced the Federal Govt to take a much larger leadership role. 

Past Federal governments have also been remiss in not stepping in earlier to (1) manage decisions made of suppliers & state governments in shutting down power stations without the required replacement services to bridge the gap  (2) to balance decisions driven by state governments who are pushing for unreliable green solutions (3) to control increasing costs because of supplier manipulation of the market (4) to bring suppliers, regulators and major users to the table in the national interest (5) to deliver consistency of approach and certainty to the market in locking the states into an agreement  (6) to make sure we can continue to attract the right investment for the right solutions to meet our current and our future needs. 

Whilst many will not give the current government credit it does not change the fact that the government is trying to do this. They have consulted with industry experts and interested parties and they have presented the NEG based on that consultation. Whether we agree or not they are also endeavouring to deliver on the commitment made on our behalf by both Tony Abbott in committing to a target and ratified by Malcolm Turnbull to reduce our carbon emissions. Whilst the NEG has detractors it has far more supporters. 

Josh Frydenberg has worked tirelessly in moving the NEG forward. He must feel like he’s herding cats whilst dodging his own parties sniper bullets most of the time. But he never lets his professional guard slip all credit to him. It would have been great to have the states sign-off today but he achieved the next best thing. Next hurdle the LNP party room. That’s when we will see those who are committed to the our future or wedded to their thirst for revenge. Roll on next week.