Saturday 5 December 2015

Winners and Losers, Leaders and Followers

When I was a child, I was encouraged to be the very best I could be in this life. I was told from a very young age, I was born to lead. I never believed that and in fact I saw myself as a struggling artist, sacrificing the material world for my art. I held onto this romantic idea of what my life would be like for many years. I was always a curious child. Fascinated by nature, arts and the universe. A dreamer. I never believed I would be a leader. 

When the time came to enter the real world and to start to make my own way I soon realised that the life of a struggling artist was simply a pipe dream. The thought of entering the commercial art world felt like for the want of a better word prostitution of my creativity Perhaps it was simply the subconscious acknowledgement that something else awaited. My destiny was to lead and to motivate others and in doing so to develop and grow myself. 

I was fortunate in the early years of my career to be nurtured, motivated and inspired by successful role models who taught me so much about self-belief and grabbing every opportunity. I worked hard and promotions resulted. Opportunity after opportunity opened up. I grabbed almost every one of them. A couple I passed over. Something told me they weren’t part of my life's blueprint.   

I had a very successful business career and as a result, I’m in the fortunate position now, of being able to do what I love most. But the part I am most proud of and gained the most reward from was being in a position to provide opportunities for others. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing others develop and grow and knowing that you played a small part in their success. It’s far better than any title or big pay check I ever had or earned. That is what leadership is about. You see all those years ago when as a child, I was told I was born to lead that is what they meant. To help lead others to achieve greatness. I have been blessed to have been in a position to have employed some of most inspirational, talented and wonderful people. Many who have gone on to achieve success and they will continue to do so. 

I shared my story because I am fed but with the 'slurs' used to attack Malcolm Turnbull, specifically the “he thinks he was born to rule” slur. It usually comes from those who clearly aren’t. Some people are born leaders and some people will forever to followers and some will simply be dragged along by others. Malcolm Turnbull love him or despise him is self-made. Anything he has achieved in life is a result of things he has done. He worked hard, he took risks and gave opportunities to others. So he wants to be Prime Minister and he believes he should be, great. We desperately need successful people leading the country. People who are driven by ambition to succeed because if they succeed we succeed. We’ve seen what career politicians and ex Union leaders have delivered. 

There is nothing wrong with striving for success in this world. There is nothing wrong with having an ambition to be Prime Minister. In fact, we need to encourage more people to strive to be better in all walks of life. Success doesn’t mean you have to be a business leader or even a Prime Minister. Success can come in many forms. But if you are really good at what you do, be it a wonderful parent, an inspiring leader, a carer or simply a street sweeper if you are the best you can be you will inspire others and people will want to follow your lead. I want the most important person in the country to be successful. I want them to inspire others to seek to be leaders. I fail to understand why anyone would will them to fail and to attack them for having ambition and believing in themselves. Judge them on results not on wanting to achieve high office. That simply smacks of envy. 

I thought this article summed it up really well. Have you always suspected you were born to rule, but never officially been tested?

At the risk of sounding perhaps a tad New Age, Malcolm Turnbull is simply fulfilling his destiny and there is nothing wrong with believing you were born to lead. The question is, will he be a good leader. An inspiring leader and one who helps to leave the country and us in better shape than we are now. A leader who helps create opportunities for the country and us as individuals. A leader that inspires the kids of today to fulfill their destiny and to believe they can lead the country one day. That’s the real challenge for him and the questions for us. Smart people will be asking those questions the losers will continue with the slurs, but we’ve come to expect that. 

“Winners and losers, leaders and followers, those who celebrate and encourage success and those who envy”.  I know what team I’m on and I make no apology for it and neither should Malcolm Turnbull. I don't particularly like him, but I certainly don't condemn him for having ambition and belief in himself. I hope for our sake he is the very best Prime Minister we have ever had.