Wednesday 17 June 2015

Payments For People Smuggling Information

If you were a boat person, transporting illegal #asylumseekers to Australia, that was intercepted by an Australian patrol boat & paid by a security operative for information on the smuggling ring leaders, then you were turned around, sent back to Indonesia & arrested on arrival with a wad of cash, what would you say in your defense? Before you answer, remember, these smuggling ring leaders are brutal people & their web runs very deep in Indonesia.

Of course, you would say “I was paid by the Australian Navy to bring the illegals back to Indonesia.” You are not going to say I’m an informer because you have no idea if the person arresting you is part of the conspiracy. 

Then, because Indonesia  is full of corrupt officials who are up to their necks in any number of illegal activities you would agree to appear in pictures for a story that is published by our ABC (but with a balaclava covering your face hence identity) on the proviso that you are let off. 

It makes, sense and any person with a brain who knows what is going on in Indonesia and who understands the mission of the ABC would agree. That is why no questions were asked by the opposition in Parliamentary Question Time #qt on Tuesday this week. And, why Julie Bishop issued a stern warning to Bill Shorten. Of course the ABC & some of Labor's MP's show little regard for security issues and even less intelligence when it comes to putting the country before their own ambitions.

Seriously, anyone who thinks professional and highly experienced and trained Naval personnel and their on-board security team is that naive and incompetent as to give illegal boat crew money to turn a boat around, knowing the potential consequences, simply, has rocks in their head. If money changed hands and it's a big if, it was for information not to turn the boat around and head back to Indonesia.