Wednesday 24 September 2014

Our Experiences Play a Major Role....

Our experiences play a major role in shaping who and what we are. Whilst most people like to think they are 'worldly' people, many are in fact not. They haven't had the wonderful opportunity that some of us have had to travel the world and to learn from scholars. Or indeed the opportunity to work and socialize with people in other countries of different backgrounds, religions and cultures. And many, if they are afforded the opportunity don't bother to engage with locals anyway. I've witnessed that hundreds of times through both recreational travel and business travel. It's such a shame. Such a waste of the opportunity to learn.

When situations arise like we are witnessing now with radical Muslims seeking revenge, one of the first responses from the 'unworldly' people, the closed minded people are to tar everyone with the same brush. They are Muslim, all of them want to kill us. Did every German want to kill the Jews? Of course not. So why in heaven's name would every Muslim want to kill us. There is no question thousands do, but millions don't; not that some people will acknowledge this fact or indeed accept it as fact. Fear, distrust, bigotry, lead to that reaction. For some it's fear. For some distrust and others bigotry. And it's fair to say for some it's a combination of all three.

When you have the temerity to question the attack on and to defend the majority you are accused of being naive; easily fooled. Or, as happened today, you're branded a leftie (which I'm not) and it's hurled at you as though that makes you subhuman. I can say with some conviction I'm not naive, easily fooled or a raging leftie. I'm a middle of the road conservative; on some issues strongly to the right on others tilting to the left.  I actually find the accusations infuriating, but generally manage to hold my tongue in check; just.

I've asked a few who've taken shots at me how many actual Muslim's have they met. A fair percentage has said none. A bit like our Ms Lambie, their inspiration and knowledge source I suspect is Google and social media.

We have every right to be wary. But the question was asked on radio today do you feel less secure after the events of yesterday? The answer is no, I don't. Will I be a little bit more aware of what's happening around me, absolutely. I think we've probably been a little too complacent for too long. Will I stop standing up for what it in my heart. Absolutely not.