Wednesday 20 August 2014

It's Who I Am That Should Matter Not What I Believe

Judge me on my deeds and my actions; please don't judge me on my beliefs. 

Sadly, I feel as a society we have pushed deeds and actions to a secondary consideration and far too often we jump on a person’s beliefs as a signal to attack them.

The one thing social media has exposed is people's bias. It's scary at times. To some, every LNP voter is scum. To others, every Labor or Greens voter is a terrorist supporter or raging socialists. To some, if you condemn the killing of innocent people in Gaza, you are a Hamas sympathiser. To others, if you support Israel you are condoning genocide. To some, if you follow Catholic teaching you are part of the paedophilia cover-up. To others, if you follow Islam you must be lying in wait for the signal to slaughter the infidels; us. To some, if you voice concern about raping and polluting of the planet, you are immediately branded a raving Greenie or Climate Change champion, when in fact your only interest and concern is protecting the environment.  Having concern for the environment does not automatically mean you support the Climate Change con!!!  To some, if you were born in certain countries you are not worthy of living in this country. To some, if you follow certain religious festivals you are scum, but if you follow those they 'approve' you are must be a good egg. It just goes on and on and on.

The latest of course is the ISIS debate.  There is no question that this group are murderous criminals who should be rounded up, brought before the International Court to answer charges of crimes against humanity.  We, you and I, have every right to judge them and to voice our opinions based on their proven deeds and their intent which they have openly stated. But that right should be utilised in a constructive manner if in fact we want our voice to be heard. We should be rightly concerned about youths here, who have left the country to fight with these murderous so called freedom fighters. We should be equally concerned about those, who have remained here and who condone the behaviour of a group of lunatics who are slaughtering innocent people based solely on their BELIEF's or their HERITAGE.  
In the case of the ISIS debate, what really frightens me, living in Australia, is not the fact that ISIS sympathisers will commit an act of terror here. Although, like many I'm concerned about it, I'm not terrified as some appear to be. I trust our security personal to be on top of extremist activities. I also trust there are many others who keep our security personal apprised of activities within their communities.  
What concerns me is that innocent people are being subjected to unrelenting attack. Not every Muslim supports ISIS or other form of terrorism and not everyone who voices their concern about the unrelenting attack on a group of people based on their religion is a sympathiser.  We are just advocating balance; judge individuals by how they live their lives not their religion.  And that due to this increasing level of intolerance and the frenzied whip up by the media (which is getting out of control), people will start taking things into their own hands.  We don't want to see the emergence of far-right fascist gangs as they have in the UK and Europe either. They are as bad as many of those on the other side.
We've already had a recent report of one young man losing his job due to inflammatory derisive postings on his Facebook page, which he didn’t make because his page had been hacked!!! Despite his statements to that effect, the right-wing ADL swung into action. The young man in question was reported to his employer and he was fired. People in Nazi Germany did things like that.  Remember, it was only a short while ago that a member (since left) of the ADL accused Muslims of trying to shoot him.  It was all over the news and other media. Of course, when the police proved the idiot himself fired the shots; deafening silence.  But of course the damage had been done.
A read through the comments on any far-right wing, anti GMO, Climate Change deniers, peace advocates, pro Middle East peace sites etc. highlight the level to which we have generated as a society.  I’m deeply saddened by what I observe and I shudder in horror at times thinking that I am walking the streets with people who think like that about their fellow human beings.  If I owned up to them about being a person who wants to see the world in a healthier state; environment, human rights, religious tolerance, fairness etc. I would be condemned, verbally attacked and possibly beaten-up. That's my greatest concern. That really frightens me. 
We desperately need more voices of reason in this world; people who judge others by their actions not by their political or religious leaning. We should also consider that just because others don’t shoot their mouths off on social media doesn’t mean they are supporting particular actions. It simply means they have chosen to deal with it in their own way, or to stay out of it.  
"If I treat with you and others with kindness and respect, If I do you know harm. Then judge me on that not on not on what I belief."  The same should apply to others.