Wednesday, 26 August 2015

What Crime Has Tony Abbott Committed?

If you believe the polls, Prime Minister Tony Abbott is a dead man walking. This viewpoint is promoted at every opportunity by our salacious left leaning media and the fickle among the middle to right journos. Given these unrelenting attacks. More and more Liberal supporters are starting to waver and to doubt Mr Abbott’s suitability to lead. In all truthfulness, I’ve had my doubts, but something always brings me back from the brink. That one thing is, Tony Abbott’s ability to withstand these unrelenting attacks and to stick to his guns. That takes guts and courage. 

Now, some will interpret that as stubbornness and unwillingness to listen. I dispute that. He has listened and backed away from a number of proposed initiatives; example GP tax. There have been others.  But on those things he promised to deliver, he has stuck to his guns. That says a lot about character. A very important element in a leader. 

No one can be stabbed in the back day in, day out and not wear some scars. After the new government came to power, in 2013 it didn't take long for the left brigade to start their attacks Tony Abbott. They were swiftly joined by the media. They attacked him over boats, removing carbon and mining taxes and trying to deliver economic reform. The very things that the majority of people voted for. He also stated SSM marriage wasn't on the agenda this term and there would be a review into unions. Of these things he has delivered or is delivering. So he is doing what he said he would do. Hence delivering what the electorate asked of him. 

Tony Abbott has ‘put his neck on the line’ over thorny issues in the past; the Republic debate and Climate Change being two of them. The media were extremely vocal in expressing their views that the public wanted a republic and the media supported the climate change myth (they still do). The media said YES, the public said NO. Tony Abbott was right. Interesting given the questions over his judgement of late. Now of course, if you believe the polls we believe climate change is a big issue and we want  more stringent targets than the government has suggested AND we want a tax on carbon. Really? Have we really come a full circle in less than two years? 

I have said before, It was NEVER going to be easy for Tony Abbott. The opposition and the media were never his friends. It was made much harder by a bunch of new, inexperienced MP's to parliament and as has been proven,  a bunch driven by self interest fuelled by massive egos. The moment the attacks on Tony Abbott, started they went to jelly. They jump into the dump with the knockers. That was the cue for the ego driven opportunistic's within the inner circle to start their divide and conquer. What astounds me is, our party and elected representatives have learnt nothing from Labor’s downfall.  After spending six years in opposition and a large portion of that attacking Labor’s instability, they have quickly degenerated to the same level. The one person who has maintained their resilience, determination and loyalty is Tony Abbott. 

Tony Abbott has attempted to clear the decks so he can focus on those things that will continue to make a difference.

1. Jobs growth
2. National security
3. And, the economy

The soft issues like SSM marriage will be  up to the people to decide. Polls indicate people want this and the only question is timing.  Climate will be dealt with and supported by a sensible plan that will cost between $3 to $4 billion per annum, not the unsustainable Labor plan. He is putting the economy ahead of the climate.  

The Prime Minister is standing firm with regards to the Royal Commission and given the Unions and Labor are fighting so hard to stop him, you know there are more dirty dealings to emerge. For what it is worth, I applaud this initiative. Protecting employees should be paramount. 

So, given Tony Abbott has delivered. What exactly are we 'hanging' him for. It can't be for not getting things done. So is it down to? 

Is it because he is a bit clumsy and awkward?  Hardly a hanging offence. 

Is it because he holds christian values and won't cave in to social reengineering bullies? Doesn’t make him a criminal. 

Is it because he put some things out there in trying to balance the books that weren't popular? You would have to be very foolish not to think this would be an outcome given our welfare dependant society. 

Is it because he can't sell a vision? Fair enough, but who else has stepped up to help? Great teams use their strengths for better outcomes and if the leader isn’t the strongest at selling the plan those who can step up. Unless of course there are hidden agendas driven by self-interest. 

Or, is it because as someone suggested to me, that he has become a laughing stock. Why? Because the media jumps  on every little word stumble? Big deal, we all do it. Is it because he is a volunteer firefighter and he does a lot for charity? Is it because he loves his wife and daughters? Is it because he goes to church?   

I'm struggling to find the hanging offence. Perhaps I’m missing something. I’d love to know what it is. 

“The ego is one of the biggest barriers to people working together effectively. When people get caught up in their egos, it erodes their effectiveness. That's because the combination of false pride and an overactive and over inflated ego gives people a distorted image of their own importance. When that happens, people see themselves as the centre of the universe and they begin to put their own agenda, safety, status, and gratification ahead of those affected by their thoughts and actions.”