Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Does Tony Burke Pass the Test

Things are not looking good for Tony Burke. One of the lessons he is yet to learn is, if are going to point the finger at others make sure your own house is in order. Burke has been relentess in his attacks on Bronwyn Bishop. Now this is coming back to haunt him bigtime.

There is no question Mrs Bishop has to be held accountable, if in fact it is proven that she fraudulently used tax payer funds. Foolishness is not a hanging offense but fraud is. Mr Burke on the other hand has three questions to answer.

  1. Does his use of tax payer funds for family holidays (whilst perhaps within the very loose guidelines) pass the reasonableness test in the electorate
  2. What benefits has he delivered to the electorate in accepting personal freebies, does this also pass the reasonableness test in the electorate 
  3. What has he promised his benefactors in exchange for his many free gifts
From where I sit I have serious doubts about questions one and two and grave concerns in relationship to number three.