Hello boys and girls. Today, I’m going to tell you a story about a boy named Billy.

Once upon on time, there was a little boy, named Billy. Billy was a lonely little boy. He had no friends and he used to sit by his bedroom window and look up at the stars and dream. He used to imagine what it would be like to be popular, and to have friends, and power and maybe one day he could be King. But alas, it was just a dream, until one day something happened to completely change Billy’s world.
Unbeknownst to Billy the street gang had been watching him. They had been searching and searching for someone just like him, a lonely little boy who wasn’t very bright and who just wanted to be King. You see, the street gang wanted to take over the street, but they didn’t want anyone to know what they were up to. So the leader of the gang Cfmeu Union came up with a devious plan. He said to his brother, Awu Union you ask Billie to join your gang and then you can use him to do your dirty work and get the other kids to join your gang. I’ll help you make Billy the King and then we can join forces to take over the whole city. Now Awu thought that was a great idea, and he asked Billie to join his gang. Billie was so excited and of course he said “Oh yes, I will, thank you for asking me.”
So Billy joined the gang and he had friends for the first time in his life. And Awu taught Billy well. He learnt how to cheat and bully and for the first time in his life Billy felt powerful.
As the years progressed, Billy coerced more and more kids to join Awu’s gang and they became more and more powerful and then the time came for Cfmeu to use Billy to help deliver on his plan. Cfmeu asked Awu to invite Billy to a meeting. Billy was so excited.
Cfmeu said to Billy, “Billy how would you like to be King of the street.”
Billy was shocked. It had always been his dream to be King, “Oh yes please, I would love to be King.”
Cfmeu smiled to himself. He knew Billy was so easy to manipulate, “OK Billy, I’m going to give you a magic flute. This flute will help you become King of the street. But you must do everything I say, without question.”
Billy didn’t think that was too hard and so he said, “OK, I will do whatever you tell me to do.”
And with that Billy embarked on his mission. He sold out the street kids, he took money and used it to help himself become King of the street and to line the coffers of the street gangs run by Awu and Cfmeu Union. And no one suspected what he was up to, just as Cfmeu and Awu had planned. Then the Union brothers started on their plan to make Billy King of the city.
Now the current King of the city was Tony. Tony was much, much smarter than Billy and he started to ‘smell a rat’. He suspected the street kids were being ripped off and he wasn’t happy. So Tony set up an investigation to find out exactly what Billy and the Union brothers were up to.
Billy and the Union brothers were asked to appear before the Judge and his investigators. The street kids were shocked to find out what Billy and the Union brothers had been up to. And the Union brothers became alarmed. Some of their gang were arrested. Billy had confessed to taking money and their questionable practices were being exposed. Years of work to make Billy their front man as King of the city were unravelling rapidly, so they devised another devious plan.
Cfmeu said to Awu, “Let’s smear the Judge and Tony, the King of the city. If we don’t, we will go to jail and all of our plans to run the city will be ruined.”
Awu knew what Cfmeu said was true and he rang Billy, “Billy it’s Awu here, we are in trouble. Now remember when we gave you the magic flute and helped make you King of the street.?
Billy said, “Yes, it is a lovely flute and I love being King.”
Awu said, “That’s good Billy but remember when Cfmeu and I told you that you had to do exactly what we told you.?
Billy said, “Yes, I remember, what do you want me to do’”
With that Billy was given the list of what he had to do. He had to muster the street gang members to try and discredit the Judge and the King of the city Tony. He had to stay silent with the Union brothers total lie, after lie, even though he knew they were lying. He had to round up all the graffiti artists to smear the good King. He had to block all of the agreements that will give the street kids, jobs, and he has to do exactly what he what told.
And so it began.
The ending to the story still hasn’t been written. So we don’t know yet, whether good will triumph over evil and whether the good King of the city will survive. That’s a story for another day.
We do hope however that is the outcome because if it isn’t the whole of the city will be at the mercy of the street gangs. That would be an awful outcome for all of the good street kids.
But remember this boys and girls, there is no such thing as a magic flute. If you accept the flute and trade away your integrity on the promise of being made King, someone else will always be telling you what tune to play.