Friday, 21 August 2015


I was engaged in an interesting discussion on twitter this morning. The starting point was, the foul, sexist and racist language some female journalist use in attacking other women. And, why are male journalist who use that type of language fired and females aren’t. A perfect example is Mike Carlton and Clementine Ford. Both are obnoxious,  but only one lost  their job. Does that seem fair? In my humble opinion no, it isn’t. Ford should be shown the door as well. You see, real feminists believe in equal rights, the emphasis on equal. 

But I digress.  

What I am really tired of, is people like Ford and the rest of the self-titled ‘fright-bat’ fraternity highjacking the title feminist. They do not, in my opinion hold the rights to that title, but sadly anyone now who puts their ‘head above the hedge’ and declares “I’m a feminist” is automatically dumped into same pool as that lot. 

Real feminists are the ones who fight day in day out for women's rights and do it with class and decorum. Like the young women from the Afghan Women's Writer Group, who use words to tell their stories of the repression and horror of being a young woman in Afghanistan. They put their lives on the line every day. Like the brave souls in Iran who are fighting for the rights to simply walk the streets with their hair flowing and not be forced to cover their hair with a veil. Like Sarah Khan and her colleagues from We Will Inspire standing up for the rights of Muslim Women in the UK and fighting extremism. Like the ones fighting to stamp out FGM, MGM, honour killing, and selling children off as child brides. Like the dozens I have met supporting battered women here. Like those in business who battled for equal rights and who support other young women to achieve their true potential. There are so many examples.These people are the true feminists of this world. 

Real feminists don’t believe they have to bare their breasts and bums on social media and say look at me, look at me, I’m a feminist. They are exhibitionist not feminists. Real feminists don’t believe they have to use language that would make a wharfie blush to prove their point or to attack and denigrate others. Those people are foul mouthed snipes, not feminist. Real feminists express their opinions in a constructive way and achieve a far superior result. The expression “an iron fist in a velvet glove” fits the feminist profile perfectly. 

If you declare you are a feminist, there is the real possibility the far right lobby will be on you in a shot, screaming leftie. Many in the left lobby will shun you because you don’t get down in the gutter with them. Well these people are simply bullies.

So I will declare, I’m feminist. I’m happily married and I’m a conservative. I’ve fought for women’s right most of my life and I will continue to do so. There is an army of us out there. We are from all backgrounds, religions, ethnicity and ages. We don’t feel the need to be exhibitionist, gutter snipes, or bullies. If you are in this group, I think it’s time we took the title back and shouted….

                                         "I’M A FEMINIST AND I'M PROUD OF IT"