Friday, 14 August 2015

It Was NEVER Going To Be Easy

If you are a conservative, it takes nerves of steal to read and listen to the day in day out attacks on the government. Nerves of steel to hang in there, and not bail out as some have done. But remember, these are not just attacks on Tony Abbott and the LNP, they are attacks on us as well. So unless we are doubting our convictions we have no choice but to stand up and voice our opinions and call out BS when we see it. 

When we voted the LNP into government in, in 2013 we did so on the basis that we could no longer afford an out of control dysfunctional Labor government. We demanded change and we wanted pressing issues fixed.

* Carbon Tax gone
* Boats stopped 
* Mining tax gone 
* Start to bring debt under control 

One - three have been resolved and four is being addressed. Whilst our debt continues to increase (largely in part as a result of a rapidly declining resources market and funding previous government commitments), the level at which the debt has grown has been reduced due to a lot of hard slog led by Treasurer Hockey.  

Since 2013, the government has been under unmerciless attack from a Labor, the Greens and the ever increasingly left leaning media.  The anti government cheer squad at the ABC and Fairfax leading the chorus. Recently however, some journalists in the Murdoch press have joined the yapping ABC & Fairfax, supported by many from Sky, SevenNews, Nine and 10. 

Through this attack Tony Abbott has maintained dignity. Not involved himself in mudslinging, certainly hasn't screamed discrimination like a previous PM. He has stuck to the course. He's bumbled along the way. His mere gesture of a wink causing a media meltdown and yet the blatant corruption of the opposition leader hardly rates a mention. 

We've been through the recent travel rorts where Tony Abbott has borne the brunt of the Bronwyn Bishop disclosure. Yet, Bill Shorten walks away from the ten times worse Tony Burke disclosure. It's hard to comprehend that could be the case, but sadly it is. 

Now we are facing attacks on the Trade Union Commissioner Dyson Haydon. Accusations based on acceptance to deliver an address (2 years ago) that was timed to take place after the commission was completed. And which the commissioner has now declined, for the very reason the commission is still sitting. Nothing corrupt or sinister in that. The story was timed, to try derail the commission before the next appearance of Bill Shorten. 

Make no mistake, this commission will snare the opposition leader Shorten and his union buddies. This cynical attack, launched by interested parties, is a collective endeavour, to try and maximise the damage to both the commission and the PM and it's nothing more than desperation. Tony Abbott had the guts to kick off this commission and he is hated for it by powerful union bosses and their political and media allies.  If they didn't have anything to hide they wouldn't be trying so hard to stop it.

I'm not a Tony Abbott groupie. There are many things I don't like about him. BUT I admire courage and decency and he has that in spades.  He has the courage to stand up to bullies and he has the courage to drive the necessary change to get this country back on an even keel. That won't make him popular, but it will make him effective. 

I know what it is like, after spending years driving change in business. I have some empathy for Tony Abbott because of my experiences. It's a very lonely path at times, and even some of those who supported you in the beginning bail out when the going gets really tough. So, as stated at the start, you have to have nerves of steel to complete the course. 

"You don't have to be liked, you just have to be effective"..  Abbott is effective.