Like so many around the world, I was heartbroken to learn of the murder of Cecil the Lion. A beautiful, majestic animal, taken by an evil man who gains pleasure from (and pays thousands of dollars for the so called privilege of) killing animals.
The protests were overwhelming. This story was front-page news around the world. If there has been one positive outcome, however, it is the announcement that Zimbabwe is to ban the hunting of lions, elephants and leopards. Let's pray this turns out to be correct.
The global grief over the death of Cecil, also highlighted the indifference there is to the deaths and suffering of children. I was reminded of that yesterday, when someone reposted this photo on Facebook.
When this photo first appeared a couple of years back, people were shocked. However, the global outrage over this poor child was nowhere near the level of outrage that we witnessed over Cecil. To my shame, I'm not blameless either and I'm thankful for the reminder. Lions are very important, but the welfare of our children is more important. I'll try my hardest to do better.