Politics is a dirty game, but why should it be? Why should we not demand more from those whom we elect and entrust to establish and uphold our laws? The people that we put in office to manage the country and to make decisions on our behalf, in the best interests of the greater good?
In business, we expect leaders to lead by example. We expect them to behave in a way that inspires others to follow their lead. We expect them to deliver the required results forbthe business and we expect them to "do that the rught way." I read recently that a Western ethical philosophy can be divided roughly into three types:
Virtues such as justice, charity and generosity benefit the person and the person's society. This as pointed out is largely based on Aristotle's ideas.
Ethics are central to morality - a human duty - based on rational people's respect for other rational people. (Notably supported by Kant.)
The guiding principle is based on conduct which produces the greatest happiness or benefit to the greatest number of people. (Referred to as utilitarianism - this might be also be considered 'the greater good' concept.)
Great leaders live by a personal a moral code of honesty, integrity, fairness and ethics. Personal responsibility, compliance with the law, relationships; treating people with respect and dignity are core attributes. They understand the dangers of conflict of interest and therefore limit their acceptance of gifts. The most ethical simply decline rather than risk compromise. They are responsible when it comes to managing company money and assets. They set the standard that others aim for in building great organisations. In essence, they walk the talk..
When I am coaching and mentoring young leaders, I encourage them to seek out those people who demonstrate the core values that makes them great leaders and to target those people as their role models and mentors.
So why do we not expect and demand the same from politicians? Why should politicians not be viewed as role models. The last time I looked they were about third from the bottom of the ethical career chart.
I read this morning that young women admire Julia Gillard and view hercas a role model. Why? Because she is a female? Because she became Prime Minister? Do they ever consider how she got there? As we have learnt over recent months there was nothing honourable in her elevation. I certainly wouldn’t be encouraging any of the young females I coach to use Julia as an example. And before anyone jumps to conclusions, that has nothing to do with her political allegiance. It’s purely based on her leadership values.
I've worked with some truly great leaders. It each case the following quote was key to how they wanted to be remembered.
“It’s not what you achieve, it’s how you achieve it, that defines the quality of us as individuals”
I am sure I am not alone in thinking that the personal standards of many of our politicians are simply not up to scratch. Their personal attacks on others are commonplace. Rorting the system has turned into a national sport. Undermining colleagues in leaking to the press is endemic. Threatening and abusive behaviour is worn as a badge of honour by others, and then we have the lying. Lying to undermine, lying to scare the population and the worst; lying in an attempt to destroy the reputation of others, for self gain. Shabby, grubby behaviour, and certainly not worthy of their honourable title.
I’ve never been in favour of appraisal systems. My reasons why is another story, but, I would be in favour of an appraisal system for politicians based on their personal standards of behaviour. I expect if we had one, a reasonable percentage of the current crop would be fired. And a fair proportion would receive a must improve or else card.
So why do we put up with it? Politics should be challenging. Any competitive environment is, but it shouldn’t be ‘dirty’. We should be demanding better. We deserve better. Until we do demand better, we will never attract enough people of real quality to the top jobs in the country. We will always be stuck with the D & E team players and the few A team will be left to struggle, I find that a very, very depressing. Not to mention fearful for the country and therefore our future.