Tony Burke is either so smug he thinks he is beyond scrutiny. Or so thick he thought no one would start digging when he decided to act as Shorten's attack dog and deflect the attention away from his wounded leader and go after Bronwyn Bishop.
Burke delivered on his mission to remove Mrs Bishop, but at what cost? The evidence is mounting by the day of his own monumental abuse of taxpayer funds. Mrs Bishop's indiscretions pale into insignificance compared to what is now surfacing for Burke. Sure, it might be found to be within the rules, but it is abuse nevertheless.
Burke reminds of the little boy, from the wrong side of the tracks, who finds himself with the lolly jar for the first time. He's been gorging himself ever since. But as with all greedy little children they get their just deserts in the end and his end is guaranteed. Shorten on the other hand, remains in the background, comforted in the knowledge that he has some respite from scrutiny, at least for the time being. Burke has been his sacrificial lamb.
My husband summed it up beautifully this morning. He said "Burke is a serial offender." He is right. And a pretty dumb one at that.