Friday 18 August 2017

What Was Pauline Hanson's Real Motive

If you are going to pull a stunt then at least stick to the story. Yes, I'm having a bit of a rant.

Pauline Hanson made a right prat of herself yesterday when she turned up to senate question time wearing a Burqa. I guess we should be used to her making a prat of herself. She has a long history of it. But mocking the parliament in pulling a moronic stunt is a new low even for her.

What is really telling is her true motivation. This was her question in the chamber yesterday.

My question is to Senator Brandis. “In light of what is happening with national security—there have been 13 foiled national threats against us from terrorism, three that have been successful, and Australians have lost their lives. Terrorism is a true threat to our country, and many Australians are very much in fear of it. What I would like to ask on behalf of the Australian people—considering a large majority of Australians wish to see the banning of the burqa—our two former prime ministers, Julia Gillard” – time expired

Hanson continued following Senator Brandis’s response.

“Is the Attorney-General aware that the burqa is not a religious requirement at all? Will the Attorney-General then ban the burqa in this house for the future as a security risk. Also, the fact is that the people of Australia have the right to see the face of a person that they elect to this parliament. They are the person who is actually going to be making decisions in the parliament on their behalf.”

She closed with this final supplementary question.

“If a person wears a balaclava or a helmet into a bank or any other building or even on the floor of the court, they must be removed. Why is it not the same case for someone who is covering up their face and cannot be identified? Will the government make changes to these laws?”

Her argument in the chamber was about security. Of course she was well and truly shot down on that point. So then Hanson turns up on every media show she could with the BS argument about repression of Muslim women.

Hanson doesn’t give a rats about the few Muslim women in this country who wear the Burqa. It really is only a few women. Some choose to wear it and no doubt others are forced to do so. Whilst I think it is a garment of repression, I respect the right of women who choose to wear it to do so. But Pauline Hanson as a champion of the Muslim Women’s rights? Give me a break.

If Hanson really cared about women's rights she would champion programs addressing English language for immigrant women when husbands deny them that right. That is a far bigger problem than a few women in this country being forced to cover. She would focus on the plight of women in indigenous communities. But of course she's not likely to grab headlines or attract hardcore support from the far right pushing those worthy causes is she.

So let's not kid ourselves. The Burqa was just a tool to enable Hanson to soap box her favourite topic .. Muslim bashing. It’s time her oxygen supply was cut off. Perhaps Tony Abbott could step up again. He did a good job last time.