Monday 17 April 2017

A Time To Reflect

It doesn’t matter whether we are Christians or not. Or whether we are believers or not. We all need to take time to reflect. This time of year is one of those times. 

We live in a wonderfully complex, beautiful, but deeply damaged world. A world that's too often uncaring, unforgiving, cruel, and devoid of second chances. Daily, we are regaled with doom and gloom. The media and others seem to prefer that to promoting the positive things that happen every single day. 

We have world leaders who appear to be more intent on destruction than unity. It's easy to be overwhelmed and to lose faith and to lose hope. Even those of us who live comfortably in stable, prosperous countries are not immune from this. Let's face it far too many of our western leaders are consumed with blowing up someone else's home. Eagerly cheered on by people who live thousands of miles away corralled in the safety of their comfy homes. I suspect they wouldn't be so gung-ho if someone was blowing up their world. 

Now more than ever we need leaders who will instil belief back into the community. Leaders who will do something positive about helping to deliver a better world than the one far too face today; both real and perceived. It is up to us to force them to do it. Assuming that's what those of us who live in the free world want. I don't mind admitting when I read what's posted on social media I have my doubts. 

Perhaps the world is a manifestation of what so many project. I agree with Mr King when he says; 

"I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Let's not lose hope that one day we will all enjoy a better world than many live in today. God bless.