Monday 30 January 2017

I'm Not Prone To Alarmism, But

Think about this for a minute.

"A psychopathic media magnate or politician can have a damaging impact on the minds and lives of hundreds of millions of people. They may in the long run be more dangerous & destructive to society than low-achieving violent psychopaths." ~ Gao and Raine

Quote from Will Blacks superb book Psychopathic Cultures and Toxic Empires. If you haven't read it, I can recommend it. It opened my eyes.   

So what happens when you mix the two? Like Trump & the odious exBreitbart CEO and now Trump chief advisor and bizarrely Security Council Member, Steve Bannon? I believe we have cause for concern. This is why.

Think about the practice of branding any major news site that publishes personal or performance valuations about a leader as fake. Even facts are branded fake if they are unflattering. Yes, fake news is out there. I don't deny that. A lot of fake news comes from independent sites, many only recently launched. Don’t kid yourself only the so called left do it. All groups do. But how dangerous and I dare say naive to label every column that is critical (or unkind) as fake? That’s idiocy. But, if you play the fake card often enough, it sticks. We witness that today. Even when the story is true, the cries of FAKE from the adoring throng resound.

In recent days fake news has been labelled alternative news. There is no such thing as alternative news. There is truth, untruth and opinions. I felt compelled to challenge someone last week over a claim of fake news. A research company looked into click words and hashtags posted on Twitter. The key tags and click words being bigot, racist, dishonesty etc.  What they found overwhelmingly was, that Donald Trump attracted more bigot, racist hashtag responses than anyone. Clinton scored the highest on dishonesty. This was published in the Australian. Out came the fake news chanters. Everyone conveniently ignored the Clinton dishonest tag. So I assume from that, it was only the Trump data that was fake, in the minds of some. No one mentioned Clinton. As I pointed out in my comments to the column, it’s research data. Given the chatter that Trump evokes it’s easy to conceive he rates highly on bigot and, racist tags. Because Trump supporters wouldn't accept the output that labelled their man a bigot and racist they tried to delegitimise the story as fake. It's ludicrous behaviour.

People on mass have now lost trust in the media. In certain circumstances there is some justification. What we are seeing from Trump and co is different.  They are running a deliberate strategy to totally undermine the press. Why do people do that? It's to make sure they are not closely scrutinised. When media trust is destroyed, readers don't believe anything. Truth will simply be labelled rubbish. Fake. There is enough evidence in our history to prove this works.

Along with the fake news strategy people are told there is only person to be trusted. The one those awful media people are trying to hold to account. We are constantly bombarded with messages telling us the media just lies, lies, lies. They are so mean. But, don’t worry we have a saviour. He’ll take care of us. It will be beautiful. He promises. He never lies.

Someone actually said to me yesterday. “Donald Trump is the most honest politician I know. He never lies.” The person who said it, I've always considered intelligent and discerning. When I presented him with a string of examples he rubbished the source as dishonest, fake. It was a facts site with links. So, I presented him with a similar set of examples where the same source highlighted Obamas lies. Of course that was ignored. This is how things work now.

It doesn’t end there. The calls to close down the free MSM press grow by the day. I see this on social media. The comments section of MSM is full of these demands.

A journalist from the BBC asked Trump an uncomfortable (for him) question during his press conference with British PM May last week. It was a relevant and important question. The question was respectfully asked. Trump squirmed. Dozens and dozens of people then hit a British News Service calling for the White House to ban the BBC. People demanded the reporter be fired. They demanded the BBC be closed. I find that seriously scary behaviour as I value freedom of speech and a free press. These are some of the values our forebears fought for. They fought for us to have that right. Some even sacrificed their lives in battle. It appears it was for nothing. As we are so willing to give it away. Please don't come back with the BS that's what Trump is fighting for. No he isn't. If he was, he wouldn't be trying to close down anyone who disagrees with him.

If you were reading the above, without being appraised of the circumstances it reads like the outline for a cheap political novel based in the third world. But sadly, it isn't. This is happening now. In the free world.

Even Hitler said. “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough it will be believed.” He was right.

I understand there is a ground swell demanding revolution. Thankfully there is also a groundswell saying, not like this. As I'm not a fool, I also accept something needs to change. But, there are some very sinister tactics at play. I just hope people wise up soon. Because what we end up with, might just result in us being much worse of.  I fear this will be the case. I am not prone to alarmism. But, I readily admit my alarm metre has hit the red zone.

As a conservative I will always stand up for truth, our rights and our freedom. Our right to question and critique those in power is a fundamental right. Steve Bannon, sits at the right-hand of the so called leader of the free world Bannon told the media to keep their mouth shut. Spoken like a true 'Alt-Right Psychopath'. He even labelled them the opposition party. The only countries I see trying to silence the press are Turkey, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, China and now the US. That bothers me. Regardless of who people support politically, it should bother everyone.

We should be reminded of the words of Theodore Roosevelt when he said.

“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”

To my mind, anyone advocating for change and who seeks to do so at the cost of our liberty and our freedom to question, to judge and to criticise them, is not seeking change for us. Instead they are seeking to relegate us to the level servitude.  

“Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.”  ~  George Orwell1984

We live in troubling times. For the first time in my life, I am very, very worried for our collective future. What true centralist conservative can stand by in silence and watch this happen. I for one can't.