Sunday 28 December 2014

Self-interest Serving Self-Interest

Poll results, highlighting that a majority now prefers a man who has a record of moral failures as long as your arm as their preferred Prime Minister over a family man, with solid religious principles got me thinking about moral decline. 

The Moral decline in business started when Human Resources Professionals convinced management to brand people as "Human Capital"..

People then became overheads not assets to be traded and discarded at will. When business sacrificed their community obligation and made, the shareholder the priority over keeping people in work. Even worse is when businesses fail despite the efforts of the workers and those leading the business (and who presided over the failure) walks away with massive handouts and the employees a pittance.   

The moral decline in democracies started when politicians realised that people would vote for those who gave them the most with little regard for the cost or long term viability. And, when people realized they could manipulate politicians into keep giving them more and more, or they would lose their jobs, even if that means voting for politicians with low values and no interest in the long term viability and prosperity of the country.

The moral decline in society started when people realised they could get whatever they wanted now, (on credit) despite their inability to pay and when they could no longer pay off their debt, someone else would pick-up the tab.

And, more and more people discovered they could manipulate the system, not work and someone else would pay for them. 

When people had children and put their hands out for more and expected others to help pay for them. 

Just a small sample of self-interest, serving self-interest!!!