Wednesday 31 December 2014

Let's Make 2015 A Better Year Than 2014

As we reflect on 2014, we are left with a sadness about a world in conflict in so many countries. Now there is nothing new in that, except now, the impact of those conflicts are much closer to home than many of us have ever experienced.  As a result, new hostilities and hatreds have become more evident on our own shores. Our political divide became more hostile as well. Further fracturing us as a society, as the community of Australia.  

But as we look ahead to the new year, we are presented with a completely blank canvas.  It's a chance to reflect on the failures of the year gone by and to commit to making changes to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.

Life is a gift. It's the greatest gift that is given to all of us, regardless of our colour, our race or our beliefs. For most of us, living in our country, we have so much to be thankful for. Our health, our surroundings, our family, our friends and most of all, our freedom.

It's so easy to become desensitised and to some degree isolated from what is happening in other parts of the world. And, to condone, reject or simply ignore the atrocities that we see, based on our own biases, prejudices or interest.  We have the good fortune to live in a developed country. Many don't. Many are faced with a daily battle to simply survive as they fight against others (including western governments and businesses) for control of their lands, their resources and their rights to follow their chosen paths.

These people have different beliefs, customs and practices to us, but are they really any different?  In truth, they are not. We all have the same genetic code and origins. Our needs for survival are the same; clean air to breath, food to nourish and sustain us and shelter from the elements.

For many who live in our country and who have called this their home, they also have family and friends who are still living in countries in conflict. Where death and destruction is an everyday event. To fear for ones loved ones must be dreadful.

So as we enter 2015 we have the opportunity to show we care about our fellow humankind. That means people in all countries and with a special place for those who are fighting to survive against tyranny and injustice. It also means those people should care about me and my well being.

If we all start to care a bit more about others than we do about ourselves, the world would be a much better place. We can't change the whole world, but we can start here, at home. We can start by judging people on who they are and what they do rather than on where they came from, what they believe or what party they support. It's not the total solution, but it's a start and what better place to start than the beginning of a new year. All the planetary alignments are positive, as we come out of years of conflict to move into a period of harmony. The rest is up to us.

Happy New Year.