Wednesday 30 July 2014

We Are So Selective in our Condemnation and our Condoning of Atrocities

This comment was made on a popular Australian site last night, “nobody wants these dirty, filthy pieces of crap in our country no man, woman or child.”  The person who made the statement wasn’t talking about ISIS terrorists. He was talking about normal, run of the mill Muslims many who have been living in this country for years. Of course the fact that many were born here doesn’t enter the equation.

I posted the comment on social media this morning and received a reply that prompted this thinking. The comment was along the lines of, we agree but what about those who cut people’s heads off and hold them up for all to see.

Any atrocity it doesn’t matter what, should be, in fact MUST be, condemned for what it is; an atrocity. Cutting people’s heads off (be it in war zones or as a result of penalties for crimes committed) is an atrocity; it’s not acceptable by any standards of decency and humanity. And, rightly so these acts are condemned by millions daily.  But why aren’t we equally outraged by other atrocities? Is it because we aren’t aware of them? Is it because we aren’t as concerned? Is it because we measure things by degrees, if ‘he’ commits the act it’s OK but if ‘he’ commits it, it’s wrong. Is it because we excuse our own because they are our own? I wish I knew the answer.

Regardless of the atrocities that are committed we can’t condemn every Muslim for the acts some. We don’t condemn every catholic male because of the acts that have been carried out by priests for an example. We don’t condemn every white male for the appalling acts that paedophiles subject children to; many just babies. Acts by sadistic paedophiles are as bad as or not worse than acts carried out by Muslim terrorists. The difference is we are not subjected to a constant stream of news reports and images of these acts. In fact, we are not permitted to see them. Not that you would want to, however perhaps some should. Perhaps it might help them put things into perspective.

Someone said to me once that the atrocities committed by Buddhist Monk terrorists weren’t as bad as Muslim atrocities because not many people were killed by Buddhists. In the case of Burma, the same person said it was OK because the monks were only killing Muslims. I was stunned. 

I signed a petition today to stop the defiling of dogs in Turkey.  Since prostitution was banned in Turkey, men have resorted to using dogs. I’m sorry if this upsets you. It certainly upset me. What these poor animals are subjected to is horrific.  That said, despite it being an atrocity I suspect most people will ignore the call for help.  But if it said Muslims etc., etc., etc. the petition would have gone viral and social media into meltdown. The same person who made the ‘dirty, filthy’ comment would be shouting “I told you”!!!!

Dozens of children, women and the elderly are dying in Gaza as a result of the onslaught by Israel. But many just brush that off because it’s in retaliation to a few pop rockets fired by Hamas. Now, I’m not condoning Hamas’s actions. They should rightly be condemned but equally I don’t condone what Israel is doing either. It’s hardly a fair fight. But there are people all around the world attacking innocent Muslims, attacking innocent Jews because of what Hamas and the Israeli government and military are doing. By any stretch these actions are sheer madness driven by hate, intolerance and bigotry.

So what is the point of all of this? Let’s focus on the ‘crime’ and the perpetrators of the crime, let’s call out all atrocities that we become aware of and let’s not condemn every one of a certain race, religion, country etc. for the sins of some.