Wednesday 23 September 2015


Over recent years, we have witnessed first hand, the destructive impact the media has, and the part it plays, in tearing down political leaders in this country. The right wing media were vicious in their attacks on Julia Gillard. Those attacks were cheered on by right wing conservative supporters and those praying for her demise. Last week, we witnessed the destruction of Tony Abbott and we recognised the role the left wing media played in that. This of course was cheered by those on the left-side of the political divide. The vast majority of Australians I suspect were somewhere in the middle in thinking surely this can't be happening again. 

Now, we have a new Prime Minister. One who has broader appeal, across the political divide and for the first time in a very long time we are seeing a Liberal Prime Minister given fair airtime by both the ABC & Fairfax. The cynics will claim it's because 'he's more like them.' Perhaps, but it's also somewhat disrespectful to the community where it is blatantly clear the Prime Minister has more support than either Ex Prime Minister Gillard or ex Prime Minister Abbott ever enjoyed. I say, thank heavens we see the likes of the ABC and Fairfax giving the Prime Minister a fair go to present himself and his credentials to the electorate. Then the ELECTORATE can decide on his merits, not some biased journalist with an axe to grind. 

The Essential Poll was out September 22nd. I've referenced this one, because the overall result was 50 / 50 where some others showed a significant lift on 2party for the Coalition. I know some people hate polls. I love them, but as I've said many times I like analysing the question details. And Essential always presents interesting questions. 

The key question for me related to the replacement of the Liberal leader. Did people approve or not. 58% of those polled approved of the change and the outcome. Of those, 58%, 59% fell into the LNP supporters bucket v's 27% disapproval. The overall Don't Know score sat at 18%. 

The poll asked a number of questions on the key attributes of both Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten. Prime Minister Turnbull being declared a decisive winner.  

Those polled rated Malcolm Turnbull highly on intelligence at (81%), he is considered to be hard working (71%), a capable leader (70%) and that he understands the problems facing Australia (63%). 

People are crying out for strong leadership. And whether some people accept it or not, charisma and the ability to bring people along with you is a key component of leadership. It is in fact, in my view, the most important attribute for an effective leader. With 70% of respondents stating the Prime Minister is a capable leader that is a great platform to build on. 

Compare PM Turnbull's rating to that of the opposition leader Bill Shorten. Bill Shorten's highest rated attributes were hard working (61%), intelligent (58%), understands the problems facing Australia (48%) and out of touch with ordinary people (46%). Way down the scale in comparison. 

Since June, those polled considered the major changes in Mr Shorten are. His aggression has increased (+8%), he is more narrow minded (+7%), in their eyes, he is a less capable leader (-7%), he is more erratic (+6%), and in comparison to most politicians his honesty rating has dropped (-6%). His honesty is now sitting on a very dismissal (23%) and he is more intolerant (+6%). If this was a school report card it would be marked as 'must do significantly better' or you are out. 

In response to the question who would make the better Prime Minister; Bill Shorten or Malcolm Turnbull 53% of respondents think Malcolm Turnbull would make the better Prime Minister and 17% think Bill Shorten would make the better Prime Minister. Two weeks ago Bill Shorten was preferred over Tony Abbott 35% to 32%.
The breakdown of the 53% is even more interesting when you look at the support base with Labor at 35%  LNP at 84%, Greens at 41% and Other at 37%. Once again the Don't Know group is high at 30%, so a great opportunity for improvement for a new leader. 
Back to Liberal Leadership and the question; who do you think would make the best Leader of the Liberal Party. The Prime Minister won this by some margin with an overall score of 37%. In fact the next highest was Don't Know on 21% so lots to gain here. Followed by Julie Bishop on 14%. Not a bad a result given the PM has yet to be really tested. This question presented 8 options, which is perhaps too many but I will mention Scott Morrison only rated 4%.  
Now, it would be fair to say, that in opposition, Malcolm Turnbull rated very badly in the polls against Ken Rudd (the master salesman) and he split the Liberal party with his proposal for a carbon emissions tax. That led to his demise and overthrow by Tony Abbott when he lost by one vote in a leadership ballot. It's somewhat ironic now, that a major part of the contributing factors in Tony's overthrow was his unpopularity with the electorate (in comparison to Malcolm Turnbull) and the internal divide within the party room. This lead to a leadership ballot and Tony Abbott lost by 10 votes 55 to 44.
It's very early days, but based on polls, people have warmed to PM Malcolm Turnbull and indications are that a majority of LNP voters feels he is the right choice from the selection available to us. It's up to him to now to win the hearts and minds of Australians. I believe he can do that but time will tell. The radical right faction the (remnants from Nick Minchin Godfather era) if they don't adapt to the new circumstances will be wiped out. That's probably not a bad thing because it will bring back to the fold the lost middle ground including younger supporters. 
As for me, I am still taking a 'wait and see' approach. That said, it is such a relief to have an articulate leader who looks and sounds statesman like. I'm proud of my country, I want to be proud of the leader, after all he or she represents you and me. They represent who we are, what we believe and what we stand for. We are a young vibrant, innovative, high achieving and clever country. The leader has to match that. 
And I'd caution the media to present the facts and to respect people's rights to make up their own minds I've had enough of others forcing their opinions on me and destroying leaders in the process. 
And as Prime Minister Turnbull correctly pointed out, don't treat people as fools, their intelligence must be respected. 
Essential Poll: