Wednesday 12 August 2015

The Dirty Game of Politics

I wonder how the thousands, who have died on the battlefields of war, fighting for the rights of others, would feel now when they see the rights of Australians being trampled in such a shameful way.

They would never have envisaged that the day would come, when the Prime Minister of this country in standing up and saying "Let's ask the people" would result in him being vilified and laughed at for doing so. And sneered at and criticised by some lily-livered weaklings in his own party. It's a shameful, shameful day.

I'm sorry my relatives sacrificed so much, only to have their legacy trashed by selfish, self-serving, self-interest groups and individuals. And by politicians who seek to play politics at the expense of our rights; our right to voice our opinion. And yes, I’m angry, very angry.

Those chanting ‘but the polls say the majority of Australians want same sex marriage legalised”, are doing so on the result of some newspaper poll. Or privately funded political poll. A few thousand people voicing their opinions!!!!  The only true measure of what the people want,  is to ask the majority. If you had listened to the media and snap polls on the recent Goodes events, claiming booing was racially motivated and that the majority vote agreed, then that was proven wrong yesterday by an Essential Poll highlighting the majority didn’t think that. You can’t trust polls as a reflection of a true pulse check.

Make no mistake,  there is a very dirty game plan being played out in this country. I for one am sick of it. I’m sick of the hypocrisy. I’m sick of my rights to hold an opinion being trampled. I’m sick of the bullying. And, most of all I’m sick of the lies.

Those who are reacting in such a vicious way to the LNP party room decision of yesterday, don’t want you to have your say. They merely want their way. Stuff you. So now,  opportunists who sit on the opposition benches, ably supported by their left-wing media buddies, will be actively spreading the leadership rumours. They will be pushing the ‘divide and conquer’ card as hard they can. Don’t fall for it.  It’s a cynical game using same sex marriage as the wedge. It’s not about championing minority rights it’s about politics, destabilisation and deflection.

A wise colleague said to me yesterday “unity is living, divide and you are dead”.. He is right.