Thursday 9 July 2015

Words Do Hurt

"Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you"

That isn't true. Words can and often do completely devastate people.  I still remember some things that were said about me and to me years ago because they cut so deeply. I've forgiven the people who said them, but I'll never forget the words and the hurt.

A harsh word or insult when someone is at a low ebb can have dire consequences. As this story attests.

The people who so viciously attacked this man didn't know him. They didn't witness the exchange. They reacted to something they read. Then, they simply used the social media 'pack attack' mentality that we see all too often on Facebook (and Twitter) in their vile attempts to destroy a man and his reputation. Well they succeeded. But will they utter one word of remorse? No they won't. They'll just move onto the next hapless victim.

So please, think before you condemn others based on a tweet, a Facebook post or even a media report. This message that I found yesterday with a few additions such as colour, ethnicity and religion sums it up beautifully.