Arthur Schopenhauer wrote, "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." Sadly, we haven't as yet, moved beyond the first stage as witnessed this week.
Over the past week, we have been bombarded by the media in all forms, as well as the usual 'many weeping' shallow and opportunistic vigils, tweeter campaigns etc. all promoting a story of the death of a small boy. In fact, two small children died, but the second child has largely been ignored. You see, there was no photo of him to be used in the cynical game of global manipulation.
Little Aylan Kurdi was unknown in life, other than to his family. But in death he has become the global symbol of the chattering hordes. He has been used so shamefully, to push an agenda to open up borders to mass immigration. It didn't matter that the story of his death was a fabrication. He was there to be used.
But, dare anyone speak the truth about Aylan's death, and wham. Aylan wasn't fleeing for his life from ISIS as claimed by his father. He had in fact lived in safety in Turkey for three years. Given he was only three years old and has lived in Turkey for most of his life, he's never had to fear for his life. We were to discover that Aylan's father had concocted a story, probably more to cover his shame and guilt than anything else. But that didn't matter, the machine had already been put into motion. The opportunists were up and running. Massive guilt campaigns thrown at us from every corner; globally and locally. Our own Prime Minister, one of the few global leaders not to be taken in by mass manipulation was even taken to task by the @nytimes (simply a mouthpiece for the NWO). Some went as far as to blame him for Aylan's death. Really grubby stuff.
One Liberal politician had the courage to stand up and say. Hang on. This is the real story. Fair enough, you would think, would you not. You couldn't be more wrong. He was attacked from all corners.

His Liberal colleague, the 'fringe dweller' Ewen Jones took a stab at him.

The same fool who was sprouting to anyone would will listen to him that we should be bringing in 50,000 additional refugees. Never mind that, that equates to a city approximately the size of Wagga Wagga. FIFTY THOUSAND to be fed, housed and supported. By the way, when he was asked how much it would cost, surprise, surprise he simply has no idea. I don’t recall Mr Jones giving a ‘tinker’s cuss’ about the plight of refugees in Malaysia, Indonesia, Horn of Africa anywhere for that matter. Like so many, he is merely an opportunist.
I supported Mr Bernardi on Twitter, for having the courage to speak the truth and I was stunned to receive comments from fellow conservatives attacking him. I thought truth was a fundamental core of a conservative. It appears not feel the same.
But I digress. Back to the point of the story. Speaking the truth is now an embarrassment. I'll repeat that. Speaking the truth, is now an embarrassment. If what you say, despite it being the truth runs contrary to left doctrine you are an embarrassment.
And there are people out there who still think the talk of a New World Order is a conspiracy. Those of us who cherish the truth need to move very rapidly to stage two 'violently opposed' to those who seek to silence the truth. If we don't stand with the truth tellers we are effectively caving in to the bully's.
Time to stand up and be counted.
#NWO #Agenda21
Whilst the world weeps for these people.

They ignore the plight of these.