A wise friend with a deep spiritual soul said something to me this week that resonated. It was; "But raining and sunny are also rules of nature." His inference being, thus it is with mankind.
When things of significance happen, my first instinct is to pick up my pen and write. I find it great therapy. It got me thinking about how people feel after such turmoil this week with a change of leader. Like many, I've been somewhat stunned by the level and the intensity of the outpouring of grief and anger. This has been balanced by a sense of relief and even joy in others. "Raining v's Sunny."

I know many of us have read in the news that there is still a lot of anger within the Abbott camp. The information I'm receiving from Canberra is somewhat different. I've heard that 99% of MP's regardless of whether they were in Mr Abbott's camp or Mr Turnbull's camp are now behind the change. They have finally come to terms with the fact that it was reasonable and sensible to let Mr Abbott go. Good performances at question time, had a lot to do with that. Like many, I'm very distrustful of news. I prefer to rely on my own sources. It's up to others to reach their own conclusions. I'm merely sharing what I've heard from a source I trust.
I can't recall a similar reaction, in response to a political change ever in this country. The difference this time is this change has pitted people supposedly in the same 'camp' against each other. Liberal against Liberal. On social media, many of us have lost friends who we have networked with for years. We've fought together on social media campaigns; both federal and state and my greatest sadness is these relationships have broken simply because like many others I have stated; "I'm not over the moon about the change, but Mr Abbott has to accept some responsibility and the party is bigger than one man. I will give the change a chance and I'll reach my opinion based on the evidence not some 'I know what will happen' forecast. Whilst I've lost some social media friends, I've gained some lovely new ones. "Raining v's Sunny."

I know many of us have read in the news that there is still a lot of anger within the Abbott camp. The information I'm receiving from Canberra is somewhat different. I've heard that 99% of MP's regardless of whether they were in Mr Abbott's camp or Mr Turnbull's camp are now behind the change. They have finally come to terms with the fact that it was reasonable and sensible to let Mr Abbott go. Good performances at question time, had a lot to do with that. Like many, I'm very distrustful of news. I prefer to rely on my own sources. It's up to others to reach their own conclusions. I'm merely sharing what I've heard from a source I trust.
Our representatives know policies won't change. Although Labor will try and turn that into a negative. It isn't. Policies were not the issue. It was the tactics of selling that was lacking. As I've said previously whether you like Malcolm Turnbull or not I think most reasonably minded people would acknowledge he could 'sell sand to the Sahara people.'. Although the Bolts of this world will try to convince you otherwise. They have their reasons for doing that. I merely judge on what I see and hear.
There are no riffs or grudges inside either camp. People are sad, of course. I'm sad myself. I don't like seeing people hurt, but sadly that is part of life. I hear many are cautious and like me taking a wait and let's see approach. I think that's sensible.
I know there is a lot of concern out there, that Mr Turnbull will fall back to his more progressive side. The concern is we end up with an ETS, weakening of border control and a new climate policy. These are not conservative policies and certainly not current policies. Mr Turnbull learnt a very bitter lesson last time when the 'machine' worked swiftly to remove him. And, only a fool makes the same mistake twice and he is far from a fool. So I'm feeling confident that it's onwards and upwards.
Politics is a pragmatic science, it isn't a charity. At the end of the day personal interests are still the highest order. No one wants to be on a losing side or be told over and over and over that you are on the losing side. Spend a few years working for a struggling business and you soon realize what an absolutely soul destroying experience that is.
The change has been made. Some people hate it others are happy and some like me are proceeding with caution. But I for one am relieved and I feel more comfortable with hearing that the party room is coming to terms with it. Whilst things have been tense for us, I can only imagine what it's been like for our elected representatives. The pressure must have been almost unbearable.
As for me, I'm concentrating on looking for the positive. I'm not hanging the perceived 'villain' based on his perceived future crimes. I'm focusing on the 'sun' rather than the 'rain.'