Julie Bishop is caught mouthing what looks like 'bitch', this was in response it has been suggested to something Tanya Plibersek said, or did in question time. As we have come to expect, because Julie is a conservative, it makes headlines. It is broadcast widely on social media which is simply another natural attack ground of the perpetually outraged.
Now, I should point out, that no one mentioned what Plibersek said or did to generate such a response. Ms Plibersek as per her usual modus operandi was repeatedly interjecting whilst Tony Abbott was endeavouring to respond to a question he had been asked on aid funding and Syria. It is a serious issue and as per usual Ms Plibersek was mouthing off. She does in fact make some pretty ordinary comments in question time and in this instance, if Ms Bishop did mouth 'bitch' it was well justified. But it is what followed that is concerning.
This little gem (gem used as sarcastically as I can muster), appeared in the equally reputable Daily Mail (yes another sarcastic reference) after that delightful (your getting the intent) South Australian Labor MP Nick Champion decided to play cheap politics.

We have the so called 'experts' interpret as faux feminists claiming no female should call another female a bitch. Now, if some female behaves badly, why should they not be called a bitch? It's as good a word as any in conveying the message. The faux feminists, who are up in arms about this, are extremely quick off the mark in throwing insults (dare I say at times deserved insults) at the male population. So why is it necessary for women to go soft on each other regardless of behaviour?
I can honestly say, I don't recall ever calling any female a bitch (although I've thought it a few times). I personally don't like the word and I prefer to deal with bad behaviour in a different way. Although I must confess I did use the quaint term 'you absolute cow' when a colleague whom I trusted tried to stab me in the back. But I digress.
Everywhere you turn, social reformers and faux feminists are trying to highjack society. Janet Albrechtsen’s column in The Australian today highlighted a perfect example. A man pays a female a compliment (in private, via a direct message on LinkedIn) and he is outed by the same female via social media and painted as akin to a sexual predator. What utter lunacy is that. As Janet points out why are some women trying to turn women into victims. We aren't victims.
Many of us have learnt to stand on our own two feet, to bat off the stereotype and to make it in business and society. We learnt from our battles (and we've been called far worse than bitch) but we fought those battles with finesse, humour and skill and we won. Yes, we cried lots, but we never let people see that. And, we never played the victim card.
I fear, that after all of those hard earned battles the current crop of young women is being turned into compliant little faux feminist robots. Offended by something as benign as a word or a compliment. If you are a male don't dare say something nice. If you do, you run the risk of being named and shamed on social media and even run the risk of losing your job because of it. If you think that doesn't happen, think again. If you are a female, and mouth the word bitch, like Julie Bishop you are banished to the 'mean girls' fraternity. How sad is that.
So welcome to the new politically correct sanitised world the social reformers and faux feminists are trying to create. If we don't fight against this they will succeed.
That isn't the world I want to live in.

I'm Successful
I Did It On My Terms
I Love Compliments
I'm Equal To Many Man
I Will Challenge Bad Behaviour In My Way if Bitch Is The Term, So Be It...