Sunday, 3 July 2016

The Level Playing Field

As Australians we always took pride in our legacy of the 'level playing field'. Where everyone had a fair and equal chance of succeeding. 

This legacy has well and truly been trashed by politicians and their supporters; unions, Get Up, members and leaders of the Australian Labor Party. Yes, I am disappointed the party I support (the Liberals along with the Nationals) is struggling to retain government. But to be in this position because of the reprehensible behaviour of the Labor party in duping the electorate is a tragedy. 

Should the LNP not be able to form government, we have lost far more than an election. We have lost the legacy of decency and honesty. That is a far greater loss for the nation and us than any election. Because Labor and their leaders have set the benchmark. From this point forward any lie and scare campaign no matter how outrageous is OK. That is the end of our proud legacy of “the level playing field.” I for one mourn that lost.