Why are people so intent on living a soap opera? Is it because the social engineering experiment to dumb down society has worked?
Yesterday, Malcolm Turnbull held a press conference. He tried to project a positive outlook. I consider it’s important given the current state of play and the fact there are more important things than us. Things like market and business stability. Turnbull stated (in trying to calm the electorate) "Australians seek greater certainty, greater clarity and, stability in their govt."
Perfectly sensible statement I would have thought. Given how people voted the complete opposite appears to be the case. I find it astounding when you consider the turmoil of the Labor years. Followed by the struggles of the Abbott years and the disruption of yet another leadership change. Australians seem to prefer chaos and calamity. To make matters worse, the media stokes that fire.
The results were not even settled and on queue on Sunday morning the media went into overdrive with stories of leadership challenges. People on social media were calling for the same. I should add many who were chanting for spills are the selfsame ones condemning previous changes. Stoking the fire? Yes.
It's about time as a nation we grew up and focused on what matters. Growth and prosperity for all. People via the ballot box are played Russian roulette with that future. They shot the rest of us who voted responsibly in the head. It's got to stop.
We've lived the soap opera for far too long. That is unless personal vendettas and destruction is the agenda. In that case the behaviour makes perfect sense. As for those ringing talk aback radio today stating they've always voted for the Liberals but didn’t this time because of one man; Tony Abbott.
How naΓ―ve are you! Even Tony Abbott pleaded with people not to seek revenge. Why? Because he understood what the likely outcome would be. I hope those who ignored his plea are happy with themselves. I personally think it's shameful.
How naΓ―ve are you! Even Tony Abbott pleaded with people not to seek revenge. Why? Because he understood what the likely outcome would be. I hope those who ignored his plea are happy with themselves. I personally think it's shameful.
Rant over.