At first I was angry and now, as it appears I’ve been conned and manipulated I’m really angry? Angry with myself and angry with stupid irresponsible media.
It’s no secret, that I have made my position on the Muslim issue perfectly clear. So when I read, that the badge worn by our Army Chaplains was to be changed after 102 years and two World Wars because it was offensive to Muslims I simply threw my hands into the air in desperation. My initial thought was why do I bother. Why do I bother saying but hey let's give them chance when they do things like this. Typical knee-jerk reaction.
So when I actually took the time to confirm exactly what was happening, I became really angry over media and opportunistic manipulation.
Malcolm Turnbull has come in for a heap of flack over the story that was published by the Daily Telegraph. There was already a heap of accusing fingers pointing at him over the addition of an Imam to the Religious Advisory Committee to the Services, which in fact happened back in June. This appointment had nothing to do with Turnbull. In fact, it happened under Tony Abbott’s Prime Ministership. Not that it had anything to do with Mr Abbott either.
It would be fair to say the appointee Sheikh Mohamadu Nawas Saleem has copped a lot of flack on social media & in MSM. Some warranted, as usual, some not. So the environment was right to pour petrol on already smoking embers. People are angry about Paris, they are angry about refugees coming here, they are angry about the Sheikh, they are angry about Turnbull, who many think has gone soft on all of this (I’m not in that camp but that is another story) so....cue stage right…
Out comes the Telegraph story of November 21. With the headline.

Now to my shame I hadn’t actually read the Telegraph column until today. I had picked up snippets in the Oz on social media, etc. Yes, I know I whine about others doing that. I’ve learnt my lesson.
When I actually read the story I realised I had, as they say ‘been played’. You see NO decision has been made on this despite the affirmative headline. It’s merely being considered.
I suspect 99.9% of the population had no idea what was on the Chaplains badge anyway, until it was circulated as part of this story. I suspect even less are aware there are two badges. Jewish Chaplains have their own. So we have two cap badges. The ADF comprises people of all religions and I dare say a swag of atheists. From where I sit, it makes sense to consider having one badge that represents all as I assume what we come out of this.
Now, a decision would probably have just been made, implemented and no one would have been any the wiser. But the Telegraph mentioned the magic word, MUSLIM, and like a moth to a flame up pops Bernard Gaynor. You know Mr Gaynor the disgraced ex Army Major who was kicked out because of his extreme views. Mr Gaynor is entitled to his opinions, but the ADF didn’t have to tolerate them so they separated.
Mr Gaynor came to public attention in the 2013 election campaign, when he fearlessly asserted his opposition to having his children taught by gay teachers. At the time he was found to breach even the loopy standards of his party, the Katter Party and he was subsequently dumped. That tells you a lot. He was too hot for Katter.
But it is now 2015 and Mr Gaynor has found his Political, Spiritual Home at last. He will be running for a senate seat for, wait for it, the Australian Liberty Alliance. Let’s spend a few minutes interrogating Mr Gaynor’s beliefs.
We have established he is vehemently anti gay and hence against same sex marriage. Fine, many people are but it probably touches on insanity when someone takes it to the level he does into wanting gays prosecuted. We can be thankful he isn’t advocating beheading them, a favourite pass time in Saudi Arabia.
One of his tweets on same sex marriage back in 2014.

He was relentless in his bullying of transgender Lieutenant Colonel Cate McGregor. A woman who has earned the respect of many, many Australians, including ex Prime Minister Abbott.
He is anti-abortion. Fine, he is a Catholic.
He is anti women in the military. Heaven help us, it is 2015 we got out of the kitchen a long time ago.
His ongoing vilification of Muslims is legendary so he must have been salivating over the opportunity to get in front of the media and beat up the Chaplain badge story. Disavowed ex Army, Muslim hater, want to be politician, the perfect mouthpiece.
If it quacks like a religious far right extremist, it’s a fair bet that is exactly what they are.
Back to the badge. A Defence spokeswoman has denied the motto was being changed because it was associated with the Crusades, when Christian armies fought Muslims in the Holy Land during the Middle Ages. Seriously, you would have to have a very colourful imagination to even think that was the reason.
“The motto of the Australian Army Chaplains is being changed to better reflect the diversity of religion throughout the Australian Army,” she said. To me, that makes sense.
“The new wording on the Australian Army Chaplaincy badge is under consideration and no decision has been made at this time.” End of. So why didn’t the Telegraph phrase their headline to reflect that, instead of the inflammatory mischief making headline they opted for.
I don’t particularly like the wording of, “In this sign we conquer”with a stylised cross in the middle, either. Chaplains do not go into battle. They are there to provide support and guidance to those who do. I simply don’t think the wording represents that, so if they can come up with something better, which is more inclusive great in my book.
As for the Telegraph. Shame on you for stirring up division and hatred and particularly shame on you for doing it at time when volatility within the community is high.