If ever we had reason to demand the removal of the senate from our parliamentary system we have it in spades over the last week. That said, there are some very good people in the senate, but sadly the latest bunch of independents ruins what could and should be a sensible review unit.
It’s obvious this bunch of highly paid free loaders don’t have enough to occupy their time. They are not majority elected representatives. They are merely there as a result of back room deals and fortuitous voting card placement.
We have a senate inquiry into Government cuts to the Arts currently underway. This is chaired by no less than the doyen of the arts, Senator Lazarus. He, along with Nova Peris, another well known connoisseur of the arts are flitting around Australia conducting an inquiry to the arts funding cuts. What this lot know about the arts completely escapes and if this is the best use of highly paid senators time I’m yet to see. Value? I don’t think so. Joke? Most certainly.
We have common sense (tongue in cheek) luminary David Leyonhjelm and his equally well respected (hic) sidekick Sam Dastyari conducting an inquiry into the Nanny State. Mr Leyonhjelm has spent the best part of the day attacking the police and sympathising with the feral grubs who cause trouble at Western Sydney Wanderers games. It’s a sad day when a politician attacks police who are trying to protect football supporters who love their team and simply wants to watch the game free from the ‘grubs’ who light flares, uses foul language in front of children and ruin the day for the majority. Mr Leyonhjelm has taken to Twitter today and an example of his tweets follows. What a fantastic role model he is; not and this proves what I am saying.

Charming coming from a servant of the people.
Then we had the Senate joke, Ms Lambie. What more can I say.

Ms Lambie is sounding like a fully paid up a member of the CFMEU by the day.
I object to my hard earned taxes being spent on keeping people like this in a job. Worse still they decide on the laws that apply to the rest of us. Remember Lazarus, Lambie and Dastyari all voted down the very laws that would see Union officials jailed for the types of dishonest bordering on criminal behaviour that is surfacing at #TURC. Now we have Leyonhjelm attacking people trying to protect football fans from hooligans. If the senate can’t attract better than this lot and spend their time on more worthwhile enquires then it’s time to pull the plug and get rid of the senate.