Sunday, 9 October 2016

It's A Question Of My Self-Respect

I have voted conservative for most of my life. There was a period in my earlier voting life where I did ire and vote Labor. But hey, most of us went through a ‘young and naïve’ idealistic phase. 

I support the conservative side for several reasons. Foremost I support self-sufficiency. We give people a hand-up when they need it. But, handouts should never be a way of life and that includes pensions. Far too many people view the pension as their saving plan. Sorry. Going of topic.

Conservatives have traditionally been driven by a set of values where we strive not be a burden on society. We uphold family values and our Christian ethic has been strong. We show respect for the opinions of others and we value free speech. My challenge is, I’m not convinced a lot of conservatives live by those values and principles anymore and hence I am in a quandary. 

What’s sheeted this home are comments from conservatives about Donald Trump and his grossly deeming comments about women. I should add Trump’s deeming attitude also includes his lack of respect for his own daughter. Seriously, what father allows a shock jock to make unsavoury comments about his daughter and he says it’s OK!!! 

Many people state they are supporting Trump because Bill Clinton did worse things and Hilary supported him. They claim what Trump said is just words. Well that's OK then (not). I wonder how Nancy O’Dell and her family feel about those ‘just words’? I suspect they are angry. I haven’t heard any conservatives standing up for her. Whilst Trump apologised I didn’t hear a direct apology to Nancy O’Dell. She is the first person he should have said sorry to. 

Trump was eloquent in his TelePrompTer apology. He obviously had a gun to his head. His expression and tone was that of a man who didn’t believe what he said. He is a man who boasts when you are a star you can do anything. That includes groping women. He is a man who boasted that even if he shot someone people would still vote for him. In his mind  regardless of how appallingly he behaves people will still support him. So why would he be sorry? 

If Trump has any decency he would withdraw from the Presidential race. He won’t because his ego is so big it wouldn’t let him. He thinks he can do what he likes, say what he likes and like a bunch of lemmings people will follow him. There is no way I could ever support anyone who belittles women as he does. I have too much respect for myself to do that. As for the claim his Nancy O’Dell comments were a private conversation 10 years ago. Big deal. His comments on radio to Howard Stern (over many years) were not private comments. Trump has form. 

This man isn’t applying for a Pub Managers job. He wants to be President of the United States. The most powerful job in the world!!! The would be leader who thinks so little of women doesn't deserve the job, He claims, he made comments a long time ago. It was 10-years. He was 60 years old not 18. Now, he claims he will be a better man. At 70? If he wasn’t a better man at 60 I frankly don't believe he will be a better man at 70. Leopard theory at play here. 

So, back to my quandary. As a conservative I’ve always felt comfortable with the values of conservatives. But, as so many appear to have deserted those values in supporting Trump. I’m not sure where I fit anymore. 

I suspect I’m not the only one who feels like they are in no man's land. But one thing I am clear about is this. I have too much respect for myself and other women to ever condone what Trump said regardless of the Clinton’s behaviour. No man ever became great demeaning women and making them look small. No woman worth their salt would ever standby and say nothing when he did.