The Newspoll is out today and the knockers are in full flight. I've commented many times, it's rather funny to watch people diss the polls. That is until the results suit their agenda. Hence, the Turnbull assault squad are having a jolly old time this morning.
This really stuns me. After suffering the chaos that resulted from tearing down a succession of prime minister's there are people who are openly championing doing it again! It's alarming. We either enjoy the chaos or we are exceptionally slow learners. There appears to be little consideration of the real impact of political overthrows.
Even more alarming if the polls are right is the support for Labor. Despite the fact Malcolm Turnbull is the preferred PM, Bill Shorten leads Labor. Bill Shorten's sole mission is to destroy Malcolm Turnbull. Hence, Labor's sole mission is to destroy the government. Forget about running the country, getting debt under control and passing necessary legislation to make that happen. In essence being an effective opposition. Destroying the government isn’t being effective, it's being a vandal. All Shorten is focusing on is wedging Turnbull on SSM. I'm gobsmacked people prefer as their government a bunch that behaves like this.
Labor lied about Medicare during the election. They scared the pants off vulnerable people. Now they are insulting the public with their vile accusations about the SSM plebiscite. This is despite the fact that Bill Shorten supported a plebiscite only a few years back. So what is he saying? We've all turned into a bunch of homophobes who can't be trusted to behave responsibly in a couple of years? It seems he is. Yet, the public prefers a government that thinks so lowly of them? Yes, I am gobsmacked people would prefer a government with no integrity and no respect for us.
Whether you approve of Turnbull and how became PM or not, he is. In addition, he won an election as PM albeit by a slim margin. It was always going to be slim but, a win is a win. He therefore (much as it might be galling) has a legitimate claim to the position.
So as I see it we have three choices. One. We join the call for Turnbull's removal and go through even more upheaval and time wasting. Meanwhile, important initiatives stall or aren't implemented. Labor gains more ammunition provided by the LNP. Under those circumstances, how long would another leader last I wonder? As for the call to bring Abbott back. Look at his polls. Unless of course you believe those polls were wrong for 30 cycles and now they right.
Two: We desert the party and give Bill Shorten and Labor a free pass to continue destabilising and politicking unabated. Three more years of soap operas. Stuff the country.
Three: We think about what is best for the country. I consider that to be a stable government delivering on what the majority voted for (with sensible modifications where warranted). In other words we let the government do their job and if we don't like it, we vote them out next election. We just can't keep turfing leaders out. Politics isn't a popularity contest, it's about governing.
There is another question I have. If Turnbull is still the preferred PM over Shorten. But the LNP is down in general. That tells me that whilst there is a negative Turnbull impact it's the party per se that needs to brush up. Time for a bit of inwards soul searching chaps. The behaviour of some members of the LNP is less than satisfactory and it does contribute to the poll result. The same as it did in the Abbott era.
There are even people who believe Pauline Hanson is the solution. Surely, we have more sense than that. But, the divide and conquer plays to her hand. Of that there is little doubt. She attracts the protest vote, but remember protesters are rarely effective competent leaders. They are good at protesting. There is a big difference.
As for us voters. Perhaps it's time for us to grow-up and stop acting like a bunch of petulant kids.