It seems politicians of the male species don’t particularly like being challenged on social media. Anyone who follows me knows I’m not abusive. I don’t use bad language. The worst that could be said, is at times I’m sarcastic. In my defence I will quote Oscar Wilde who said, “Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, but the highest form of intelligence.” I will however and do hold politicians to account when warranted. Likewise, regardless of political bent, if they do a good job, I have no hesitation acknowledging that.
So I’m somewhat miffed when politicians, who are after all the servants of the people, our employees block me. Queensland politicians of the male species being the worst offenders. Although NSW males pollies are a bit trigger-happy as well. I’ve been blocked by the likes of Clive Palmer, Glen Lazarus (that was no real loss and I was particularly hard on them). Tony Burke has given me the ‘red dot’ as has Richard Marles. As an LNP supporter I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. But as both of the men (I won’t label them gentlemen because they aren’t) are there to serve voters, blocking us is cowardly, disrespectful behaviour in my opinion.
This one I’m particularly pee’d off over. I discovered today I’ve been blocked by George Christensen. Granted, I have been somewhat critical of Christensen over recent weeks. His constant grandstanding, threats of crossing the floor and general ‘look at me’ has drawn criticism from many quarters. Not just from me. It appears Mr Christensen can dish it out, but he suffers from a VERY thin skin when it comes to criticism from voters. If I was abusive I would say fair enough, block me. The worst thing I have said to him is, it's about time he stopped the big ego over plumped up peacock act. Personally, I thought that was a pretty good description.
One if the things I have noticed is, women politicians appear to be more resilient when it comes criticism. I can’t recall being blocked by one female politician. Perhaps women are tougher, not so thin skinned. Perhaps they are interested in hearing what voters have to say about them; good or bad. As they say, there is no such thing as bad feedback.
One of our female politicians in particular has copped a lot from me. That is Senator Jacqui Lambie. Prior to the election l was somewhat surprised to discover Ms Lambie was following me on Twitter. I followed her back. Why? Because whilst we will never share the same political beliefs, I respect her. She hasn’t taken the cowards way out and blocked someone like me who has criticised, her many times. That says a lot more about Ms Lambie and her values, respect for voters and commitment than it does the likes of Christensen, Marles, Burke and their ilk.
As an LNP supporter and Liberal member it would serve George Christensen well to listen to centre right Liberals like me. For many of us, party loyalty is extremely fragile. The thread is frayed. I like many others are fed up with the grandstanding, the big noting and constant threats to destabilise. It's people like Mr Christensen who are driving the wedge ever deeper.