Thursday, 31 March 2016

The Way I See It

Graham Greene was right and as part of my therapy I have the urge to drop a reality bomb. So take a seat, what I’m going to say will cheese many of you off. 

We don't need to take the leadership of the Liberal Party back. No one stole it. A decision was made by those who pick the leader (Members of Parliament) based on certain facts to change the leadership. We don’t vote for a President, we vote for a party who appoints the leader. It happened in September 2015. Get over it.

If Turnbull was treacherous in removing Abbott then the same applies to Abbott removing Turnbull in 2009. At least Abbott received a warning and was given seven months to fix the issues that led to the warning. Enough of the double-standards.

Abbott is telling all and sundry that Turnbull’s government has retained his policies. True they have retained many of them. We would expect nothing less. But, the most important question Abbott refuses to ask himself is, why did his party get rid of him if it wasn’t about his policies? There had to be a solid reason for a parliamentary team to resort to the trouble and embarrassment of removing him. Unless of course you are willing to admit to voting for weak-kneed idiots as your Liberal representatives. If you did, that's your problem. Who in their right mind risks the ridicule, the vicious attacks from the DelCons? Or, the accusations of being just like Labor with its Gillard/Rudd shenanigans for no reason.

If Abbott was such a hero why didn’t the electorate trust him with their vote at the last election. Sure, he gained an overwhelming majority in the House of Reps but where it matters in the senate he failed big time. His senate performance was very poor. Don’t believe me? “Senate percentages for the winning prime minister's party, excluding Whitlam since there was no Senate election in 1972. The percentages are: Fraser 51.7, Menzies 50.4, Hawke 45.5, Howard 44, Rudd 40.3 and Abbott 37." 

Don’t come the Turnbull treachery and lack of principles attack and then turn a blind eye to the things Abbott has done. For example. His all out assault on Pauline Hanson. Calling a dying man who was fighting for the rights of others a fraud. Leading a revolt in 2009 to out the leader. Lying to the electorate and breaking promises. 

Tony Abbott promised not to destabilise or white ant. The sweat wasn’t dry on the bible before he started the me, me, me. Then he started undermining and big noting (his recent selfie storm fest of pics from his Quasi PM tour were cringe worthy big noting). You got rolled Tony because you failed. Get Over It and act like a grown-up and not someone who had their lollies stolen. 

The same applies to the likes of Abetz and Andrews. If you can’t support the party then resign go set up you own party and stop acting like the Conservative Taliban blowing up ours. 

Even if you are angry, sad, or pissed off because of what happened to Tony Abbott that doesn’t give you the right to attack others who don’t share your opinions. Some of us were relieved to see him go. PS: That doesn’t automatically make us Turnbull lovers. 

This is not about who I support. I don’t support Abbott or Turnbull. Neither of them can hold a candle to some previous leaders. I support the party not the leader. 

Supporting a different political perspective or party to you doesn’t make someone scum or filth. That's reserved for pedophiles, murderers and animal abusers.

Cheering for a hung parliament with the senate controlled by the micro ALA party is mind numbingly stupid. Haven’t you learnt the lesson from the last three and a bit years of political senate chaos? Wake up.

Not all Muslims are lying in wait until they receive a call to rise up and kill you. They're as scared as you are of terrorists and religious fanatics. 

While I’m at it, not all female Muslims are forced to wear religious clothing. Surprise, surprise many Muslim women in the west are more than well equipped to decide for themselves what they wear.

Not all immigrants are dole bludgers. Those who are, aren’t just from one ethnic group or religion either. 

Unless you can trace your family linage back to someone who roamed the great open plains boomeranging kangaroos you are a descendent of an immigrant. Please stop saying that immigrants are ruining our country. Many have made significant contributions Australia.

Being concerned about the environment and supporting some forms of renewable energy doesn’t make me a left-wing nut job. 

So, stop labelling people. The fact is you only do it so you can vilify and attack people based your prejudices toward opposing views and lack of respect for others. 

Speaking of facts. There is a huge difference between facts, opinions, and propaganda. Might help if some people understood the difference. 

Our mainstream media have an agenda and are not "fair, balanced or unbiased.” That’s not to say all journalists are like that. So read lots of opinions and sources and form your own views based on as many facts as your can brain can tolerate. If you only read Bolt and listen to Alan Jones you are not getting a balanced opinions. There is more to the story than the headline. 

Likewise, quoting an unnamed source doesn’t always mean what is said is a lie. Sometimes it just isn’t possible or wise to name a source. 

I don’t give a flying fig who you vote for. But, I do care about the welfare of our country. I am concerned about the attempts of some sections of the electorate to sabotage the election based on their hatred of one man. They say vengeance is sweet but not when the rest of us pay for it, it isn’t.