Saturday, 5 March 2016

Our Anything Goes Society - We Reap What We Sow

The headline reads; "Online porn turns school-aged kids into sexual predators"...It’s a sobering read. (Source: The Australian March 5, 2016. Natasha Bita)  

The anything goes society was bound to blow up in our faces at some point. It wasn’t as though people weren’t warned about the likely outcomes of gratuitous violence and pornography being available to anyone who wants to access it. That now includes kids and teenagers. What a brilliant idea!!!! What did society expect would happen!!! 

The tax-funded website Minus 18, even included an article on covering your tracks!!! This article gave detailed instructions on erasing Internet search engines. I was 'gobsmacked' when I read that. Whilst Minus 18 provides sex information for gay teens do people seriously think information isn’t shared? Taxpayers funded resources used to teach teenagers how to be deceitful. How brain numbingly stupid is that. 

“Studies show that young men repeatedly exposed to pornography are more likely to objectify women, and young women who view pornography are more likely to self-objectify and tolerate sexual harassment from men.” You can imagine the future if increasing numbers of kids as young as six are gaining access to pornographic material. 

What we are witnessing today is just another example of caving into the agendas of some sections of the community to long term detriment of all. Political correct decisions based on the rights of minorities that result in the rights of others being violated. Adults preying on kids, kids preying on kids. Girls seeking treatment for violent sexual injuries. We should be keeping our kids safe not giving them access to material that motivates them and teaches them how to become abusers. 

We do indeed reap what we sow and we just keep making the same mistakes over and over again. It's depressing.