Saturday, 21 May 2016

Jones and Turnbull Peace Deal. Why?

Daily Telegraph a lead story. Jones and Turnbull’s Peace Deal 

That any politician regardless of what side, has to cosy up to a trumped up peacock like Jones infuriates me. The fact their possible meeting is newsworthy is beyond belief. Plus, we’ve heard it all before. Why should any politician require Jones blessing? Why do we allow people like Jones and other shock-jocks to determine who is worthy of being elected and who is not? 

I was a long time Jones listener. I turned off some years ago because I could no longer take his two-faced sycophantic ravings. Jones, like Bolt plays to an audience. He does it not because he always believes in what he is saying. He does it to gain an audience, increase his ratings and hence his paycheque. 

I have been on the receiving end of Jones attacks more than once. I was a climate skeptic when Jones was a climate change advocate.  I took issue with Jones pushing the climate myth down our throats.  It was obvious it was a money making scam. Given my job at the time I saw it firsthand. I believed I was in a position to speak from a basis of fact. He disagreed. Yes, he has changed his position now because the mood changed. But it doesn’t absolve him of the vicious attacks on people who disagreed with him. 

Who could forget his denigration of people who had the temerity to take off public holidays? Remember those episodes?  At the time Jones had to work public holidays. So it was the perfect excuse to climb onto his soapbox and attack those who didn’t.  Jones circumstances changed and he hasn't worked a public holiday for years and never a word has been uttered since. 

Then we suffered his endless railing against the development at Circular Quay. Jones went on and on about the harbour foreshore being stolen from the people. His accusations of impropriety against the developer and those who approved the development were a daily occurrence. We found out sometime later (when the attacks had stopped) Jones owned an apartment and lived there. What a hypocrite.

Jones was a long-time champion of Julia Gillard. In fact, he even convinced me (cut my wrist and my blood runs blue) she was OK. Then he turned on her in the most vicious way. Was she a good PM? No. Did she deserve to go. Yes. Did she deserve the vicious attack by Jones in claiming her then recently departed father died of shame? No, no, no!!! No person with a modicum of decency would think that let alone say it. How cruel. How contemptible. Any respect (which wasn’t much) I had for him flew out the window at that point. He lost me as a listener. 

What genuine Liberal supporter would forgive Jones full on assault against the Queensland Liberal Party? Jones even returned from holiday to (his words) sink them. Jones summarily dismissed what the Libs had inherited, their record or the impact of electing another Labor government. It was a personal vendetta, stuff everyone else. That speaks volumes about the man. 

Jones cares only for himself and his mates. He's never gotten over being overlooked for Liberal pre-selection. He's an A class hypocrite who wields far too much power. Jones sees himself as the King maker, the ego of the man is unbelievable. 

I laugh when I read comments about him ‘standing up for us’. He doesn’t. He stands for himself and his mates. He will stand up for you as long as you fawn over him and stroke his ego. Or, as long as there's something in it for him. The moment you stop or there is no benefit for him, Jones drops people. Listeners are no different. Try disagreeing with him. 

Jones found his niche and as a result he has become very wealthy. But he isn’t your friend and I would be much happier if Malcolm Turnbull had continued to boycott him. But I understand why he possibly won’t, I hope he doesn’t live to regret it as so many others have.