Am I the only one who struggles with the conflict of the Australia I know and the one we hear about and read about daily?
The Australia I know is full of opportunity. People are respected (not to say you can't joke about something like ethnicity, religion, colour of your hair or skin). Where we cherish and acknowledge the difference, albeit we may not always agree. Where all violence and abuse is condemned. Where people think it's wrong to sponge on others. Where we accept responsibility for who we are and what we do. Where a 'fair go' is core. Where success and self-sufficiency is praised and encouraged. Where we 'pull our weight' and where we step up and help those genuinely indeed.
The Australia we hear more and more about is full of violence and hate. Where stories of the arrests of child abusers are a daily occurrence. Where people who defend morals are attacked. Where people who choose to dress modestly are abused and accused of victimhood when they raise it. Where difference marks you as a target, just because you are different, despite how you live your life. Where the numbers of deaths and of violence in the home are staggering. Where depends on the contributions of others are viewed as an automatic right and success is envied and attacked. Where walking the streets exposes you to dangers. Where we turn a 'blind eye' to violence unless it fits a certain profile. This is the Australia that we hear about day after day and it dominates on social media and in our published media.
I would like to hear and see more of the former and less of the latter. How about you?