Wednesday, 6 August 2014

The Silence of Our Muslim Leaders in Australia Isn't Acceptable

Our Muslim neighbours in Asia; Indonesia, India, Malaysia to name but three have been very vocal in their condemnation of extremism and terrorists organisation. They have been joined by the OIC. There have been half a dozen releases in the last week alone. All of which I've posted on here. They recognise the dangers and are rightly concerned about it. Their countries have suffered the impact on their own shores. We on the other hand, thank God have not. 

This is the bit I need to ask forgiveness for saying. Perhaps that's the problem. Perhaps that's why Muslim leaders here are silent. It's all too easy to be remote from the violent happenings elsewhere. Whilst there is no doubt that young people are being radicalised here (apart from the few that have travelled overseas to join terrorists groups) it's just talk; thus far. Like the far, far, rightwing nutters that sprout their hate on social media so do the Muslim Youth. Whilst I'm sure much is said behind closed doors in the Muslim community it is frankly not good enough that Muslim leaders here remain silent. Perhaps they would wake-up and mobilise if something did happen here. Perhaps only then will they realise as our northern neighbours do the real dangers we face. Let's pray it doesn't come to that and that they act soon. Their silence is no longer acceptable.